Once EOP Always EOP! We would love to stay connected with our EOP Alumni. Filling out this form will help us keep in contact with you for future networking and community building opportunities as well as for ways to give back to EOP. Please fill out this form to your best ability to help us increase Alumni involvement with our SDSU EOP family: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6swmeOaEHf4_klzUV9i6R-mhfk_2-6G-Uy03utmPhoGN5oQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
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In 2013- EOP Creates the Harambee Scholars Mentoring program for African-American freshmen students. Come learn more about the history of EOP and reconnect with past and current staff, students, and alumni at our 50th Anniversary celebration. For more info go to SDSU.EOP.EDU
2007. The SDSU Guardian Scholars (GS) program is started by Dr. James Kitchen, vice president of student affairs, along with the EOP Director Reggie Blaylock, with Josephine Mojica as first director of the program. The program supports former foster youth, wards of the court, unaccompanied homeless youth, and students under legal guardianship throughout their educational journey at SDSU.
Come learn more about the history of EOP and reconnect with past and current staff, students, and alumni at our 50th Anniversary celebration. For more info go to SDSU.EOP.EDU
In 2004 ESAB, the EOP Student Advisory Board, with Charlotte Moore and Millie Robinson as the first advisors, became a recognized SDSU student organization.Come learn more about the history of EOP and reconnect with past and current staff, students, and alumni at our 50th Anniversary celebration. For more info go to SDSU.EOP.EDU
In 1998 Rosalia Salinas an SDSU Alumna, Chicano Studies teacher, Language Coordinator at the County Office of Education, and former president of CABE (California Association for Bilingual Education) fought adamantly against proposition 227, partnering with EOP Director Gus Chavez and former City Council member and Chairman of the Board of the Chicano Federation Jess Haro, who provided support as they risked their state and county positions. Proposition 227 was passed in June of 1998 eliminating bilingual education in public schools. As a result of prop 227, a group called Californians Together was formed, Rosalia co-chaired the committee. In 2016 the committee’s word paid off when Prop 58, The California Non-English Languages Allowed in Public Education Act, passed.
Come learn more about the history and conditions that lead up to the creation of EOP as well as why our services are still relevant to this day at our 50th anniversary event.
To purchase tickets go to SDSU.EOP.EDU
In 1996 proposition 209 was passed in California. This proposition banned affirmative action. In 2020 Assembly Member Dr. Shirley Weber, who is now Secretary of state, introduced proposition 16 to bring back affirmative-action, arguing that educational disparities still exist and need to be remedied. It did not pass. Come learn more about why our EOP services are still relevant to this day and hear from the experiences of EOP alumni and trailblazers as well as current staff and students, at our 50th anniversary event. To purchase tickets go to SDSU.EOP.EDU
In 2017 EOP officially opened the Undocumented Resource Area (URA), providing a safe and welcoming space for undocumented students, staff, and faculty at SDSU. In 2020 the Undocumented Resource Area expanded to a center. The URC is led by Cynthia Torres and collaborates with campus partners to provide students with academic support, career advising, and referrals to off-campus community service providers to help improve student retention and progress towards graduation.
Come learn more about the history and contributions of EOP and reconnect with past and current staff, students, and alumni at our 50th Anniversary celebration. For more info go to SDSU.EOP.EDU
We are collecting photos, videos, and memorabilia to actively display on our SDSU EOP 50th website. If you have moments you would like to share with the EOP family, please use the link below to upload this information.
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Create a new survey on your own or with others at the same time. Choose from a variety of survey types and analyze results in Google Forms. Free from Google.
In 1988, under the direction of EOP Director Gus Chavez, EOP began the Transfer Bridge Program. This was first coordinated by EOP Counselor Paul Delys. The commuter program started with 40 students and ran for four weeks. Students took an introductory Chicano Studies class taught by Rene Nunez and either a math or writing workshop. This picture is from the year 2010. Transfer Bridge is still active today. Last year was the first time we held a virtual program.
To learn more about EOP’s history and connect with past and current EOP community members attend our 50th Anniversary Celebration! Purchase your tickets at EOP.SDSU.EDU
Did you participate in Transfer Bridge? If so, what was your favorite memory?
This image is from 1994 when students were protesting against proposition 187, which was an anti-immigrant ballot initiative denying undocumented immigrants from using non-emergency healthcare, public education, and other services in California. Prop. 187 passed on November 15, 1994. Come learn more about what it was like to be an EOP student from former alumni, community members and staff at our 50th anniversary event. To purchase tickets go to SDSU.EOP.EDU
In 1984 EOP pioneered the Summer Bridge Program for its incoming freshmen, a program later called BEST (Building Educational Skills and Talents), to help students negotiate the difficult transition from highschool to San Diego State University. Our EOP BEST Summer Bridge Program is 36 years old and still active to this day! Were you in Summer Bridge? What was your favorite Summer bridge memory? Comment below
Come celebrate and learn more about EOP’s history at our 50th anniversary celebration. To purchase your tickets go to eop.sdsu.edu
In 1980 EOP developed freshmen seminar classes designed to facilitate the transition from high school to college. Pictured here are EOP Counselor Beth Crawford and her freshmen seminar class of students from the fall 2007 cohort. The first EOP Seminar classes become so successful that the university expands them for more students. Come learn more about the history of EOP and reconnect with past and current staff, students, and alumni at our 50th Anniversary celebration. For more info go to SDSU.EOP.EDU
In 1974, Gus Chavez was appointed director and charged with restructuring and realigning the five EOPs into one unified program. EOP experienced strong growth during his tenure, bringing structure and expansion to the program in regards to both students and resources. Chavez served as director of EOP for 30 years, retiring in 2003. Come celebrate and learn more about EOP’s history at our 50th anniversary celebration. To purchase your tickets go to eop.sdsu.edu
In 1968 - Geraldine Rickman was the first Director of the Educational Opportunity Program of San Diego State University. She was recognized in 1967 for her meritorious service for the advancement of women and minorities with the National Sojourner Truth Award. Come celebrate and learn more about EOP’s history at our 50th anniversary celebration. To purchase your tickets go to eop.sdsu.edu
Mark your calendars! The SDSU EOP 50th Anniversary is being held virtually Friday, March 26th, 2021. Have you purchased your ticket yet?
Purchase tickets/Get more info here: https://sacd.sdsu.edu/eop/programs/50th-anniversary