The ECSA (Engineering & Computer Science Academy) is a strong, growing, and respected Academy within Patrick Henry High School (PHHS). Students accepted into the program can expect to benefit from a challenging range of classes, to include an AP level Engineering-specific curriculum. This program exposes mechanically curious students to a variety of fields within the Engineering umbrella and helps college-bound students to become especially prepared to excel in their area of interest.
Thank you for visiting Patrick Henry High School's (PHHS) Engineering & Computer Science Academy (ECSA) aka Engineering & Design Academy (EDA).
We are breathing new life into our social media presence to keep our community of high school students, prospective middle school students, parents, mentors, volunteers, alumni, and community supporters informed of news, opportunities, achievements, and upcoming events.
Please stay tuned!
EDA Special Advisory Board Meeting
You are invited!
Please join us tomorrow evening, December 9th, at 6:00 pm, room B14,
to help plan the Engineering & Design Academy Expo and Dinner.
This meeting replaces the usual Advisory Board meeting held on the third Tuesday of each month.
Your input and suggestions are appreciated, and important to making this event successful.
Hope to see you there!
Steve Siefert
Advisory Board Chair
(619) 251-8907
Email: [email protected]
Hi EDA Parents!
That “Something GREAT” we promised your Academy student….Well, it’s here!
Beginning tomorrow, all Academy Students will receive a
FREE PHHS Engineering & Design Academy T-Shirt, designed by EDA students!
Your student should be recognized around campus and during Academy related special events,
as part of a team of extraordinary and hardworking individuals who are supported by each other
and a community of teachers, businesses, and volunteers. Your student will wear his/her shirt
on designated days and to specific events, on and off campus.
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It is through the support of parents and families that these T-shirts, as well as classroom supplies, new technology, field trips, and extracurricular activities, are made possible. The Engineering & Design Academy is not financed by the District, rather it is supported by parents and community members who give of their time and money.
In this same spirit, we would like to ask for your support.
Our “Pick One” Campaign outlined below, lists several ways you can
help make our program and your student’s experience richer.
Thank you!
The PHHS EDA Advisory Board members
and Parent Volunteers
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Pick One!
Please support your student and the Academy through one or more of the following:
Direct donation:
Give a check directly to your teacher or donate online at EDA GoFundMe Account
Your tax deductible donation is used directly on program expenses.
Any amount, no matter how small, helps!
Opportunity Drawing
You have the opportunity to win an Apple Watch!
Tickets on sale soon!
Attend the EDA Expo/Spaghetti Dinner:
Mark your calendar for January 20th, 2016.
Enjoy a spaghetti dinner, see student project demos, bid for amazing auction items, and much more...
Donate auction items:
We are looking for auction items: Sports memorabilia, vacation home timeshare, gift cards,
new products/services, etc.. Please contact Michelle Olive: [email protected]
We could use your help (a little or a lot) on activities that support our students
If you prefer to be a “worker bee” instead of a Lead, no problem!
Please contact Sue Thomas: [email protected]
On behalf of our students, thank you!!