Phoenix Elementary School District #1

Phoenix Elementary School District #1


At Phoenix Elementary School District #1, we are Inspiring Every Child to Achieve! Our 14 schools are in the heart of Phoenix. We are free.

We are right in your neighborhood and accessible by Phoenix Light Rail. We are public education! We deliver strong academics while integrating the arts, physical education, athletics and club sports. We provide all the support services for our students including free breakfast and lunch, a top-rated before and after school program for children of working parents, as well as nurses, social workers and psychologists to insure all needs are met. For more information, call 602-523-5757.

Operating as usual

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 06/30/2024

Registration is OPEN! We are thrilled to have a partnership between the Phoenix Elementary School District and the YMCA, offering no-cost before and after-school care services for students aged 5 and above for the 2024-2025 school year! You must register separately for before and after-school care. Use the promo code “Phoenix” to waive all the fees for the program. Link in bio.

¡Inscripción ABIERTA! Estamos encantados de estar asociados, la asociación entre Phoenix Elementary School District y el YMCA ofrece servicios de cuidado sin costo antes y después de la escuela para estudiantes de 5 años o más para el año escolar 2024-2025. Debe registrarse por separado para el cuidado antes y después de la escuela. Usen el código de promoción "Phoenix" para cancelar todas las tarifas del programa. Enlace en la biografía.

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 06/26/2024

Keeping our mind right during Summer Break is crucial. Stop by The Family Center to learn some mindfulness activities. The whole family is welcome at 10:00am - 11:30am. North side of Kenilworth School (lower level) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003.

Mantener nuestra mente en sana durante las vacaciones de verano es crucial. Pasa por el Centro de Familia para aprender algunas actividades de concienciación. Toda la familia es bienvenida de 10:00 a.m. a 11:30 a.m. En el lado norte de Kenilworth (planta baja) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003


¡Ofrecemos clases GRATUITAS de día completo, comidas gratuitas y cuidado después de la escuela gratis! Compartan esta publicación con un amigo o familiar que esté buscando un programa de kínder de calidad.


We offer FREE full-day classes, free meals, and free after school care! Share this post with a friend or family member who is in search of a quality kindergarten program.


Your child can practice their reading skills and earn prizes! Sign up for the Summer Reading Game hosted by the Phoenix Public Library. Learn more using the link in our bio.

¡Su hijo/a puede practicar leyendo y ganar premios! Inscríbase al Juego de Lectura de Verano organizado por la biblioteca pública de Phoenix. Para más información vea el enlace el la biografía.

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 06/21/2024

We had so much fun during Minecraft Frenzy Wednesday! Don’t miss out and join us again this Wednesday! We will be having fun from 10:00am - 12:00pm. North side of Kenilworth School (lower level) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003.

¡Nos divertimos muchísimo el miércoles en el Minecraft Frenzy! ¡No se lo pierdan y acompáñanos otra vez este miércoles! Nos estaremos divirtiendo de 10:00am - 12:00pm en el lado norte de Kenilworth (planta baja) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003


Today's Family Center Picnic has been postponed due to the excessive heat warning. Stay cool with us inside and join us for Family Loteria! We will be having fun from 10:00am - 12:30pm. North side of Kenilworth School 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 06/18/2024

We are hiring! Join our team and check out our open positions. We work hard to make sure you have the best care and resources to thrive both inside Phoenix #1 and outside.

Learn more at and learn all about our benefits at

¡Estamos contratando! Únete a nuestro equipo y cheque nuestros puestos vacantes. Nos esforzamos por que tengan los mejores recursos dentro y fuera de Phoenix #1.

Para más información visite e información sobre los beneficios aquí:


🎉 Quality First, has awarded our preschool program at Faith North a 5-star rating! Quality First assesses programs using valid and reliable tools focusing on what research shows are the key components of quality early care, including adult-child interactions, learning environments and staff qualifications. The 5-star rating indicates that our program exceeds quality standards for early learning! Congratulations to the team at Faith North.

🎉 ¡Quality First, ha otorgado al programa preescolar en Faith North una calificación de 5 estrellas! Quality First evalúa los programas utilizando herramientas válidas y confiables que se centran en lo que las investigaciones muestran que son los componentes clave de un cuidado temprano de calidad, incluidas las interacciones entre adultos y niños, los entornos de aprendizaje y las calificaciones del personal. ¡La calificación de 5 estrellas indica que nuestro programa excede los estándares de calidad para el aprendizaje temprano! Felicitaciones al equipo de Faith North.

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 06/12/2024

Please join us at The Family Center for entertaining and educational science activities for the kids! The whole family is welcome at 10:00am-11:30am. North side of Kenilworth School (lower level) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003.

