Center for Applied NanoBioscience and Medicine

Center for Applied NanoBioscience and Medicine


Center for Applied NanoBioscience and Medicine (ANBM) at UA College of Medicine- Phoenix

Operating as usual

Photos from Center for Applied NanoBioscience and Medicine's post 08/23/2024

We are so thankful for a wonderful Summer of research and to be able to partner again with TGen and these wonderful students (Nabhan, Sophia, Van, and Naina) for the annual Helios Scholars at TGen program. Our mentors (Dr. Zenhausern, Dr. Gu, Dr. Devadhasan, Dr. Lacombe, Zhu Zhao, and Ashkan Khanishayan) and students worked diligently towards very successful presentations and we are proud of their accomplishments. :-)


Today everyone in the lab looked at the sky and our engineer Brett managed to take a picture of the partial solar eclipse in AZ...quite impressive galactic event !

How to exploit plant vesicles as green battery-on-a-leaf? 09/08/2022

ANBM first crowdfunding project has launched ! Please share this link to your network of friends possibly interested in supporting our pilot study to validate further a novel plant battery device. We have also filed related patents if someone would have any commercial /business interest 😊


Thank you

How to exploit plant vesicles as green battery-on-a-leaf? Green electrical energy storage solutions are needed to power booming number of smartphones and wearable devices. Flexible batteries are practical solutions, but power densities, mechanical properties and printing processes impede reliability and performance. Now imagine by combining...

Largest study of masks yet details their importance in fighting Covid-19 09/02/2021

Surgical face masks efficiency in protecting against COVID-19 (and possibly other diseases) has been demonstrated in a study of about 350,000 participants ! Let's wear mask and get vaccinated to fight this pandemic....

Largest study of masks yet details their importance in fighting Covid-19 A study involving more than 340,000 people in Bangladesh offers some of the strongest real-world evidence yet that mask use can help communities slow Covid-19.

Publications 06/15/2021

ANBM is proud to be a member of the DNA storage alliance which you can check at:
Check also the first publication at
Or follow us on the social channels at: 👏
o LinkedIn group:
o Twitter account:

Publications Our first whitepaper will give you a good overview of DNA Data Storage technology and the need for a new archival storage medium that will help with the explosive growth of digital data.

From Radiation to COVID-19 – Measuring Exposure with The New Test Strip 06/01/2021

Although it has been a long time since our last post since we have been very busy with our research work during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are please to announce some of our new efforts expanding our development in space medicine.
We are proud to be engaged with NASA TRISH and Space X for the next Inspiration 4 mission. This will be a first civilian crew-flight during which our team will be providing its technologies for collecting biospecimen and performing a first molecular diagnostics during the flight. Here is also a link to a first report and more to come soon!

From Radiation to COVID-19 – Measuring Exposure with The New Test Strip For these future deep-space missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond, TRISH is specifically tasked with discovering and funding disruptive technology that...


Amazing day and huge accomplishment for the SpaceX Team so CONGRATS !!!! and our center is also proud of its sponsor NASA and TRISH for keeping mankind dreaming and exploring the Universe !


This week was busy at the center trying to assist with the response to Covid 19. Our team has prepared some face masks and swabs.


Our team is adapting to new conditions so we can keep safe and continue operations...quite Sci-fi view of Jasmine working on the VFI prototype for space flight application...


Although the ANBM team is switching to some virtual operations, the team is keeping its enthusiasm and effort to explore solutions that could help with the pandemic crisis. From sample collection to rapid diagnostics and health logistics the team is pursuing its ventures to fight COVID-19 ! Let's all keep safe and healthy.

Photos from Center for Applied NanoBioscience and Medicine's post 02/27/2020

A job well done by our team presenting at the Fifth Annual ABRC Research Conference yesterday!

Photos from Center for Applied NanoBioscience and Medicine's post 02/21/2020

Some update about our amazing team which participated at the last NASA Human Research Performance Conference in Galveston (TX). Our technology demonstration was successful and our postdoc received the 2nd Place Award for her Poster !!!

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Our Story

The Center for Applied NanoBioscience & Medicine (ANBM) at the University of Arizona (UA) provides a strong applied science and technology thrust as part of the College of Medicine-Phoenix and its affiliations with the College of Engineering and TGen.

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475 N 5th Street
Phoenix, AZ

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm