Certifyme.net Forklift Certification

Certifyme.net Forklift Certification

Online OSHA Compliant Forklift Saftey Training & Certification http://www.CertifyMe.net

Online Forklift Certification - OSHA Forklift Training and Safety Program - Download and Print Your Operator Card - Certificate Immediately.


It's Not How Fast You Go It's Knowing When to Go Slow


Same my friend, same.


Are two forklifts better than one?


How many forklift operators do you have on your job?


Seriously. If another friend asks me for help "just because" and then not listen to any advice to keep them alive, I'm going to lose it.

Hire someone already!


hahaha! Say that ten times fast! 😂


*Your ride is approaching* - Which one are you going with? 🤔 💭

📷 cred: Forklift Memes


What do you think the greatest challenge for new forklift operators during their certification process? ⛑️


It's not enough to take a certification class once, you need to live and breathe safety... so you can live and breathe.


No Safety - Know Pain - Know Safety - No Pain


You may be aware of the basic forklift and it's various duties but did you know that there are different types of forklifts 💭 ❓

In this infographic, we dive into all the types of forklifts and their capabilities.
Have you heard of all of these? Comment below. ⬇️

Read the blog here: https://bit.ly/3DJXeto


If You Don't Know What is Going to Happen - There is No Way to Stop It. Plan Ahead for Safety


Is your team fully OSHA certified??

Safeguard your business against fines and violations.

Training can be as low as $59 per team member and

..can protect you against fines.
..can help your workplace be more productive and safe.
..help you have a more educated and efficient team!

Together, let's build a safer workplace!

Contact us today, and let us help you make sure you are compliant with OSHA standards.

📞 +1 888-699-4800

📧 [email protected]


Forklift drivers are SKILLED!

We may do the same thing each day, but it's a LOT of things all at once!


What's the best piece of advice you've received about forklift driving?


Like if you can relate 😂

📸 : KnowYourMeme


This was SUCH a newbie "learning opportunity."

ALWAYS. ALWAYS check your weight.

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Videos (show all)

Are two forklifts better than one?
Is your team fully OSHA certified??Safeguard your business against fines and violations.Training can be as low as $59 pe...
Yeah, we don't think OSHA would be impressed with this...
Getting forklift certification has never been easier, thanks to CertifyMe.Not sure how to get forklift certified? We can...
Was not expecting that 😱
Ok but how smooth is this? 😎Source: @noahjayshaw
A day in the life of a tiny forklift 😂 🔥📷 Credit: Grocery Outlet





PO Box 16205
Phoenix, AZ