¡Acompáñanos al Centro de Familia para actividades científicas y educativas para los niños! Toda la familia es bienvenida de 10:00 a.m. a 11:30 a.m. En el lado norte de Kenilworth (planta baja) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 06/12/2024

SHARE THIS POST! 🍽️ The Phoenix Elementary School District is proud to be a host of the Summer Food Service Program. Phoenix #1 will serve free breakfast and lunch meals for all children 18 years of age and under at six sites. There is no application, sign-up, or registration needed.

Children do not have to be participating in other school activities and do not have to be enrolled in the school district to take advantage of the Summer Meal Program. Children must consume all meals on site. Sites are open to all children in the community. Any community member over the age of 18 may also purchase a meal. Breakfast is $3.25 and lunch is $4.75. Adult meals may be taken to go. All visitors must enter and check in at the school front lobby.

El Phoenix Elementary School District está orgulloso de ser anfitrión del Programa de Servicio de Alimentos de Verano. Phoenix #1 servirá desayunos y almuerzos gratuitos para todos los niños menores de 18 años en seis sitios. No es necesario realizar ninguna solicitud o registrarse.

Los niños no tienen que participar en otras actividades escolares y no tienen que estar inscritos en el distrito para aprovechar el programa de comidas de verano. Los niños tienen que consumir todas las comidas en sitio. Los sitios están abiertos a todos los niños de la comunidad. Cualquier miembro de la comunidad mayor de 18 años también puede comprar una comida. El desayuno cuesta $3.25 y el almuerzo $4.75. Las comidas para adultos se pueden tomar para llevar. Todos los visitantes deben registrarse al entrar en las oficinas principales de la escuela.

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 06/07/2024

Join us at the Family Center this Monday for Mario Kart Monday! All ages are welcome from 10:00am - 12:00pm. Get out of the heat and keep your child busy this summer! North side of Kenilworth School (lower level) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003.

¡Acompáñanos al Centro de Familia este lunes para Mario Kart Monday! Están bienvenidas todas las edades de 10:00am - 12:00pm. Aléjese del calor y mantén ocupado a su hijo este verano. En el lado norte de Kenilworth (planta baja) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 06/06/2024

Come one, come all and join us at The Phoenix #1 Family Center for a hands on art activity that the entire family can enjoy! All ages welcomed from 10:00 am - 11:30am!

North side of Kenilworth School (lower level) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003.

Donde cabe uno caben todos aquí en el Centro de Familia de Phoenix #1, acompáñennos para una manualidad que disfrutara toda la familia. ¡Están bienvenidas todas las edades de 10:00 am - 11:30 am!

En el lado norte de Kenilworth (planta baja) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 06/05/2024

Stay cool and beat the heat! Join us at the Family Center every Wednesday while we play Minecraft! We will be welcoming everyone from 10:00am - 12:00pm.

North side of Kenilworth School (lower level) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003.

¡Gánale al calor! ¡Acompáñanos al Centro de Familia este miércoles a jugar Minecraft! Todos están bienvenidos de 10:00am - 12:00pm.

En el lado norte de Kenilworth (planta baja) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 06/03/2024

Check out the newest times Keogh Health will be at the Family Center to assist families this Summer. Share this with a friend or family member who may benefit!

North side of Kenilworth School (lower level) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003. En el lado norte de Kenilworth (planta baja) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003

Vean el horario nuevo de cuando Keogh Health estará en el Centro de Familia para ayudar a familias este verano. ¡Comparte esto con un amigo o familiar que lo pueda necesitar!

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 05/31/2024

The Phoenix Elementary School District is proud to be a host of the Summer Food Service Program. Phoenix #1 will serve free breakfast and lunch meals for all children 18 years of age and under at six sites. There is no application, sign-up, or registration needed.

Children do not have to be participating in other school activities and do not have to be enrolled in the school district to take advantage of the Summer Meal Program. Children must consume all meals on site. Sites are open to all children in the community. Any community member over the age of 18 may also purchase a meal. Breakfast is $3.25 and lunch is $4.75. Adult meals may be taken to go. All visitors must enter and check in at the school front lobby.

El Phoenix Elementary School District está orgulloso de ser anfitrión del Programa de Servicio de Alimentos de Verano. Phoenix #1 servirá desayunos y almuerzos gratuitos para todos los niños menores de 18 años en seis sitios. No es necesario realizar ninguna solicitud o registrarse.

