Moon Mountain Elementary
Moon Mountain affords students a rich curriculum aligned to Arizona College and Career Ready Standards.
Moon Mountain Elementary School, in the Washington Elementary School District, serves nearly 800 prekindergarten through sixth grade children in the neighborhood bordered by Interstate 17 to the west, 12th Avenue to the east, a northern border that is typically Thunderbird but does goes as far north as Mandalay Lane and 19th Avenue and generally Sweetwater to the south. Moon Mountain uses Make You
Operating as usual

Our regular school year may be over but the learning will continue in our SUMMER ACADEMY and KINDERGARTEN JUMPSTART programs! 😎😎😎
The fun begins on Tuesday, 5/28! The first week of classes will be Tuesday through Friday. The remaining weeks will be Monday through Thursday. All sessions will run from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will be served!
If you have any questions, please direct them to Kari Abraham at (602) 896-6052.

Congratulations to Ms. Elena Dowers as she retires from Moon Mountain Elementary! She has been a tremendous asset to our school as an outstanding Fifth Grade teacher for more than 20 years! We will miss you so much but wish you well! Please come back to visit us every now & then!

Yesterday, Moon Mountain staff and younger students said CONGRATULATIONS to our fantastic SIXTH GRADE students who are moving up to middle school next year! We are so proud of you and hope that you had a terrific time with us during your time at Moon Mountain! Best of luck in the future! Enjoy these photos from the last day of school including the luncheon provided by Moon Mountain PTSA and our annual "clap out" tradition!

Congratulations to Hawraa S., this year's Moon Mountain EL Student of the Year! Hawraa has attended Moon Mountain School since Kindergarten and has always been a hard worker and student leader! She earned this distinction for her performance and growth on school assessments. Congratulations Hawraa! We are so proud of you!

It's official...the 2023-2024 school year is over! Congratulations to all of our students on a terrific year. Sixth Graders: we will miss you and wish you the best of luck next school year! Please have a fun & safe summer!

Our Second Grade students had the privilege of doing a pedestrian and bike safety course at school. At the end of the course, they got to test their knowledge at the bike rodeo and received free bikes and helmets to take home!

Enjoy these photos from Mrs. Oyaski's Third Graders....their animal habitat dioramas that were displayed during the Student Showcase earlier this month and a fun end-of-the-year drawing activity with chalk!

Kindergarten WATER DAY was a blast with water balloons, popsicles, and good friends!

Miss Cordova's preschool class celebrated the end of the school year with a fun WATER DAY yesterday! Splash pad, bubbles, and popsicles, oh my!

Our Sixth Graders had their annual trip to Castles N Coasters today and had so much fun!

Mrs. Oyaski's 3rd Grade class performed for each other during their class TALENT SHOW last week!

Our Sixth Graders had their annual ICE CREAM SOCIAL AND DANCE on Friday afternoon! Enjoy the pics!

Moon Mountain students had the opportunity to participate in a fun end-of-the-year activity in the library! Students discovered who invented bubble gum and watched the video “How Bubble Gum is Made.” While watching the video, students chewed Dubble Bubble Bubblegum and practiced blowing bubbles for a contest! The student with the largest bubble in each class received a bubble gum scented pencil and everyone received a bubblegum scented sticker! Thank you to our Moon Mountain PTSA for funding this fun activity!

It's National Speech-Language Pathologist Day! A special thank you to all of our SLPs across the district who are dedicated to helping students with their speech and communication skills. We appreciate their hard work, support and expertise!
The WESD currently has job openings for a speech-language pathologist and a speech and language pathology assistant. If you or someone you know is interested, please apply at https://jobs.wesdschools.org/.

Moon Mountain School is proud to celebrate two program partnerships with Gabriel's Angels. The ABC pet therapy team visits three students on a weekly basis to help improve each child’s confidence and motivation to read. The Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) program engages a small group of 8-10 students with a therapy animal to help develop core social behaviors for healthy child development. Enjoy our highlights of this school year!

Congratulations to Ms. Leutz, Ms. Lopez, and Ms. Schaff for graduating from the BEGIN program! We are so proud of you and happy that you're at Moon Mountain!

