ASU Northlight Gallery

ASU Northlight Gallery


Exhibits a broad spectrum of photo-based work by emerging, underrepresented and renowned artists.

Northlight Gallery at the ASU Herberger Institute's School of Art exhibits a broad spectrum of photo-based work by emerging, underrepresented and internationally recognized artists. The gallery serves the university community and the public with exhibitions and gallery talks by national and international artists and is vital to the education of students earning a degree in photography. Northlight

Operating as usual

Photos from ASU Northlight Gallery's post 05/20/2024

Northlight Gallery featured work from the collection about the 12-year project Phoenix Transect that was led by Professor Emeritus Mark Klett. The exhibition included 37 ASU Alumni along with Klett and over 140 photographs that elucidated the transformation of Phoenix from 2007 to 2019. Depicted here is the installation process of one of the major walls in the exhibition, Phoenix Transect. The work in the show is part of the permanent collection.


Join us in Northlight Gallery for the opening reception of PHOENIX TRANSECT the 14-year field study project led by ASU Professor Emeritus Mark Klett surveying the Phoenix metro area. The exhibition features work by Klett and 37 alumnae.
Doors open at 6 pm, talks begin at 6:30 pm.

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Northlight Gallery and Step Gallery at Arizona State University Present: Tasvir — A Research Exhibition on Contemporary ...





605 E Grant Street
Phoenix, AZ

Opening Hours

Thursday 12pm - 5pm
Friday 12pm - 5pm
Saturday 12pm - 5pm
6pm - 7pm