Bear Pong Club

We are Brown University's Table Tennis Club! On Sundays and Tuesdays, we have open hours from 5-7pm Brown University Table Tennis Club

Operating as usual


It was great seeing so many new faces at the club fair today! Looking forward to meeting all of you at open hours :D

The co-presidents for this year are Jenna Chu and Ray Huang. The vice-president is Michael Fu.

The club will be holding open practices on Tuesdays and Sundays from 5-7 PM in the Kasper Multipurpose Room (the basement of Faunce/Campus Center). Team practice will take place immediately following open hours from 7-8 PM. This will be the schedule for the rest of the year. In the occasional event that practice is canceled, you will be notified through email/Facebook.

The first open practice of this year and general body meeting will be on Tuesday Sept 13th 5 - 8pm at Kasper. Everyone is welcome, regardless of skill level! We have several tables, nets, balls, and some extra paddles as well, but please bring your own paddle if you brought it with you!

It may be a little crowded during the first few open practices, so we ask that you be considerate of others and make sure that everyone has time to play.

If you are interested in competing against other college table tennis teams in the National Collegiate Table Tennis Association, we are holding tryouts for the Co-ed team and the Women’s Team on the first and second practice days: Tuesday, Sept 13 5-7 PM, and Sunday, Sept 18th 5-7 PM. Tryouts will be first come first serve.


Tonight's practice will be the last of the semester! Thanks for a great year! 🏓🏓


Due to spring break, there will be no practice on Sun. 3/27, Tues. 3/29, or Sun. 4/3. Open hours and practice will resume on Tues. 4/5. Have a great break!


Practice is on as scheduled for tomorrow: open hours 5-7 PM.

On Tuesday, open hours will be reduced to 5-6 PM. 6-8 PM is reserved for a team practice, no exceptions. We will be strictly enforcing the team practice this time.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Hope to see you all tomorrow.


Please note there will be no open hours this Sunday 3/6. Practice will resume as usual on 3/8. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Open hours will end at 6:30 PM tonight and Tuesday 3/1. Practice from 6:30-8 PM will be reserved for team members only these nights. Thanks for your understanding!


Hours are adjusted slightly for this Sunday, 2/13.

Open hours will run from *3 PM to 5 PM*. Team practice will run from 5 PM to 6 PM.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Hope to see you there.


Please note that there will be no open hours or practice this Sunday the 6th. Practice will resume as usual on Tuesday the 8th. Thanks for your understanding!


Hope to see everyone soon! 5-7 open play today.

For this upcoming Tuesday, Feb 1, open hours is shortened to 5-6:30PM. 6:30-8PM is reserved for team play.


Table Tennis Club is back! Open hours resume tomorrow and will occur regularly on Sundays and Tuesdays from 5-7 PM in Kasper Multipurpose Room! See you all there!


We will not have any more practice or open hours this semester because finals start next week, and our usual Sunday meeting time is right before finals. Good luck with finals, and have a great winter break!


Please note that we will not have practice tomorrow 11/28 due to Thanksgiving break. Practice will resume as usual on Tuesday. See you then!


Hi all, we will not be meeting tomorrow, Nov 23 due to the upcoming break. Safe travels to everyone!

Photos from Bear Pong Club's post 11/15/2021

First tournament since February 2020, and we are thrilled to be back!


Please note that open hours tonight will end at 6:30, and 6:30-8:00 will be reserved for team practice only. The normal open hours schedule will resume after tonight. Thank you!


Update: Since all buildings have been cleared, practice is back on tonight for those of you who would like to attend. Open hours will be from 6:15 to 7:00 PM, and team practice will be from 7:00 to 8:00 PM as usual.


All Main Green buildings have been evacuated due to the bomb threat. So, please assume practice tonight is canceled unless Faunce is cleared and we are allowed to enter. We will keep you updated. Stay safe!


Open hours today in Kasper from 5-7. Team play only from 7-8. See you there.


Due to room reservation conflicts, open hours tomorrow will be from 6-7 instead of from 5-7. Please also note that tomorrow night is the first night of team practice, so from this point on, open hours will end at 7, and team practice will be from 7-8. See you all tomorrow!



Open hours are tonight from 5 PM to 8 PM in Kasper.

Tryouts are tonight from 5PM to 7PM. First come first serve. Last day of tryouts is this coming Tuesday, 5-6PM.

See you all soon!



Last night, the Provost sent out updated guidelines for student organizations with relaxed guidelines. Happy news.

We will be resuming tryouts and open hours, effective immediately. This means our next meeting will be on Sunday, 9/19.

Tryouts are being pushed back by one day. The next tryout is Sunday 9/19 from 5-7 PM, and the last tryout is on Tuesday 9/21 5-6 PM. If you are trying out on a different date from the date you listed on the google form, you do not have to let us know; just show up. Let us know if you cannot make these dates.

Thanks for your patience.


Unfortunately, SAO has confirmed that student organizations are not permitted to meet in-person.

As a result, table tennis tryouts and open hours are cancelled until further notice. Tryouts and open hours will resume when Covid guidelines are relaxed.

We really enjoyed seeing many of you at our first practice last night, and we hope we will be able to meet again soon. We will keep you updated if/when we are able to resume in-person activities. Thank you for your understanding.


Brown Table Tennis is back! We will be holding open hours in the Kasper Multipurpose Room from 5-7 PM on Sundays and Tuesdays this semester, starting on Sunday 9/12. All are welcome, regardless of skill level! If you are interested in competing against other colleges, we are holding tryouts for the Co-ed and Women’s teams on 9/12, 9/14, and 9/19. You can sign up for tryouts here:

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