ESPER - EPIC Society of Paranormalists Enthusiasts & Researchers
ESPER Is A One-of-a-Kind Organization Specializing In Psychic Paranormal Research & Investigations We are unlike any typical Paranormal Meetup group! Mato Wahya.
Awaken Your Psychic Abilities And Use Them To Investigate The Paranormal! MEMBERSHIP
Looking for an outgoing, enjoyable group where you can study, investigate, research, network, discuss, and experience all things paranormal with other like-minded people? Then look no further, for you have found what yo
u have been searching for with the EPIC Society of Paranormalists Enthusiasts & Researchers [ESPER]! ESPER has an all-inclusive, open-type membership and encourages everyone with any level of interest or experience with the paranormal to join today! Whether you are new to the field and are interested in encountering strange phenomena, or whether you are an experienced paranormal investigator and would like to further your research – all are welcome! Members of ESPER are encouraged to employ their psychic abilities during their participation in paranormal investigations, supernatural research and other organizational events. In addition, we provide specialized education opportunities that serve to further develop our members’ paranormal abilities and enhance their knowledge of all things supernatural. Our adopted acronym 'ESPER' has a very unique and fitting definition to the purpose of our organization:
Definition - Esper (noun): Espers or ESPers, also known as Psychics, are humans that naturally awaken, possess and can harness psychic powers; an individual capable of telepathy and other similar paranormal abilities; a person with the mental ability of extra-sensory perception and that practices the development of psychic ability. Our collective is committed to being common ground for anyone interested in discovering, using and enhancing their psychic abilities without fear of prejudice or ridicule. We are open to all individuals ranging in experience - from beginners whom have never tried to investigate the paranormal or discover their innate psychic gifts, to the more seasoned paranormal investigator and psychic. Join ESPER today and prepare to experience the paranormal like never before! ABOUT OUR ORGANIZATION
EPIC Society Of Paranormalists Enthusiasts & Researchers [ESPER] is an authentic, one-of-a-kind organization that specializes in providing a vast array of exciting meetups, specialized events and other activities. All group functions are designed for members of varying levels of expertise and involvement with the unexplained. Here is a glimpse of what we do:
• In-Person Investigations: We conduct Paranormal and Psychic Investigations at the following Southern California counties: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura and San Diego. We may also travel to conduct our work outside of these counties or outside of California from time to time. Various types of locations are investigated including: private locations, cemeteries, businesses, theaters, historical sites, filming locations, public/tourist places, ghost towns, etc. Levels of paranormal activity will range from unknown to extremely active at the locations that we explore. Members of ESPER who have little to no experience in paranormal investigations will receive guidance and training from experienced, seasoned professionals in the group. More experienced investigators will be given the freedom to investigate as they wish. All members, however, must adhere to all applicable policies, procedures, protocols and directives issued by the Directors and other Organizational Officers for every paranormal investigation that we conduct. Members that would like to conduct more advanced-level research, paranormal investigations and private case work, while assisting people in need that are asking for help with paranormal issues, will be given the opportunity to enroll in the EPIC Apprenticeship Program provided by ESPER’s parent organization – Enlightened Paranormal Investigators of California [EPIC]. More information about the EPIC Apprenticeship Program will be provided by EPIC’s Directors and Organizational Officers.
• In-Person/Online Education: ESPER provides opportunities to enroll in Classes, Trainings, Workshops, Lectures, Laboratories and other Educational Events that increase one’s knowledge base of everything Paranormal. Educational subjects that are taught include Supernatural, Paranormal, Parapsychological, Spiritual, Psychic, Metaphysical and other fields of study. All Educational Programs are offered by the Paranormal Academy of Supernatural Sciences Anomalistics & Ghostly Exploration® [PASSAGE] and are conducted through the PASSAGE Supernatural University [PSU] Meetup Group. The Main Function of the PSU Meetup Group is to serve as PASSAGE’s Meetup Scheduling and Event Posting, as well as PASSAGE’s Roster and Attendance System. As PASSAGE creates new Meetups and Events, they are scheduled on the PSU Meetup Group for Members to decide whether or not they would like to attend each Meetup/Event posted. Applicable details are posted in each individual Meetup/Event Description. More information about PASSAGE and PASSAGE Supernatural University will be provided by ESPER’s Directors and Organizational Officers.
