Finally, on Friday, the theme is quality sleep. Sleep is essential for good health, and many people struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep or even get enough restful sleep each night. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society recommend that adults ages 18–60 sleep at least seven hours each night to promote optimal health and well-being. Take this day to reflect on your own sleep habits and find ways to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep.
Thursday is dedicated to social connection. Humans are social creatures, and maintaining social connections is important for our mental health and our well-being. Whether it’s spending time with friends and family, volunteering in your community, or participating in a group event, find ways to connect with others on this day.
Wednesday is all about avoiding risky substances. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug use can all have negative impacts on our health. Take this day to reflect on your own habits and if there is any room for improvement to reduce or eliminate any risky behaviors.
On Tuesday, the focus is nutrition. ACLM recommends a plant-predominant eating pattern, meaning the bulk of the foods consumed should come from whole-food sources like fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts/seeds, beans, etc. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is essential for good health. Take this day to learn more about the pillar of nutrition and try incorporating some new healthy recipes into your diet. Small changes can lead to big improvements in your overall health and well-being.
Sunday started off with the pillar of stress management. Everyone is impacted by stress in one way or another. It can positively and negatively impact our physical and mental health. During this day, we encourage individuals and clinicians to take some time to reflect on negative stress triggers and find healthy ways to manage them. Whether it’s meditation, deep breathing, or taking a walk outside, there are various ways to reduce harmful stress and improve your overall well-being.
Monday’s theme is physical activity. Regular movement and exercise are essential for maintaining your health. The 2019 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends adults accumulating at least 150 – 300 minutes of activity per week. This can look different for everyone, and it is important to find something enjoyable to achieve those minutes. Whether you prefer running, cycling, swimming, or any other type of physical activity, make sure to get moving on this day! Even just a short walk can make a big difference in your overall health.
Welcome to LMWeek 2024: May 18 - 24
Lifestyle Medicine Week is a global celebration of healthy behaviors and a public awareness campaign on the impact our choices can have on chronic disease. Below you will find social media resources to share within your personal and professional networks during LMWeek 2024. To explore additional resources related to lifestyle medicine and its pillars, please use the "Communication Topics" menu item.
lt is the organ and tissue donor month: Happy Donate Life Month! See more details
Did you know that...
342 organ donors gave the gift of life in Arizona
776 lives were saved thanks to the generosity of those donors
In Arizona, there were:
~1,293 tissue donors
~765 ocular donors
~401 heart valve donors
~341 placenta donors
~223,019 Arizonans were added to the DonateLifeAZ Registry
Are you interested in finding out more about organ and tissue donation? See attached flyer for more details, and check out this inspiring story:
Steven Fietek - A Heart Transplant Story
Steven Fietek - A Heart Transplant Story
HLO equips everyone to become aware of all domains of well-being. By participating in this contest, HLO encourages members to connect and have meaningful conversations about how other HLO members experience their 12 wellness domains (see description of each domain here).
This contest will ultimately lead you to a monetary prize!
$100 for the winner (Amazon Gift Card)
$50 for second place (Cash $)
$25 for third place (Cash $)
What to do?
Access Yellowdig using this link: https://yellowdig.app/share/asuhlo
Get creative, develop a video, audio, or picture chronicle that tells us your story about how you practice wellness, and write a brief statement about it.
Tag your topic using one of the 12 domains of wellness that relates to your story.
Have an open mind, and have fun!
Point System
Select one wellness domain
For 310 points, each week create ONE of these
5 min video chronicle OR
5 min audio chronicle OR
a picture chronicle depicting your compelling narrative AND a short paragraph with 100 minimum words description of the selected wellness dimension
View peer video/audio/pictures and comment a minimum of 50 words (230 points)
Receiving a peer HLO member comment (70 points)
Receiving a peer HLO member reaction (55 points)
HLO members can earn up to 2,000 points every week
Note: HLO members with the same scores will be awarded their prize based on who gets there first and a voting consensus among HLO leadership.
Duration ONE month (four weeks of the challenge)
Starts at 7:00 AM next Monday, March 6th (Arizona Time)
Ends on April 7th at 10 PM (Arizona Time)
How do I get points?
Get points for how much you engage and interact with others. The point system allows you to earn points for posting or commenting and receive comments, reactions, and accolades from other people reading your chronicles. The more you interact, and the more people you have conversations with, the more points you'll get.
The more points and responses you get the higher you get on the point scale. The rules here are simple, make posts and comments that spark good conversations about topics that help your HLO community to learn about you, be respectful of others with different backgrounds and opinions, and don’t be afraid to have some fun while doing it! 🎉🏄♀️🍎👨🌾
If you have questions, please email Springer or Voehl or reply to this announcement.
Better Wellness = Higher Well-being!
The month of February holds two special observances - Black History Month and American Heart Month. Black History Month serves as a month of reflection and celebration. The Health & Human Services Office of Minority Health (OMF) is using this month to highlight the ways food insecurity, nutrition, and social determinants of health (SDOH) impact the Black community.
Although, as health leaders, we should often think about the ways Black Americans' health is impacted by social determinants year-round, use this month as a means of extra time to continue educating yourself and others.
It's also American Heart Month! This February, the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention is bringing you a new campaign - Live to the Beat! This campaign focuses on encouraging and empowering Black adults to make small steps to reduce their risks for cardiovascular disease. Make sure you review their campaign website for an online toolkit featuring material and resources to help educate and equip various audiences to practice heart-healthy habits.
