Phoenix Bioscience Core

Phoenix Bioscience Core


The Phoenix Bioscience Core is the center of Phoenix's life science ecosystem.

Home to Arizona's three public research universities, TGen and more than a dozen private companies, creating a unique environment for collaborative research.

Operating as usual

Photos from Phoenix Bioscience Core's post 08/22/2024


Shoutout to our amazing PA students!

Recently, students from the Physician Assistant Department at the Phoenix Bioscience Core held a blanket drive, collecting store-bought and hand-knitted blankets. In total, about 50 blankets were donated to the Phoenix Children's Hospital emergency department and family care cart. The family care cart is taken directly to the bedside of patients and their families and functions to provide extra comfort measures during their stay in the hospital.

Great work!

NAU Physician Assistant Program Northern Arizona University- Phoenix Biomedical Campus Phoenix Bioscience Core Phoenix Children's

Photos from Phoenix Bioscience Core's post 12/18/2023

On Tuesday, December 12, the Phoenix Bioscience Core hosted its first annual State of the PBC to provide the business and community leaders from across the state with valuable updates from our universities and the city of Phoenix. More than 200 people joined us to hear about the progress for , the new development from the University of Arizona, NAU’s efforts to decrease the state’s healthcare workforce shortage, and how the City of Phoenix is investing heavily in the biosciences for the growth of our economy. Thank you to everyone who attended and we look forward to seeing you next year!

Photos from Greater Phoenix Economic Council's post 12/18/2023

We are running a giving tree to support the students and families of the Phoenix Union Bioscience High School. If you are able to support a family or student this holiday season, please click the link below to support these wonderful students. Thank you for your support!

Photos from Phoenix Bioscience Core's post 08/30/2023

It has been an incredible August for the Phoenix Bioscience Core. Earlier this month, we debuted our cohort, featuring 10 Phoenix area artists and 10 PBC researchers coming together to deliver incredible works of translational art that showcase the important research happening at our institutions. These projects included murals, sculptures, dance, augmented reality and artificial intelligence, metallurgy, and hand-stitched materials.

More than 500 people visited our First Look and Grand Opening events to see these pieces, and we’re just getting started. You can see ARx2 next on Sept. 14 when it returns to the Health Sciences Education Building for public display. The PBC and its Arts Committee will be hosting a deep dive with members of our first and second cohorts to discuss how their projects came together and sharing some fun stories along the way. Join us for this fun and stimulating evening. And stay tuned to see where our art lands next!

Thank you to everyone who participated and supported this program. Special thanks to the Dr. Cynthia Standley of the University of the Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix, who chairs our Arts Committee; Sara Anderson and Proxsea LLC, who put these incredible events together; Craig Randich and Bentley Gallery for being an incredible arts partner for the PBC; and Danny Upshaw for taking these amazing photos.

We will be opening applications for ARx3 soon. Stay tuned!


There are only a few days left to apply to the PBC’s Student Art Grant! Students in health care, life sciences, population health and other PBC-related roles from Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the The University of Arizona are encouraged to apply! Learn more about this $1,000 opportunity here!

Artist + Researcher Exhibit featured on Arizona PBS - Phoenix Bioscience Core 06/23/2023

It was great to hear PBC Arts Committee Chair Dr. Cynthia Standley, a University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix faculty member, speaking about our Artist + Researcher Exhibit last night on Arizona PBS. Check out the interview here!

Artist + Researcher Exhibit featured on Arizona PBS - Phoenix Bioscience Core The Phoenix Bioscience Core's Artist + Researcher Exhibit was recently featured on Arizona Horizons on AZ PBS.


Big news for PHX: CBRE identified Phoenix as a key emerging life science research cluster. The city and region continues to grow as a hub for research and commercialization in the life science and biomedical fields. This is in large part because of the tremendous efforts our universities, the city and other partners have done to make sure Phoenix continues to grow. .

1) The Phoenix MSA brought in $143 million in NIH funding last year. That ranked #5 among emerging markets in the United States.

2) Phoenix ranked #1 in 5-year growth in biological and biomedical science degrees. It saw more than 90% growth during that time!

3) Phoenix's MSA grew 33 percent in life science research concentration over the past 5 years.

ASU Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation receives $4.5 million grant from NIH - Phoenix Bioscience Core 06/01/2023

Congratulations to ASU Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation receiving a $4.5 million grant from the National Institute on Aging - NIH.

“I think this grant shows what Professor (Fang) Yu and her team are doing is really cutting edge. This research could impact millions of people, potentially giving them some hope of relief from a terrible disease that steals their very essence. I’m looking forward to the findings and seeing how they develop into real-world interventions,” said Edson College Dean Judith Karshmer.

ASU Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation receives $4.5 million grant from NIH - Phoenix Bioscience Core Arizona State University's Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation announced it had received a $4.5 million grant from the National Institute on Aging, a division of the National Institute of Health, to study the link between exercise and slowing down Alzheimer's disease.

Timeline photos 05/02/2023

🔬Researchers at TTGen- Part of City of Hope and Jumpcode Genomics announced May 1 a new genomic sequencing technology that could help during large-scale pandemic responses. Read more here:

Timeline photos 05/01/2023

Faculty at Northern Arizona University's Department of Occupational Therapy received a new grant from Vitalyst Health Foundation AZ to support youth coming out of foster care. Read more about the program here.


Tomorrow! The PBC will be out at Ralph Waldo Emerson Elementary School a Why Wellness Day!

Come get a free preventative health health care screening from the University of Arizona Zuckerman College of Public Health's mobile health unit and Phoenix Union Bioscience High School volunteers, and check out a variety of other great health-related services from Phoenix College, ASU Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, and the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix. Hope to see you there!

ABRC Awards Prestigious Grants to Eight Researchers at the College | The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix 03/29/2023

Congratulations to the eight University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix researchers who received grants from the Arizona Department of Health Services ABRC. The grants total $2.8 million over three years and will fund research in women's health, lung disease, drug addiction and much more!

ABRC Awards Prestigious Grants to Eight Researchers at the College | The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix Awards will fund projects in a myriad of vital areas of translational research

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Thanks to FOX 10 Phoenix for coming out to the Phoenix Bioscience Core this morning to meet with Prof. Jason Siegler fro...




850 N. 5th Street
Phoenix, AZ