• In-Person/Online Research: We conduct exploratory and specialized research of Paranormal, Psychic and Historical topics, as well as other subjects. This research improves our paranormal investigations, expands our knowledge and further develops our skills/abilities. It also allows us to explore other aspects of the paranormal and other unexplained phenomenon. Members that are new to paranormal investigations can learn: how to investigate; how to use different investigative tools, devices and other equipment; investigation strategies, techniques and tactics that will yield better results; about the different research resources that are available to supplement and enhance their investigations; how to discover and develop their own psychic abilities; etc. More experienced paranormal investigators can learn: how to improve their investigative skills; how to use new tools, devices and other equipment, and how to improve their skills/abilities when using different gear; new investigation strategies, techniques and tactics that will further improve their results; about additional research resources that are available to supplement and enhance their investigations; how to further develop their own psychic abilities; etc.
• In-Person/Online Paranormal Evidence Sessions: We hold Evidence Review and Examination Sessions to analyze all of the photographs, videos, audio recordings and other types of documentation taken during our investigations. We also discuss our findings, peer-review each other’s evidence and network with other investigators during these sessions.
• In-Person/Online Meetings: We meet together for stimulating discussions, sharing of ideas/theories, exhibitions/presentations of paranormal evidence and other fascinating functions/activities.
• In-Person/Online Entertainment: We gather to attend exciting Public Events, Historical Site Tours, Paranormal Walks and other fun Social Meetups. IMPORTANT NOTICE: ESPER is a private subsidiary of the Enlightened Paranormal Investigators of California [EPIC] and an affiliate of the Paranormal Academy of Supernatural Sciences Anomalistics & Ghostly Exploration® [PASSAGE]. All of these organizations are directed by Jacob Kire and Rev. Mato Wahya, professionals that possess decades of extensive experience, education and knowledge in the paranormal field.
All Members Of The EPIC Society Of Paranormalists Enthusiasts & Researchers [ESPER] Acknowledge, Understand And Agree: To Assume All Risks And Liability Related To Or Resulting From Any Organizational Meetup, Event, Activity And/Or Function; That Neither They Nor Any Third Party Will Hold Any Of The Organization’s Founders, Directors, Organizers, Leadership Members, Event Hosts, Officers, Members, Representatives Or Anyone Else Affiliated With ESPER, Liable For Any Injury, Loss, Damages Or Death To Their Own Person Or Any Members Of Their Family, Friends, Acquaintances, Children, Pets, Or Property, Arising Directly To Or As A Consequence Of An Organizational Meetup, Event, Activity And/Or Function. All Members Of ESPER Further Acknowledge, Understand And Agree: That Their Membership To ESPER Is Voluntary And Is Based On An “At Will” Basis; To Have Read This Disclaimer And That They Will Assume All Risks Involved In Participating In Any Organizational Meetup, Event, Activity And/Or Function That ESPER May Create And/Or Host, As Described Above Or In Any Other Manner. LEGAL DISCLAIMER #2
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‘Strange and Surreal Encounters With The Pale Crawlers’
"Among the many strange encounters in the world of the paranormal, there are often those that serve to be partcuarly baffling. These are the cases that hover out beyond our ability to really classify them or put a name to them. Are they ghosts, mysterious animals, aliens, or what? No answers are clear in such accounts, and they lurk out there in the periphery of the fringe. Among these bizarre accounts are tales from all over of what appear to be some sort of thin, pale beings, often hunched over, crouching, and crawling as if from a nightmare, that have come to be collectively known as "Pale Crawlers," and which are every bit as creepy as you might imagine. Here we will look at a selection of reports of these enigmatic, inscrutable entities…”
Wishing You A Year Of Good Health, Lots Of Wealth And The Kind Of Happiness That Truly Matters. Have A Blessed Day!
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‘Some Of The Weirdest Supposed Alien Artifacts Found On Earth’
"Throughout the history of ufology, the Holy Grail has always been some form of concrete evidence, something we can hold in our hand and verify as being from alien intelligences beyond our world. There have been plenty of stories of crashed UFOs and alien bodies over the years, none of which have come to provide the answers we are looking for. However, are there other forms of evidence of aliens visiting us across the sea of stars? Are there perhaps artifacts or objects they have left behind for whatever reasons? Here we will look at a selection of some of the more far out supposed alien objects ever found, which have mostly fueled more questions than answers…”