“Live to the Beat” Campaign Partner Toolkit | Million Hearts®
Use these resources to encourage adults to take heart-healthy steps.
Join HLO in their latest talk: The Role of Connectedness and Positive Psychology.
Social connections and relationships affect our physical, mental and emotional health. Research shows that the single most important predictor of human happiness and long life is having strong social connections. Health-related measures like blood pressure and heart rate improve even with short positive social interactions.
The Role of Connectedness
Check out this Flyer (A4) designed by Timothy Voehl.
As the holiday season begins this month, join VIA in celebrating the strengths that make a positive contribution (kindness and creativity) and recognize the contributions of others (gratitude). By expressing these strengths, you can create positive ripples in your life, relationships, workplace, and community.https://via-assets.global.ssl.fastly.net/76d1ea39-a4eb-4270-b9dc-899653415f8f/assets/VIA%20November%202022%20Calendar%20V2.pdf
Many of you are interested in learning more about behavior, change, and its intricacies. This is a great opportunity!
Mark your calendars! Dr. Roy F. Baumeister will join Edson's College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Thursday, November 10th from 2:00-3:00 PM to give a talk titled “Addiction: A Problem of Motivation, Free Will, or Self-Destructive Behavior?”
Puerto Rico: ‘Al garete’ no more! Wellbeing among Rural Communities
Programs > Global Education Office
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
We’re going all out to raise money, raise awareness and make sure people affected by breast cancer know we’re here for them this Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
HLO invites you to our Lifestyles Series Event!
Join Dr. Ann Sebren, a certified mindfulness teacher, in her exploration of stress and its significant ramifications on body function.
Learn more about the difference between positive and negative stress and how to relate to stress differently to reduce stress impacts.
What else?
Connect: Meet other HLO members
Enjoy our swag raffle!
When: October 25th
Time: 2-3 PM MST
Where: ZOOM https://asu.zoom.us/j/546929316
Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group Custom Flyer
Check out this real estate flyer designed by Karen Gregory-Mercado.
Health and Wellness Coaching does not simply focus on physical health but addresses overall health, well-being, and life’s core dimensions. The proactive working relationship with a health and wellness coach will accelerate your progress towards your well-being goals by providing greater focus and awareness of choice.
Thirty students are available to coach you! Our students are also seeking to become National Board-Certified Coaches. These students want to be of service as they practice their coaching skills in the real world.
Please see this flyer https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Q_8AUtDuRjuizNMsTLrQBbR5l_H37TcB0JMqrMz1PcM/edit?usp=sharing to understand what to expect. If you are interested, please complete this Application Form https://forms.gle/XMLRiLNDjixnWWxUA. We will pair you up with one of our coaches.
Gratitude can help you feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve health, deal with adversity, and create a stronger sense of community.
Today, September 21st is World Gratitude Day! How do you harness the power of gratitude in your personal life, workplace, and beyond?
World Gratitude Day
World Gratitude Day encourages us to celebrate the broad meaning of gratitude. Join us for fun and exciting ideas to celebrate today.
HLO and a Taste of Lifestyle Medicine at ASU Healthy Lifestyles Student Organization
Event: Taste of Lifestyle Medicine
• Description:
This Fall Healthy Lifestyles Student Organization (HLO) celebrates many milestones.
Join us in celebrating that we are an American College of Lifestyle Medicine interest group. In this celebration, we will…
• Talk: Healthy Lifestyle Hacks
• Food is Medicine: Plant-based demonstration of a healthy dessert-“Nicecream”
• Connect: Meet other HLO members, and win some prizes
First come, first serve-capacity is only 50
Enjoy our refreshments and goodies!
• Time: 2 PM
• Day: August 23rd
• Location: Downtown Multicultural Center, Taylor Place, 130
Check out HLO's website:
Sean, Red, Tim, Michael and Rachel... what an amazing job!
What do you do to protect your brain's health?
Home of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion - health.gov
Health.gov is your portal for health-related resources and news from the U.S. government. Find prevention topics, dietary and physical activity guidelines, and other health resources.
Another exciting news about HLO Healthy Lifestyles Organization (HLO) at ASU is an official Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group (LMIG) member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM). HLO will be listed in the ACLM member directory representing HLO, ASU, and being the first student organization to represent ASU. Through this partnership, HLO aligns its mission to extend members' opportunities and benefits. By being an LMIG, HLO now has additional benefits such as:
• Access to up to $2,000 in Taste of Lifestyle Medicine grant funding per year
• Opportunity to apply for the Donald A. Pegg Award (LMIG seed funding & awardee professional development grant)
• Ability to download resources, network and collaborate with other LMIGs via the exclusive LMIG community on ACLM Connect
Lifestyle Medicine Interest Groups
ACLM’s Trainees have started student-led, faculty-supported groups across the country and are instrumental in advocating for curriculum reform. LMIGs are the perfect way to connect, share ideas, collaborate on projects and learn how to practice LM.
It is official; Healthy Lifestyles Organization (HLO) members have been working very hard to design their website, which is now live…check it out -- www.hloasu.org.
Wellness | The Healthy Lifestyles Organization at Arizona State University
The Healthy Lifestyles Organization empowers students with information on how to live a more balanced life. Current health and wellness coaches and students offer wisdom from their experiences through various events and multimedia outlets.