Attention: 🚨
My barefoot massage class schedule for 2025 is about to hit the new Center For Barefoot Massage website in a few days!!!
Transform your deep tissue into a fun, powerful massage when you learn to use your body differently.
We had a fun weekend during my Fijian Barefoot Massage class! Congratulations to massage therapists from South Texas and Corpus Christi
Who traveled up to NTX to learn how to take their Ashiatsu massage down to the mat.
Fijian is a mat based technique that allows you to extend your career and still give deep massages even when sitting in a chair 🪑
My next Fijian workshop will be in April in Corpus Christi right after the Texas AMTA convention which is also gonna be there 🙌
I’ll also have a booth so you can come by and say hi 👋
The count down has begun!
Fijian barefoot massage class starts in four days and I have three spots open. If you’re new to barefoot massage or If you need a portable barefoot massage option this class is for you. 👋
Quick deets:
Class location: Plano TX
Two days, 16 CEs, $500
December 6-7 from 9-6 each day.
Not only is it portable, it’s something that will benefit you throughout your entire career. Many of us train in this technique to extend our careers because Fijian massage is done entirely with the feet.
It saves massage therapists from the inevitable repetitive strain injuries common to those who work in our field by allowing us to use our lower body instead of our arms, wrists, and hands.
Clients who enjoy the deeper pressure but gentler, more thoughtful techniques really appreciate Fijian massage.
One of the best parts about Fijian barefoot massage is that therapists can be comfortably seated (yep, you read that right! SEATED) throughout the entire session and still give a deep, productive massage to clients by utilizing the weight of their body and deep tissue techniques.
Enroll at www.barefootmassageclass.com/calendar
Fijian Barefoot massage
2 days • 16 CEs • $500
You’re invited to take Fijian barefoot massage in Dallas on December 6th and 7th. Fijian barefoot massage is a Mat based massage technique where we use our feet instead of our hands to give a deep tissue massage.
This highly portable technique is some thing any massage therapist can have in their toolbox. You don’t have to have any experience to join us in this entry-level workshop.
If you are already using your feet, this class will teach you how to use your body correctly and distribute your weight evenly. I have just a few openings left!
If you’re collecting right offs for your business, this is the perfect opportunity to learn some thing that is truly valuable simultaneously!
Enroll at www.texasashiatsu.com
click Hillary’s Schedule.
For years I’ve taught the iRest meditation protocol. If you’re in need of a reset, here’s a free recording to help you find balance.
iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation
Enjoy this Meditation and develop your sense of an inner resource of peace and calm which you can access at anytime, even when you are out in the world, that will offer you comfort.
I’m getting a lot of questions about my Ayurvedic Bodyworker workshop for 2025.
Here’s the details:
The Ayurvedic Bodywork Workshop is a 4 day, 28-hour CE workshop (NCBTMB approved) that teaches Shirodhara along with face and scalp massage, a full day of Ayurvedic hydrotherapy: Dry brushing (garshana in ayurveda), Full body steam (svedhana) and External Basti therapy. In the end, we put it all together so you can transform your practice and offer clients a full Ayurvedic service.
These treatments can be coupled or broken up into smaller individual sessions too.
2025 Dates are posted!
I'm in Plano, Texas. I teach this class at the turn of the season. My next one will be the third week of March 2025. The investment is $825 Please note: this price doesn't include any equipment that we use during the workshop.
You can enroll with a 50% non-refundable retainer. I have terms and conditions and everything you need to know at www.ayurvedicmassageclass.com or www.the-ayurvedic-bodyworker.square.site
Writing a blog post for Bodywork Media about unexpected ways to market your massage practice and using my essential rub from Handcrafted Therapy
I’m using it with some silicone cups and it’s really changing my life tonight! Haha! But seriously…I’ve been working out and walking a lot so I’m pretty sore. This makes everything better 😌 If you’re in Tampa for the convention, I heard y’all are getting some product samples 🙌 You lucky ducks! Anything from is fantastic. Have a great convention!
Is barefoot massage sports massage? Find out in my new blog post!
🚨 Today is the deadline to enroll 🚨
Sign up at www.barefootmassageclass.com/calendar and click on Hillary’s schedule.
Mat 1: Fijian Barefoot Massage
2 days • 16 CEs • $600
San Diego, CA
September 30 - October 1
A versatile and portable barefoot technique that can be used as-is, adapted to table work, assimilated into existing matwork sessions, and taken outdoors to events easily.
Give clients:
✨Deep tissue massage without becoming exhausted or injured.
✨improved neuromuscular connection: Wake up inhibited/problematic muscle groups.
✨Target muscle groups systematically with no lotion or need for client to undress.
Beginners can start here with their barefoot massage journey or seasoned barefooters can master more skills applied by their feet.
Sign up at www.barefootmassageclass.com/calendar and click on Hillary’s schedule.
🚨 Today is the deadline to enroll 🚨
🚨 North Texas Massage schools, students, and teachers…
I’d love to introduce Barefoot Massage to the next wave of massage therapists - and even teach mini-introduction class.
If you’d like your students to learn about barefoot massage, I can come to the school, or the school can take a field trip to my studio located in East Plano!
I can also present other topics related to your courses. let’s talk!
I’m starting to plan my 2025 calendar and would love to schedule some time to visit your school.
FasciAshi Fundamentals
Dallas/Plano Texas
24 CEs, Three Days, August 22-24 from 9-6 each day
Enroll online at www.barefootmassageclass.com/calendar
This class will teach you how to use your feet to provide a full body deep tissue, myofascial release and trigger point work focused ashiatsu barefoot massage session. This class focuses on techniques applied on posterior aspects of the client’s body, as your weight and natural gravitational forces are utilized to effortlessly maintain consistent pressure through your feet. While the work is focused primarily with the client prone, therapists will learn supine work as well.
Fundamentals is the starting point for those wanting to train in the Myofascial Ashiatsu “FasciAshi” style of Barefoot Massage – although it’s a “beginner” class, it is definitely not easy.
Enroll at www.barefootmassageclass.com/calendar
Congratulations to the most recent graduates of my FasciAshi FUNdamentals workshop! We worked hard and had a lot of fun!
I have FOUR spots left and about one month away (August 22-24)from the next FasciAshi Fundamentals workshop in Dallas 🎉
If you’re ready to learn Myofascial Barefoot Massage for the first time or you’re wanting to gain new skills to add to your Ashiatsu practice, enroll in Fundamentals!
All workshops are NCBTMB Approved for CE credits.
👉 Go to www.barefootmassageclass.com/calendar and click the Dallas Texas Schedule to learn more and sign up!
Steady Yeti Barefoot massage wax now has a proper webpage and Instagram!