The primary purpose of the PTC is to promote Shadow Mountain High School as a cooperative community of parents, students, teachers, staff, and administrators.
The PTC provides aid, support, and resources for SMHS community. The goal of the Matador Parent Teacher Club is to bring the home and school into closer union, to jointly secure the greatest advantages for our teens and to assist in areas beyond the district's financial ability. Your membership makes the difference at our school! We support student success, parent education & staff appreciation. P
articipants get to know other school parents & administrators. Find out what's happening at school & lend your expertise to discussions & activities
Research shows parent involvement benefits students & schools
Here's what we do:
Provide support to any and all clubs, programs, organizations and sports teams on campus
Extend our non-profit status to all groups that belong to the Matador PTC umbrella, allowing for better fundraising opportunities
Carry the liability insurance that covers our groups
Harness the power of various fundraising programs
We provide a monetary gift to qualifying graduating seniors
Organize the annual Project "Safe" Grad Night: the all-night drug-free and alcohol-free party for graduating seniors
The Matador PTC has many places to volunteer - on and off campus
MEMBERSHIP $25 per year
Operating as usual
PARENTS!!!! The 2025 SMHS Talent Show will be held on February 13th at 7pm in the PAC! Students share your talents with your peers and sign up to audition yourself or a group to perform an act of your choice. Auditions will be held during lunch January 15th through 17th in the StuGo room,194. Please have this form completed by January 13th! The winners will get 2 free prom tickets!
Here are the details:
• Audition Dates: January 15–17
• Time: During lunch
• Location: StuGo room
• Prize for Winners: Free Prom tickets
Any help in spreading the word would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
STOP! Don't cook dinner tonight! Join us at to support Boys Basketball! 4-8pm
Feel like doing some "after the holidays" purging of clothing, shoes and textiles? Drop them in the recycling bin near the west parking lot!
We just love this fun matadors in training event!!! SMHS Pom & Cheer Boosters
Next Saturday Shadow Mountain High School Football Booster Club Shadow Mountain HS Football
Happy New Year! Just a quick note to pass on a request for volunteers from Ms Caceres, ELA teacher at Shadow Mountain.
Ms Caceres is looking for volunteers for mock interviews on Friday, January 24th in the Media Center. The event will run during periods 1-4, from 7:15 to 11:40 AM, and will involve both junior and senior English classes.
Volunteers would simply ask students questions from a provided list, similar to those they might encounter in a real interview setting. Each interview will only last 2-3 minutes. Ms Caceres and the other participating teachers will be present to facilitate the event.
If you are interested and able to help out, please contact Ms Caceres at: [email protected]
Send a message to learn more
Do you have furniture needs? Purchases at American Furniture Warehouse ANYTIME OF THE YEAR support our school! Please Share with Friends and Relatives. Thanks for your support!
Thanks to the Thirsty Lion - Phoenix (Thirsty Lion at Desert Ridge) for hosting our administrator end of the year gathering and providing appetizers for the group!
🚨 Shadow Mountain Flash Sale! Save $5 on all tees, $10 on hoodies and $15 on jackets. Sale ends 1/3! Shop at
Wow- THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this an amazing luncheon for our teachers and staff! Because of your generosity we were able to give EVERYONE a gift card and had some left over to give our bus drivers as well! The PTC would like to wish you all HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
DID you see the SMHS E-BLAST?
Great info about:
Taming Test Anxiety
StuGo Faculty Wish List
StuGo Jolly Grams
StuGo Toys for Tots Holiday Drive
Next Wednesday we will be throwing a beautiful lunch by for our teachers and staff and we hope to shower each person on our list with a gift card! Gift card donations - IN ANY AMOUNT- are being collected in the office and will need to be in by end of the day on TUESDAY the 17th so we can wrap them! Thanks so much!
Shop till you drop on Saturday from 10-2 at Winter Marketplace at Mercury Mine Elementary School
The primary purpose of the PTC is to promote Shadow Mountain High School (hereinafter referred to as “SMHS”) as a cooperative community of parents, students, teachers, staff, and administrators. The PTC provides aid, support, and resources for new and existing clubs, student success, parent education, and staff appreciation. The Club is intended to be a partnership with SMHS Administration and Paradise Valley Unified School District (hereinafter referred to as “PVUSD”). The Club was formed exclusively for charitable, educational, and fostering staff support purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The SMHS PTC’s mission is to support, assist, and promote SMHS by uniting students, parents, teachers, staff, and the community. This will be accomplished in a way that enhances the sharing of school spirit, provide morale, as well as financial support to develop a successful support system for school groups and staff to provide a memorable experience to SMHS students. The Club will create a positive brand for SMHS through dynamic leadership, timely communication, financial and moral support, and opportunities that will draw students and sponsors to keep a quality high school. The Club will organize social and fundraising events for students, teachers, and families throughout the year. The Club will promote enthusiastic and positive behavior at all school events.
Membership is open to adults who are not currently high school students, specifically SMHS parents of current students, alumni, SMHS staff and teachers, and community members interested in aiding, improving, and supporting SMHS. Membership requires that all persons are willing to uphold the policies and subscribe to the bylaws of the Club. Membership also requires that all persons are willing to uphold the policies of the PVUSD Volunteer Handbook.
Check out our website at for the numerous ways you can help volunteer and/or support our school!
Also, we are always seeking partnership with our community. Please connect with us on opportunities of how you can help!