Los niños no tienen que participar en otras actividades escolares y no tienen que estar inscritos en el distrito para aprovechar el programa de comidas de verano. Los niños tienen que consumir todas las comidas en sitio. Los sitios están abiertos a todos los niños de la comunidad. Cualquier miembro de la comunidad mayor de 18 años también puede comprar una comida. El desayuno cuesta $3.25 y el almuerzo $4.75. Las comidas para adultos se pueden tomar para llevar. Todos los visitantes deben registrarse al entrar en las oficinas principales de la escuela.


G Road is hosting a FREE summer camp for PESD-enrolled students in grades K-7. We would like to invite all PESD students/families. It is daily in the month of June on site at Emerson from 8:00am - 12:00pm.

Sign up today at

G Road está organizando un campamento de verano GRATUITO para alumnos inscritos en PESD en los grados K-7. Nos gustaría invitar a todos los alumnos/familias de PESD. Es diario el mes de junio en Emerson de 8:00am - 12:00pm.

Inscríbanse ahora en


Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor those who gave their lives for our freedom.

En Memorial Day recordamos y honramos los que dieron sus vidas por nuestra libertad.

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 05/24/2024

Today marks the first day of summer vacation! Check-in with us for information on free activities to do throughout the summer!

¡Hoy marca el primer día de las vacaciones de verano! ¡Visítenos aquí para información sobre actividades para hacer este verano gratuitas!

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 05/23/2024

Today is the last day of school! Thank you to our families for supporting our students throughout the whole year. We will miss you! We are already planning for next school year!

Hoy es el último día de escuela! Gracias a nuestras familias por apoyar a los estudiantes durante todo el año. ¡Los vamos a extrañar! ¡Ya estamos planeando para el año que entra!

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 05/19/2024

We had so much fun at Bethune’s Loteria Night! Thank you to all our families for joining us.

¡Como nos divertimos en la Noche de Lotería en Bethune! Gracias a todas las familias que nos acompañaron.

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 05/19/2024

Last week the Arizona Science Center teamed up with the Family Center! Thank you for teaching fun astronomy lessons with our families.

¡La semana pasada Arizona Science Center se alió con el Centro de Familia! Gracias por darnos clases de astronomía con nuestras familias.

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 05/16/2024

Do you have a 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student interested in architecture? This is a FREE 2-day camp happening on July 19th-20th where students will engage with local architects while they learn about the principles of architecture and work towards their project for the camp!

It’s open to all students who are enrolled in 6th, 7th and 8th grade for Fall of 2024. Click the link to register!

¿Tiene un estudiante interesado en arquitectura de 6to, 7mo o 8vo grado? Este es un campamento gratuito de 2 días del 19 al 20 de julio en donde alumnos interactúan con arquitectos locales mientras aprenden sobre los fundamentos de la arquitectura y trabajarán en su proyecto para el campamento!

Está abierto a todos los alumnos inscritos en 6to, 7mo y 8vo grado para el otoño de 2024. ¡Haga clic en el enlace para inscribirte!

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 05/09/2024

Thank you to all our friends and families for coming out and supporting our students at the Instrumental Musical Festival!

¡Gracias a nuestros amigos y familiares por apoyar a nuestros alumnos en el Festival de Instrumentos Musicales!

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 05/08/2024

The City of Phoenix Park and Recs Department will be joining us! They will be presenting resources and activities that our families can take part in during the summer months. Thursday, May 9th - 9:00am - 10:30am at the Family Center. North side of Kenilworth School (lower level) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003.

El Departamento de Parques y Recreación de la Ciudad de Phoenix nos acompañará. Presentarán recursos y actividades en las que pueden participar nuestras familias durante los meses de verano. El jueves, 9 de mayo de 9:00am a 10:30am en el Centro de Familia. ¡Acompáñanos para más información! En el lado norte de Kenilworth (planta baja) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 05/07/2024

Explore space with hands-on activities about planets, stars, gravity, and being an astronaut. You can also view space through telescopes! We will also serve pizza and drinks! Wednesday, May 8th - 3:30pm - 5:30pm at the Family Center. North side of Kenilworth School (lower level) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003.

Explora el espacio con actividades sobre planetas, estrellas, gravedad y de ser astronauta. ¡También se ve el espacio por los telescopios! ¡Serviremos pizza y bebidas! El miércoles, 8 de mayo de 3:30pm a 5:30pm en el Centro de Familia. En el lado norte de Kenilworth (planta baja) 1210 N 5th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003


Check out our awesome Child Nutrition team celebrating School Lunch Hero Day! We are so grateful every day for all our Child Nutrition staff.

¡Vean nuestro increíble equipo de nutrición infantil que están celebrando School Lunch Hero Day! Estamos muy agradecidos todos los días por nuestro personal de nutrición infantil.

