Yes, the last day of Spirit Week-PAJAMA DAY!
Investing in the future one child at a time
Operating as usual
Yes, the last day of Spirit Week-PAJAMA DAY!
Ms. Clause came to visit the little ones today. They were so excited. Thank You to Kenisha Tyler for stopping by to visit.
Oh yes! Holiday Sweaters 😊
Spirit Week day # 4 hat day. We also would like to thank Mrs. Tammy from RVA Read and Mr and Mrs. Thomas for coming by to visit.
Making Memories-Holiday Globe
Yes, Yes, Yes “Wacky, Tacky Day!!
Just a few shots of us in class being creative.
Putting her puzzle together
It’s ’Hat Day’-Unicorn, Spider-Man, Bluey, the Grinch, Cowboy and Cowgirl and so much more….. 🤠 Oy My!
Here is an opportunity to bless others and winter clean. Join us for our PopUp Community Yard Sale/Giveaway. If you are interested in selling tables are $25. Text 804-977-0174 to be a part of or purchase a table. Let's Do This!
Always a great way to start the day at work with your coworkers. Prayer is the key and a must. ❤️
Our students are studying the tree study. Today we were outside playing and got the honor of seeing a tree bring cut down. This was a great way to connect our class experience to what happens outside of class. The students were very excited!
Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉
Tanya Tucker, Emely Mejia LaVerne Judon Martha Mitchell
What a day!! Harvestfest 2024. Take a look. “Characters, Pumpkins, and Parents, Oh My!”
The little ones came in dressed in their favorite character. We had a field day, we made apple sauce and lots of fun.
Monday | 6am - 6pm |
Tuesday | 6am - 6pm |
Wednesday | 6am - 6pm |
Thursday | 6am - 6pm |
Friday | 6am - 6pm |