Amy L. Houston Academy - Alternative Education Program
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S 10th Street
Mr. Harvey
Math Grades 3-8
Operating as usual

Southwest Behavioral & Health Services en asociación con el Distrito Escolar de Roosevelt y mas de cinco otros organizaciones sin fines de lucro, se unen para proporcionar un Evento de recursos familiares (virtual) para nuestra comunidad de Roosevelt y Sur Phoenix. las presentaciones estarán a cargo de: Childhelp, Drug Free AZ Kids, South Phoenix W.O.R.K.S., Coalition, Strong Families Maricopa Prevention Council, Triple P Positive Parenting Program y más! (Ofrecido en inglés y español).
La comunidad también escuchará al Superintendente del Distrito Escolar Roosevelt, el Dr. Quintin Boyce, la Secretaria de la Mesa Directiva, Michelle Campuzano, la Directora, Brigette Smith de la Academia de Liderazgo de Chavez, El Director de Southwest School, Juan Sierra y la Directora Ejecutiva de Participación Comunitaria, Diana Figueroa.
¡Acompáñenos de 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. este próximo jueves 10 de septiembre! Regístrese aquí:
Enlace de registro: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpf-ChrzMjE9NU6bCXGEhVdaV_atK_dNyM
Southwest Behavioral & Health Services en asociación con el Distrito Escolar de Roosevelt y mas de cinco otros organizaciones sin fines de lucro, se unen para proporcionar un Evento de recursos familiares (virtual) para nuestra comunidad de Roosevelt y Sur Phoenix. las presentaciones estarán a cargo de: Childhelp, Drug Free AZ Kids, South Phoenix W.O.R.K.S., Coalition, Strong Families Maricopa Prevention Council, Triple P Positive Parenting Program y más! (Ofrecido en inglés y español).
La comunidad también escuchará al Superintendente del Distrito Escolar Roosevelt, el Dr. Quintin Boyce, la Secretaria de la Mesa Directiva, Michelle Campuzano, la Directora, Brigette Smith de la Academia de Liderazgo de Chavez, El Director de Southwest School, Juan Sierra y la Directora Ejecutiva de Participación Comunitaria, Diana Figueroa.
¡Acompáñenos de 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. este próximo jueves 10 de septiembre! Para unirse a este evento virtual, use este enlace: https://zoom.us/j/92489918997
Completa la encuesta aquí: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PHPRDM9

Look At These Classroom Work Spaces!!!! These Students Are Ready For SUCCESS!!!!
Announcement for the upcoming week Of 08/17/2020

Zoom schedule for this week.
Roosevelt School District No. 66 community, don't forget to register and join us for tomorrow's Virtual Family and Community Information Session – Regarding Return to School Plans on June 30, 2020 via Zoom! The English session will be held at 5 p.m. and the Spanish session will be held at 5:30 p.m. Use this link to join the Family and Community Information Session: https://zoom.us/j/741989868 . During the forum Roosevelt Superintendent, Dr. Quintin Boyce, will provide an update on Roosevelt’s return to school plan.
The first 25 people to register and participate in the event will receive a Safeway grocery gift card! To register for the Family and Community Information Session visit:www.rsd66.org/register or visit our Facebook event. We hope to see everyone virtually on June 30, 2020!
You are invited to submit questions by 9 a.m. today, June 29, for the Return to School Session by visiting www.rsd66.org/questions.
Additional information sessions will held in July.

The school year has recently ended and we are already planning and navigating how to welcome students and staff back to our schools for the 2020-21 academic year with appropriate considerations.
In an effort to learn from our communities recent experiences and gain awareness to better support a successful reopening, the Roosevelt School District No. 66 would appreciate your feedback as we plan for the upcoming school year.
Please take a few minutes to complete this brief, anonymous survey by clicking here: https://bit.ly/36DAeJK
Please participate and share your opinions and feedback with us before the deadline of June 5, 2020.
Remember, we are all in this together and together we will succeed!