On Friday afternoon, our students and staff members had their last HOUSE MEETING for the 2023-2024 school year. We continued to discuss RESPONSIBILITY and how we can demonstrate that character trait at school, at home, by the pool, in the sun, and other places! Congratulations to the House of Curiosity for being the House Winners for the 4th Quarter! They celebrated with a glow party in the cafeteria!

On Friday morning, Moon Mountain Kindergarteners serenaded their families at this year's Spring Concert! Thank you to Mrs. Williams, Ms. Vierthaler, and Mrs. Willand for coordinating such a great annual event!

Our Sixth Grade students have participated in a few end-of-the-year team building activities recently including tie-dying shirts and a tug-of-war team challenge!

Mrs. Fox's Second Grade class had a yummy lesson on Nutrition last week! They learned all about the food groups and how much of them to eat at each meal. The students then had the privilege of decorating and enjoying a bagel with veggies and fruits! Thank you WESD Nutrition Services!

Thank you to our community for a lovely TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK! The WeCare Foundation of Arizona treated our staff to lunch on Monday, New Promise Church brought in breakfast on Tuesday, our terrific Moon Mountain PTSA provided us with a luncheon during our PLC meeting, our office staff made and delivered pancakes to our teachers, and we had loads of sweet treats on Friday! Our social worker also set up a relaxation station for teachers to take a break and enjoy some time in a massage chair! We are so thankful for our community and business partners as well as our MM families who helped make this week feel special!

Moon Mountain families,
Please consider supporting the Washington Education Foundation (WEF) through this fundraiser TONIGHT (Friday, May 10th). The WEF generously provided funding for our HOUSE SYSTEM for the past two school years through grants!
Fundraiser Event for Washington Education Foundation Raise money for Washington Education Foundation

Happy National School Nurse Day to our fabulous Health Tech, Ms. Melissa! She is kind, caring, and we so appreciate everything she does for our students!
It's National School Nurse Day! The appreciates all of our outstanding school nurses and health technicians who are dedicated to the health and safety of our students every day. Thank you for your hard work, compassion and expertise!

🏀🏀🏀 Moon Mountain students officially celebrated their i-Ready MARCH MADNESS CHAMPIONSHIP status on Monday with an assembly! In case you didn't hear, our school is the 2024 district champion for a month-long competition involving math lessons passed using our i-Ready curriculum! Our students loved celebrating their win with some games, photo ops, and dancing! 🏀🏀🏀

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week (this week), we'd like to share some ideas of how you can show your child's teacher that you appreciate all of the hard work they do for our students!

Moon Mountain students and staff shined a bright spotlight on our accomplishments this week during two separate STUDENT SHOWCASE events! We were delighted to host some special guests from the district office, as well. Thank you to Dr. Paul Stanton, Superintendent, Dr. Lyn Bailey, Assistant Superintendent, and Governing Board members Jenni Abbott-Bayardi and Kyle Clayton. We appreciate you coming to our campus to see our projects come to life.
On Tuesday, April 30, 2024, our Kindergarten and First Grade students showcased their samples including poetry, narrative, opinion, and how-to writing. Our Second Grade students presented their multimedia state reports.
On Thursday, May 2, 2024, our Third Grade students presented their animal habitat dioramas. Fourth Grade students displayed their brochures and maps they created to demonstrate their learning of the Transcontinental Railway. Fifth Grade students held their Science Fair and Sixth Graders participated in their Ancient Civilizations Wax Museum.
Additionally, artwork from all students was displayed in classroom hallways and all grade levels participated in several music collaborations led by Ms. Miller. It was a terrific celebration to showcase our students’ learning in reading, writing, science, social studies, and the arts! Thank you to all staff members who helped to contribute to these evenings being so successful!

Moon Mountain School would like to wish our terrific cafeteria staff members a very happy SUPER LUNCH HERO DAY! We appreciate you so much!
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13425 N. 19th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ
Opening Hours
Monday | 7am - 3:30pm |
Tuesday | 7am - 3:30pm |
Wednesday | 7am - 2:30pm |
Thursday | 7am - 3:30pm |
Friday | 7am - 3:30pm |