Aren’t we all?
My grandma used to say, “You’re so full of s**t your eyes are brown.” My eyes are green, but it still tracks.
Coach. Guide. Everyday Mystic. Coaching services for individuals and small groups.
Operating as usual
Aren’t we all?
My grandma used to say, “You’re so full of s**t your eyes are brown.” My eyes are green, but it still tracks.
“Be yourself.” What does that mean? Seems confusing.
“Be your best self.” Well, for who? Best for what? Sounds hard.
But, if I told you “be your FAVORITE self,” you know who that is.
It’s the most you, and you know exactly how to do it.
So when it comes to advice on how to be in the world, or who, this is mine.
Be your favorite self.
Hey, SB locals! Join me for “Grow With The Flow,” a fun collab with the and the one and only .
We gather May 21, the week of the full flower moon. Our theme is, you guessed it…flowers!
Come for the yoga, stay for the chat. These little joy bringers have a few secrets to share.
Link in bio for more info 🌱🌷
“I’m not creative” might be one of the biggest lies of my life.
We are all making art.
p.s. I think I want to start talking about creativity a lot more. Especially for the “not creative” types.
Nature is always offering clues on how to be alive.
Today is the first day of Spring, but it’s not like the starting gun just went off and now every living thing is in a race to grow.
What I see is something more like the invitation to grow was just extended. The offer to start something new. And I don’t think it matters how quickly that happens, but if any living thing says yes to life, they say yes to this part of the cycle when the timing is right.
So, if today was an invitation for something to begin in YOU, for new growth; how would you respond?
The timing belongs to you. The moment you say yes IS the right time. When you do, it’s a yes to you and a yes to life.
Thanks, Spring.
No caption 🩷
(But, the more I think about this, the more true it feels. Does it feel true for you?)
A lot of people will tell you to “Be Yourself.” But, what the f*uck does that even mean?
What if you don’t know who that is, or if you don’t know how?
What if you do, but some of those things don’t look good on paper?
I am much more interested in the becoming. YOU are always shifting and changing, and that is NOT a process to endure. It is one to EXPLORE.
This is not for the weak. This is soul work, and it plays by much different rules than the ones designed to keep you living in status quo. No one knows how to be you, but YOU. It’s that simple (and that complicated).
Messy things; like trusting yourself, telling the truth, relaxing, giving it a try, making mistakes, changing your mind, and letting go are the very things that deliver us back to ourselves.
The mess, is the way in.
Magic, is the reward.
“Hey, Sarah. What does that mean, magic?” Well, I know what it means for me. I don’t know what it means for you, but I am here to inspire you to find it.
Life wants us to participate. That starts with getting a little messy.
✨ Who’s with me? ✨
F**k it, I’m a flower. A wild one.
The most difficult times in my life to navigate were always when I tried to do it any other way.
And, I really did try.
I’m not saying that being yourself doesn’t come with unique challenges. It’s kinda part of the deal. (I can help with that!)
But, even the challenges have a way of pointing you back toward your gifts.
What would it be like to really lean in to who you are instead of just managing it? What if you said, “F**k it, I’m a _______,” and let yourself BE it?
The first thing you might feel, is freedom.
Being human IS my brand. Being me, well, that is my new specialty.
The only thing I’m selling here is the importance of self-inquiry, AND that the messy and magical process of becoming yourself is worth the effort.
So who am I?
• I am an everyday mystic.
• A soul-oriented life coach.
• A truth-telling, foul-mouthed, uncaged creative.
• A flawed (but fascinating!) free-spirit.
• A recovering know-it-all, learning to listen.
• A mistake-maker and time-taker that believes your life is your art.
• A-ha moment enthusiast.💡
Is that all? Of course not. Trying to define myself has never done me any good.
This page is for smart people who occasionally do dumb things. For seekers who keep getting in their own way. If that’s you, stick around.
Sarah. That’s my name, don’t wear it out.
Your mind is not the boss of you.
It’s ok to say that you have changed, that you see things differently, that you are growing into something new.
This time of year is weird.
So many of us try to force ourselves into following made up rules in order to “improve,” but then what? Are we then happier, more aligned, more magical people? Rarely.
I would like to offer this; if we feel compelled to improve something, why can’t it be to improve our capacity for joy? For wonder? For delight?
It’s more of those things that actually moves the needle on making us feel like life is on our side. Like we can take risks that are meaningful. Like being ourselves is an adventure and not an act of endurance or problem-solving.
2024 is not the year to “fix” yourself. It’s the year to take responsibility for finding (and doing) what makes you feel like YOU.
The rest will fall into place.
It’s 1997, college Spring Break in Cancun. People are shouting “skin to win!” at a wet t-shirt contest. I won’t go on with the particulars, but what I will say is that showing people your t*ts is easy. Showing your SELF is much harder.
We are all so hell bent on hiding our humanity from each other that to show our true selves is what feels indecent. We only feel allowed to present the sides that are “acceptable.” To reveal what you are actually experiencing feels like emotionally pooping your pants, and everyone can smell it.
