Earlier this month, the Social Security Subcommittee of the U.S. House held a hearing in Washington on the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO). These provisions of the Social Security law unfairly reduce or eliminate much-needed benefits for millions of retired educators, their spouses and survivors across the country, including many in Texas. The Social Security Fairness Act would eliminate them.
The subcommittee is accepting written comments from the public through next Tuesday, April 30, so there is still time for individual TSTA members to weigh in on this critical issue.
Here is a suggested message: “Get rid of the GPO and the WEP because they are unfair to me, other retired educators and our families. We dedicated our careers to improving the lives and futures of school children and have earned fair, comfortable retirements!”
The subcommittee requires that you submit your comments in the form of a Word document via email ([email protected]). Put “Subcommittee Hearing on the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset” as the subject line of your submitted comments. End-of-business next Tuesday is the deadline for submissions.
Lewisville Education Association
Professional organization for all Lewisville ISD employees. Affiliated with TSTA/NEA.
Operating as usual

Teachers Are Facing an 'Intentional Toxic Disrespect,' Secretary Cardona Says Read more.

Treat Teachers Like Human Beings to Avoid Burnout (Opinion) Understanding teachers' limitations and strengths to utilize their skills in ways that drive their passion can also help avoid burnout.

Thank you, Amanda Moore! You are an awesome presenter and attorney. Thank you for representing us.

The only reason Texas teacher salaries exprienced the largest increase over this 25-year period is because the legislature took action three times to make salary increases happen. Had that not happened, the overall salary increase for teacher would have the lowest of the professional employees.

Notice the increase in Professional Support Personnel - 155%. Support staff are defined as therapists, psychologists, counselors, diagnosticians, physicians and nurses, librarians, department heads, and miscellaneous other support roles. It would be interesting to know how much of this increase has happened due to increased and diverse needs of students or to support management in its work.
A "five why" process would be beneficial here. FYI, this reflects changes from 1994-95 to 2019-2020.

Teacher voices are rarely sought or valued. The rich experience and expertise of teachers mean that their opinions should be sought, listened to, and highly valued.
save the date February 20th at 6pm. We need your voices!

Know Your Rights: A Back-to-School Guide | NEA Learn more about your rights as a patchwork of state and local censorship and anti-LGBTQ+ rules have created doubt among educators.

We did it again! Each year, Forbes releases a list of top employers in the state. We are proud to announce that LISD was once again ranked No. 1 for DFW-area school districts, and the No. 2 district in the state of Texas. 🏆
Read more about this honor: bit.ly/3AtePlN

You want better salaries? GET INVOLVED! You want better working conditions? GET INVOLVED! You want time to teach? GET INVOLVED! You want autonomy in your profession? GET INVOLVED!
The only way to make meaningful change is to get involved. You can make things happen; we can make things happen - GET INVOLVED TODAY!
2021-22 School Accountability Ratings have been reported by TEA. You can search by district or by school and dig into the data or discover the process used to make the determinations.

Professional Development helps your GROW and GLOW as an educator. Also, don't limit your professional development to just time in a conference or meeting. Read professional publications, engage with colleagues, participate in a study group - there is so much more to PD than just a meeting after school, on the weekend, or during the summer.

It's important to to remember classroom management is much more than just discipline. As teacher you manage time, resources, students, discipline, content, assessment, and down time - all to provide an optimal learning experience for your students.

It's not a shortage, it's an exodus!
There Is No Teacher Shortage. So Why Is Everyone Talking About It? If I can’t buy a Porsche for $1.98, that doesn’t mean there’s an automobile shortage.

Is phonics making a comeback? Inside the Massive Effort to Change the Way Kids Are Taught to Read
The Massive Effort to Change the Way Kids Are Taught to Read “A lot of times the teachers have no idea that they’re not teaching things that are beneficial to the kids”

Your practices reflect the things you do beyond just instruction, classroom management, and discipline. Some may seem to be insignificant; however, often times, it is the insignificant that drives the significant.
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The Plano Senior High Smoothie Appreciation Club (SAC) is the official smoothie club of Plano Senior
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Willow Bend Academy offers mastery driven, individualized instruction for grades 4-12. Visit our On-
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