Twice-Exceptional & Volunteering at AZ Humane Society!
A safe, thoughtfully prepared multi-sensory environment encourages mutual trust, respect, and acceptance among those in its school community.
We are the first Private 6th-12th Grade Day School in the State of Arizona, specializing in a pure population of students that are diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. Gateway Academy offers students an academic curriculum that is challenging and structured; rich in its academic offerings, and nurturing in its approach to fostering personal growth, responsibility and independence. The Gateway c
Operating as usual
Twice-Exceptional & Volunteering at AZ Humane Society!
Is your child Twice-Exceptional with High Functioning Autism?
Looking for a safe and supportive academic/social environment?
Check out Gateway Academy! Watch our Digital Yearbook!
Check Out Our Digital Yearbook!!
Bruce the Shark aka Brooklyn Rocked the Show Today! Congrats!
Valedictorian & CEO
Graduation Class of 2024! Congrats Grads!
100% are going on to College, University or Specialty Programs!
Snorlax the Destroyer Enjoying his Poolside Dining!
Graduation 2024! Congrats Class of 2024! Thanks Dani Bowman!
Love On The Spectrum - Dani Bowman
Teaches Animation Workshop at Gateway!
8th Grade Promotion! Congratulations!
Congrats Warriors for a Great Year!
Teacher Appreciation - Year End Lunch from GPO!
Art & Science Extravaganza Success!!!
Basketball Club League Over for 2024 Season! Good times!
Axolotl, Mochi, Enjoying Life!
Gateway Academy We are the first Private 6th-12th Grade Day School in the State of Arizona, specializing in a pure p
Trunk Space Hosts After School Bands!
State Capital Hosts Gateway Seniors!
Barbie Exhibit Rocks Our Middle School! So much fun!
Valedictorian Candidates for 2024!
Ryan, Guyenne, Nathan, J, Bodie!
Gateway Academy We are the first Private 6th-12th Grade Day School in the State of Arizona, specializing in a pure p
Geography Bee Winners: Adrian, Nate, Alex!
Sportsmanship is clearly demonstrated by Gateway and PV High School B-Ball Teams. Congrats Warriors! Great win!
Broadway, Look Out! Brooklyn is here!
Snorlax the Destroyer is here!
2024 Valedictorian!!! Congrats Guyene!
Gateway Academy We are the first Private 6th-12th Grade Day School in the State of Arizona, specializing in a pure p
Club League 3rd Game with Incredible Sportsmanship by Gateway & PVHS Teams!
Eclipse Watchers at Gateway Academy!
Gateway Academy 6th-12th Grade School for Twice-Exceptional students with High Functioning Autism. Find Your Tribe!
Family Support Rocks!
Final 4 Gateway Style! B-ball Club Team!
Western Day in Middle School! Yee Ha!
Gateway Academy, a 6th-12th Grade Private Day School, offers students an academic curriculum that is challenging and structured; rich in its academic offerings, and nurturing in its approach to fostering personal growth, responsibility and independence. The Gateway community -- students, faculty, and families alike -- work collaboratively to help students discover and develop their individual gifts and strengths , become self-advocates, and realize their full potential. A safe, thoughtfully prepared multi-sensory environment encourages mutual trust, respect, and acceptance among those in its school community.
Unique Offerings include: * A blended learning curriculum, which focuses on a Project Based curriculum enhanced with interactive resources * Relationship Based Curriculum *Sensory Integration *Pragmatic language *Equine Therapy *Instrumental Music * Digital Music *ABA Coach * Advanced Placement Courses * Dual Enrollment opportunities with SCC & Grand Canyon University* Virtual Reality Lab* Full Science labs for both Middle & High School* World Language Lab - offering 22 languages.* Onsite Counseling with a LMFT (Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist)* Community Service - giving back to the community * Onsite collaboration with Future for Kids * Onsite collaboration with Civitan Foundation. Gateway’s main focus is helping each student find their passion, and translating that into a major and profession!
Monday | 8am - 4pm |
Tuesday | 8am - 4pm |
Wednesday | 8am - 4pm |
Thursday | 8am - 4pm |
Friday | 8am - 4pm |
Desert Garden Montessori serves infant through high school children, from ages 6 weeks to 18 years. In addition to our Montessori curriculum, we offer programs including art, music, theater, videography, Spanish, and Wellness Education.
The North High Drama club is dedicated to providing all of the students at North High School with the
Founded in 1917, Saint Mary's High School is the first Catholic High School in Arizona.
Valley Lutheran High School provides a foundation for a life of faith, learning and service through
The Viking Parent Club (VPC) seeks to provide service to Sunnyslope High School families, faculty and staff as well as provide a communication venue for parents. The VPC has monthly meetings, usually the second Tuesday of every month.
www.brophyprep.org Official page of Brophy College Preparatory. Messages on this platform
The Dads' Club is a service organization that exists specifically for the benefit of our daughters a
#basketball #soccer #football #wrestling #baseball #volleyball #ncaaf #softball #lacrosse #nba #nfl
Offering a new kind of online education to students in Arizona. Work at your own pace or learn in a
The TBBC is a 501c3 designed to support and fundraise for the Thunderbird High School Basketball Program as well as broaden communication between the coaches, players, school, and community.