ASU Center for Mindfulness

ASU Center for Mindfulness


ASU will be known for a vibrant and forward-leaning community that embodies and models mindfulness as context for learning, connecting and thriving.

Operating as usual


Students, staff and faculty, join our colleagues at the ASU Pastor Center for Politics and Public Service for "Compress the Stress", their spring self-care expo on Tuesday, March 19 (4:15 - 7 pm) at the Flex Space (main level) of Fusion on First!


The most important relationship to nurture is that with ourselves. Join us today at noon (AZ time) as we share practices and tips on cultivating self-compassion.


5-for-5 Connection Challenge, Day #4 [Nika's Version].

"The Surgeon General's 5-for-5 connection challenge includes cards that provide ideas on the many different ways to connect and build relationships. Sharing presence is listed as a strategy, and mindful communication plays a big role in being present with someone.

The way that I practiced sharing presence for this challenge was putting away my phone, closing my browsers, and really paying attention to the person I was meeting with today. This enhanced the level of comradery and mutual connection within the interaction." -Nika, Center's ED

Download your cards here!


5-for-5 Connection Challenge, Day #3 [Nika's Version].

"Today I worked the Arizona State University - Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation convocation ceremony. As a Greeter, I helped direct people to the ceremony and answer any questions they had. While this was a small part to play in a much larger event, it allowed me to connect to more people than I usually do in any given day.

Even though these were tiny moments of connection, it felt celebratory to be a part of all these big day. Micro-connections can have expansive effects on and . After all, we humans were ." - Nika, Center's ED

What micro-connections have you engaged in this week?


5-for-5 Connection Challenge, Day #2 [Nika's Version]

"When the Surgeon General visited ASU on his tour, he had all of us take out our phones and text someone a note of gratitude. I texted an old college friend who was going through a hard time to let her know I was thinking about her and that I was happy to be friends with her for such a long time. She wrote back several days later to say that my note had made her cry. She had not been asked how she is doing by anyone in so long that it was surprise to her that anyone still cared.

If you have anyone in your life that needs some warmth, reach out. You'll be glad you did." - Nika, Center's ED

Click link to see the Surgeon General's ASU visit:


5-for-5 Connection Challenge, Day #1.

"I'm grateful for the ability to share food with friends. There's something deeply comforting and comfortable in the act of enjoying a meal with others, especially when it is at a leisurely pace and a pleasant environment.

Food has always been a way to connect, to engage your senses, and to have dedicated time to share space together.

Also grateful for ASU's annual holiday cookie party!" - Nika, Center's Executive Director


5-for-5 Connection Challenge, Day #5.

"To me, the holiday season is about taking stock of the things and people we are grateful for.

This morning, I got up a little early and baked a sheet of cookies, wrapped them up nicely with a little bow, and drove them to my realtor's office. I loved seeing how excited and surprised she and her team were. They've done so much in helping my family settle into our new home this fall, so I just wanted to make sure they knew how much we appreciate them.

It was a quiet morning in the office, so we all sat down with coffee and cookies, chatted, and I showed them pictures of us all settled into our home. The feeling of warmth, connection, and gratitude carried with me all the way home and into my workday.

All Fridays should start off on this kind of note!"

- Zach, Assistant Director at ASU Center for Mindfulness

DID YOU KNOW: the warm-hearted feeling we experience when we are in connection and feel we belong with others is caused by the release of oxytocin, one of our bodies' best stress-busting hormones.

Oxytocin triggers the pleasure and reward centers of our brain and helps us feel nurturing. Together with dopamine -- which is released when we experience gratitude -- it helps us feel connected, social, and like we belong.


5-for-5 Connection Challenge, Day #4.

"Not from today, but this has been on my mind this week.

The first person I met at my gym is a guy named Dave. He literally knows everyone -- he's always got one little cluster of people or another around him. He just draws us into conversations.

One day, I asked him how that happened.

'I was lonely,' he said simply. 'Retired, divorced, introverted, and lonely. And it all made me miserable. So I told myself to stop being afraid to talk to new people. I was just going to start saying hi and smiling at someone every day.'

That was five years ago. Now we call Dave the mayor of our little gym. We wonder what's going on if we don't see him. I don't know how many people I know now just because he pulled someone over and said 'Zach, have you met so-and-so? I was just telling them about you.'

Moving to a new town in a rural part of the country, I was kinda worried I'd feel a bit isolated, being introverted myself. But I feel like I have a little community, all because one dude takes it upon himself to just say hi to strangers.

These days, instead of just going about my routine and ignoring the people around me, I try to be like Dave and push past my introverted little comfort zone, and I've never felt so socially fulfilled."

Connection doesn't have to take a radical effort. Sometimes it's just about pushing ourselves to say a two-letter word to someone new.

- Zach, Assistant Director at ASU Center for Mindfulness


5-for-5 Connection Challenge, Day #3.

"As I as scrolling through social media this morning, I came across a post from a friend I hadn't connected with in a while. Instead of hitting 'like' or typing a quick comment, I went downstairs, grabbed a fresh cup of coffee, and sat back down and wrote a note telling my friend how great it was to come across their post and how much I appreciate seeing them pop up on my feeds. Kinda random, but it made my morning when they immediately wrote back. We ended up setting aside a little while to catch up and reminisce, and I was smiling and feeling recharged as I got back to work a bit later." - Zach, Assistant Director at ASU Center for Mindfulness

Today, let someone know why you value and appreciate them. It'll boost your own dopamine levels, and you might just make their day, too!


5-for-5 Connection Challenge, Day #2.