We all fart, pick our nose, get it wrong, want the last word, say something stupid, feel ashamed, cry, judge someone harshly, get scared, need permission, feel ugly, or miss the way it used to be.
Sometimes we feel inadequate, don’t know what the hell we are doing or what to do next, or can’t loosen our grip. We don’t always believe in ourselves. Here’s a curveball; we even get nervous to say we are PROUD of ourselves.
What is so interesting to me is that these things, for better or for worse, are just as much a part of our experience here as all the things we find decent, or acceptable to show. Things might be a hell of a lot easier for all of us if we could admit that more readily to each other.
So, when people have the courage to talk about things they feel like they should hide, I try not to look away. It’s a lesson in how to feel free to be human, and to truly be in the skin you are in.
THAT is putting your skin in the game.
Can anyone else relate?
Sometimes I look back on the things I thought I wanted, how miserable it made me when they didn’t happen, only to see later life was doing me a favor.
Helping you figure out your values is the foundation of the work that I do.
Once they are clear, you can use them to inform basically all of your decisions. And, if you notice something or someone feels off, or if you kinda feel like sh*t lately, chances are high that one or more of your core values isn’t being expressed.
There is what you think you “should” value, and what you actually value, and sometimes those things are different. That’s where a lot of us get stuck.
Do values change? Sure. But, I would say your top 2 or 3 don’t.
Most of my clients say this was the most useful thing they learned working with me. Cuz, once you know, you can’t unknow.
Here are my top 5, and a little humor thrown in for good measure…
Do you know yours? Let me know if you need help! This is a puzzle I love to solve.
Thank, God.
Happy New Year to all who celebrate! 💀🔥🤘🏼
That’s the whole story.
So many of us think we are behind. That we should have achieved that thing “by now.”
As the most impatient person you know, I have struggled with this feeling for most of my life.
But, in more recent years I started to interrogate whether the timeline in my head was the truth.
Because everything important that has ever happened to me was on the way somewhere, in the middle, or not there yet. Everything that showed me myself, or taught me to course correct was never found in a final destination.
If you are feeling behind or like you are moving too slow, ask yourself what might be happening on the way there that’s even more important. 🐌
Everything happens when it’s time. The Sarah Era for me is a celebration of that.
You can’t force your own becoming. You can’t force lessons. You can’t force putting stuff down until you’re ready. It just HAPPENS.
You get to relax.
I understand what I bring to the table now.
The thing is, no one knows the Sarah song but me. My only job is to sing it.
If we apologized every time we were just being human, “sorry” would be the only word we would ever learn.
I’ve been a little quiet here, for good reason!
Do you ever feel like you’re in the middle of a life lesson, but you don’t totally know what the lesson is? That the “what’s next” isn’t obvious or clear?
That’s where I am lately, and if I’ve learned anything it’s that the answers will come when I don’t force them. When I let go of a timeline and just start listening to myself. When I slow the f*ck down.
Becoming more and more aligned means letting go of some old ideas and man, my grip is tight.
It’s not comfortable, and I am not a patient person. But, this is a time for trust.
So, while I might be doing it “wrong” for Instagram, I’m doing it right for life. I know which one I answer to.
Talk soon!
Sarah 🥂
An auspicious day today, with the rare Super Blue Moon 🌕
Out of the ordinary days call for out of the ordinary choices.
Don’t get me wrong, I think we should be able to choose any or all of these things, at any time. But, for some reason we don’t always operate that way (I know I don’t).
Any of these options sound good to you? What else?
I got a BIG transmission from seeing the “punk poet laureate” Patti Smith perform live earlier this week.
The last thing she said *to me* before walking off stage was, “use your voice.”
Well Patti, I think I finally understand the assignment.
Looking forward to sharing more about what I felt, what I learned, and what it really means to be punk.
A little teaser in next week’s newsletter.
Link in bio for the rebels at heart 🖤
Leo season is approaching; what can we learn about bravery? If you ever found yourself wishing for a little more courage, this one is for you 🦁
Tag your besties and bring ‘em with you.
Yeah, I said it. Keeping it simple today.
http://www.lynnkjones.com/ Dr. Lynn K. Jones, a Certified Personal and Executive Coach and USC Pro
Victoria Allen is a transformational therapist ~ mentor of minds, tender of dreams, yin yogi
I am a life coach and author. I help people to heal and to reclaim their authentic selves through various modalities.
if you want to change you life you need to accept in I WILL DO IT WHAT EVER IT TAKES
Cert. Hypnotherapist I Mindset + Manifestation Coach
You are infinite possibility! What do you want to create? Cultivating clarity, change and impact.
Helping South Asian Women have a powerful, fluid identity, so that they journey through life with - Unshakeable Confidence, High Performance and Inspired Leadership. Welcome to Fifth Set!
Leigh Merrihew -Professional coach & therapist assisting you in growing through major life changes
This is my gift, you are not alone in the journey to clear the pathway between your heart and head.
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