rolling out three more projects on Gumroad. Check them out here https://codingleaf.gumroad.com/
Learning Enlightened and Fun by {Coding} with Juni Nguyen
Operating as usual
rolling out three more projects on Gumroad. Check them out here https://codingleaf.gumroad.com/
Juninguyen: I will make a responsive website to make your business robust for $100 on fiverr.com For only $100, Juninguyen will make a responsive website to make your business robust. | Hi,Understanding every successful business comes with a good website, I will help you to build a scalable and responsive website that works well on all | Fiverr
my first template website product on Gumroad with the best SEO and robust performance: https://codingleaf.gumroad.com/l/landingpage-template-1
Hello, my name is Juni Nguyen. I am the creator of the {codingLeaf} page. Welcome to my {codingLeaf} digital garden!
You may ask "Why "? It means "Learning Enlightened and Fun" or "Learning Enjoyable and Fun". I decided to choose this name for my personal page because I like to connect the idea of learning something new with something you are familiar with and get inspired by new ideas. For example, we read a favorite book or watch a favorite movie, when we turn a new page and go to the next chapter, we are always excited. So, let's learn together!
***Sidenote: the below screenshot and gif file are from my personal site: https://www.codingleaf.juninguyen.tech/. This site will be continually developed in the future for more updated information.
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Monday | 9am - 5pm |
Tuesday | 9am - 5pm |
Wednesday | 9am - 5pm |
Thursday | 9am - 5pm |
Friday | 9am - 5pm |