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 05/06/2024

One of our recent Special Thanks and Recognition Awards went to… Esmeralda Vasquez (Lead Custodian at Capitol) and Andrea Yancy (First Grade Teacher at Capitol)!

Esmeralda comes to work each day with a smile on her face and is always willing to help and is quick to offer support, no matter the situation. She has tons of school spirit and is a proud Capitol Cougar! The three words used to describe Esmeralda are friendly, supportive, and dependable.

Ms. Yancy cares about her students and puts effort into everything she does, such as creating engaging activities for her students. She works collaboratively with staff, parents, and students. She always brings a positive attitude to our campus that makes collaboration easy. The three words used to describe Ms. Yancy are diligent, positive, and caring.

Uno de nuestros premios especiales de agradecimiento y reconocimiento más recientes fue para... Esmeralda Vásquez, conserje principal en Capitol y Andrea Yancy, maestra de primer grado en Capitol.

Esmeralda viene a trabajar todos los días con una sonrisa y siempre está dispuesta a ayudar y no duda en ofrecer su apoyo, sin importar la situación. ¡Tiene muchísimo espíritu escolar y es una Capitol Cougar orgullosa! Las tres palabras utilizadas para describir a Esmeralda son amigable, solidaria y confiable.

La Sra. Yancy se preocupa por sus alumnos y se esfuerza en todo lo que hace, como crear actividades interesantes para sus alumnos. Trabaja en colaboración con el personal, los padres y los estudiantes. Ella siempre tiene una actitud positiva que facilita la colaboración. Las tres palabras utilizadas para describir a la Sra. Yancy son diligente, positiva y atenta.

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 05/04/2024

Our Family Center had their 1st Family Scavenger Hunt! We met at Kenilworth and then made our way to Hance Park. We had a blast! Don’t miss out on the last Family Center events of the school year!

¡Nuestro Centro de Familia tuvo su primera búsqueda del tesoro! Nos reunimos en Kenilworth y luego nos dirigimos a Hance Park. ¡Nos las pasamos de maravilla! ¡No te pierdas los últimos eventos del año escolar en el Centro de Familia!

Photos from Phoenix Elementary School District #1's post 05/03/2024

We have the best teachers and Teacher Appreciation Week is the perfect way to recognize & celebrate them! Start writing your thank you notes, Teacher Appreciation Week starts next week!

Tenemos los mejores maestros y la Semana de Agradecimiento a los Maestros es la manera perfecta de reconocerlos y celebrarlos. Empieza a escribir tus notas de agradecimiento, la Semana de Agradecimiento a los Maestros empieza la semana que entra.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Inspiring Every Child to Achieve!

At Phoenix Elementary School District #1, we are Inspiring Every Child to Achieve! Our 14 schools are in the heart of Phoenix. We are right in your neighborhood and accessible by Phoenix Light Rail. We are free. We are public education! We deliver strong academics while integrating the arts, physical education, athletics and club sports. We provide all the support services for our students including free breakfast and lunch, a top-rated before and after school program for children of working parents, as well as nurses, social workers and psychologists to insure all needs are met. Our thematic Signature School Programs engage students in learning and provide learning environments that are fun, safe and motivating during the preschool through 8th grade school years. For more information, call 602-523-5757.

Videos (show all)

¡Estamos inscribiendo para el kínder!
We are now enrolling for kindergarten!
Check out Faith North Early Childhood Learning Center! We are enrolling young learners right now for the upcoming school...
Here at Phoenix #1 Elementary School District we believe the arts are an essential element of every child’s development!...
FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! 🎉 BRING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS! Join us at our upcoming Family Fun Night at Herrera! Free din...
¡Telemundo fue a Faith North en la semana del niño! Nuestros alumnos preescolares tuvieron una semana muy divertida llen...
Faith North ECLC had a lot of fun during Week of the Young Child! The week ended with a Family Art Walk where preschoole...
We are now enrolling Pre-K through 8th grade! Take a look at what our amazing schools have to offer. Share this video wi...
We had a great start to the Week of the Young Child! On Music Monday, Ms. Fabiana from Rosie’s House joined us for a fun...
Our Herrera students are so happy to be at their new and remodeled school!¡Los alumnos de Herrera están muy felices de e...
We cheered on students yesterday as our new and remodeled Herrera School for the Arts and Dual Language reopened to our ...
Our Read Across America Day at Capitol was featured recently on @12newsaz !¡El día de Read Across America aquí en Capito...





1817 N 7th Street
Phoenix, AZ

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
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