"As I was nodding a greeting to the guy on the next treadmill at the gym yesterday, I realized I didn't know his name...even though we say hello nearly every day. Before I headed out, I made a point to get his name.

This morning, I greeted him by name immediately when I saw him. To my surprise, he remembered my name too. Instead of simply going back to huffing away on our respective treadmills, we kept up the conversation and chatted about our favorite running shoes and trails for the next couple miles, and I left the gym feeling a bit more connected." - Zach, Assistant Director at ASU Center for Mindfulness

Of all the people we come into contact with every day, how many do we take the time to greet meaningfully?

Greeting a friend, acquaintance, or loved one by name and with a warm smile and eye contact conveys not just that you acknowledge them, but that you see and appreciate them.


5-for-5 Connection Challenge, Day #1.

"When I'm at the gym, I usually have my earbuds in and music cranked, pulling them out just for a quick nod or greeting to the morning regulars. This morning, I left the earbuds in the car and chatted right through my workout -- not just a quick 'hey' or 'what's up', but actual conversations. It took a little (okay, a lot) longer to get in and out of the gym, but I left feeling more connected, appreciative of my gym crew, social, and more motivated when I sat down at my desk to get some work done. No Monday blahs here!" -Zach, Assistant Director at ASU Center for Mindfulness

DID YOU KNOW: experiencing gratitude triggers the release of the 'feel-good' neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine not only triggers positive emotions, optimism, and spurs prosocial behavior, but it's part of our brain's motivation-reward-reinforcement cycle. Taking a few minutes to feel grateful (for a conversation, a gym spot, or a kindness done toward us) not only helps us be more social, it triggers the neural pathways related to motivation and accomplishment!

Centered | Center: Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience | ASU 12/01/2023

As we prepare to take part in the U.S. Surgeon General's 5-for-5 Connection Challenge over the next two weeks, a few thoughts from our team on the big difference small acts of gratitude, compassion and connection can bring us. Check out our latest blog post, A Case for Connection.

Centered | Center: Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience | ASU Welcome to the ASU Center for Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience blog. Follow this page for upcoming events and announcements, stories, and updates on Center initiatives and programming.


At ASU Center for Mindfulness, a core focus of our work is on connection. A sense of belonging -- to ourselves, with loved ones, within our broader communities -- is essential to our wellbeing. Join us this December in taking part in the U.S. Surgeon General's 5-for-5 Connection Challenge!

Too many Americans feel lonely and isolated, but simple actions to strengthen our relationships can help. The U.S. Surgeon General's 5-for-5 Connection Challenge encourages Americans to connect with 5 people over 5 days to foster stronger connections. Learn more at


On the Downtown campus this Thursday? Join our friends with the ASU chapter of the American Holistic Nurses Association in collaboration with the ASU Planning and Activity Board for DeStressFest from 5 - 7 pm at the Downtown Student Center at the Post Office.


This is incredibly timely. Thank you to our student partners at the Healthy Lifestyles Organization @ Arizona State University for bringing this important conversation to ASU.

ASU experts share mindfulness tips for the holiday season 11/20/2023

The holiday season can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Your presence in the moment is the greatest gift you can give others -- and yourself.

ASU experts share mindfulness tips for the holiday season Nika Gueci and her Zachary Reeves-Blurton from ASU's Center for Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience spoke to ASU News about how to mindfully navigate the holidays and shared the details of a new mindfulness course launching this spring that can help build up these skills all year long.

Foundations of Mindfulness and Resilience: Science and Practice | Center: Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience | ASU 11/02/2023

We've been quiet for a bit around here, but we're so excited to finally be able to tell you what we've been up to. In the spring, ASU's Center for Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience is launching our first credit-bearing academic course, Foundations of Mindfulness and Resilience: Science and Practice for both ASU immersion and ASU Online learners!

We're grateful to Arizona State University's ASU Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation Dean Judith Karshmer and Associate Dean Katherine Kenny, Center affiliates Lisa Jaurigue and Dr. Dawn Augusta, and everyone else who has guided us through the course development process. Thank you!

Visit our website for more information about HCR 294 and its link in the ASU Course Catalog.

Foundations of Mindfulness and Resilience: Science and Practice | Center: Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience | ASU Foundations of Mindfulness and Resilience: Science and Practice The ASU Center for Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience is excited to present Foundations of Mindfulness and Resilience: Science and Practice, a seven-week undergraduate course. What is it? This course is our response to the ever-incr...

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Videos (show all)

Spring is back, and so are the puppies! Join ASU Center for Mindfulness and @azhumane  this Tuesday between 1 - 3 pm at ...
Student Testimonial: Enrollment: “A few of things that wer...
Please see this message from our friends at Champion Yoga and join their event on June 5!
Join the Equitable Mindfulness sessions live12noon - 1pmJoin from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
ASU's Center for Mindfulness is participating in #WellnessAtoZDay2021 on Sunday, May 16! Go here for more information: h...
Thu, May 20, 2021, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM MSTRegister by Wed, May 19, 2021, 10:00 AM MSTRegister here:
Thu, May 20, 2021, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM MSTRegister by Wed, May 19, 2021, 10:00 AM MSTRegister here:
Our society is hungry for human connection. Although our social technologies allow us to be constantly attached to the w...
Midday Mindfulness will be on Hiatus starting tomorrow 12/24/2020 until 01/08/2021 for the winter holiday season. During...
Check out Yoga and Jazz in the Civic Space park on Sun, Jan 6!
Mindfulness in the Park





455 N. 3rd Street
Phoenix, AZ

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 6pm