Tune in to the first episodes of PHXTV Classroom on Channel 11 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. today to watch our very own amazing Roosevelt teachers teaching!
See the full schedule of classes here: https://www.phoenix.gov/phxtv/tv-schedule
Math Lesson Plan- Week7
Monday 5/11/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Third Grade Math
b) Find letter (J.4) Divide by 4
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Tuesday 5/12/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Third Grade Math
b) Find letter (J.5) Divide by 5
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Wednesday 5/13/2020
Student will :1. a) Go to IXL Third Grade Math
b) Find letter (J.8) Divide by 8
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Thursday 5/14/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Third Grade Math
b) Find letter (J.9) Divide by 9
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Friday 5/15/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Third Grade Math
b) Find letter (F.10) Divide by 10
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
AZ Standard(s) covered:
3.OA.C.7 Fluently multiply and divide within 100. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all multiplication products through 10 x 10 and division quotients when both the quotient and divisor are less than or equal to 10.
Monday 5/11/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fourth Grade Math
b) Find letter (G.1) Write variable expressions
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Tuesday 5/12/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fourth Grade Math
b) Find letter (G.2) Write variable expressions word problems
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Wednesday 5/13/2020
Student will :1. a) Go to IXL Fourth Grade Math
b) Find letter (G.3) Evaluate variable expressions
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Thursday 5/14/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fourth Grade Math
b) Find letter (G.4) Write variable equations to represent word problems
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Friday 5/15/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fourth Grade Math
b) Find letter (G.5) Solve variable equations
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
AZ Standard(s) covered:
4.OA.A.3 Solve multistep word problems using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Understand how the remainder is a fraction of the divisor. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity.
Monday 5/11/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fifth Grade Math
b) Find letter (EE.1) Perimeter with whole number side lengths
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Tuesday 5/12/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fifth Grade Math
b) Find letter (EE.5) Area of squares and rectangles
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Wednesday 5/13/2020
Student will :1. a) Go to IXL Fifth Grade Math
b) Find letter (EE.7) Area of triangles
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Thursday 5/14/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fifth Grade Math
b) Find letter (EE.12) Area and perimeter: word problems
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Friday 5/15/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fifth Grade Math
b) Find letter (?) Practice a skill you struggled with from above
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
AZ Standard(s) covered:
5.MD.C Geometric measurement: Understand concepts of volume and relate volume to multiplication and to addition.
Monday 5/11/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Sixth Grade Math
b) Find letter (FF.1) Perimeter
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Tuesday 5/12/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Sixth Grade Math
b) Find letter (FF.2) Area of rectangles and squares
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Wednesday 5/13/2020
Student will :1. a) Go to IXL Sixth Grade Math
b) Find letter (FF.3) Area of triangles
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Thursday 5/14/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Sixth Grade Math
b) Find letter (FF.4) Area of parallelograms
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Friday 5/15/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Sixth Grade Math
b) Find letter (?) Practice a skill you struggled with from above
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
AZ Standard(s) covered:
6.G.A.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques to solve mathematical problems and problems in real-world context.
Monday 5/11/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Seventh Grade Math
b) Find letter (R.1) Write variable expressions: one step operation
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Tuesday 5/12/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Seventh Grade Math
b) Find letter (R.2) Write variable expressions: two or three operations
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Wednesday 5/13/2020
Student will :1. a) Go to IXL Seventh Grade Math
b) Find letter (R.3) Write variable expressions: word problems
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Thursday 5/14/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Seventh Grade Math
b) Find letter (R.4) Evaluate linear expressions
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Friday 5/15/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Seventh Grade Math
b) Find letter (R.5) Evaluate multi-variable expressions
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
AZ Standard(s) covered:
7.EE.B.3 Solve multi-step mathematical problems and problems in real-world context posed with positive and negative rational numbers in any form. Convert between forms as appropriate and assess the reasonableness of answers.
Monday 5/11/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Eighth Grade Math
b) Find letter (T.1) Perimeter
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Tuesday 5/12/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Eighth Grade Math
b) Find letter (T.2) Area
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Wednesday 5/13/2020
Student will :1. a) Go to IXL Eighth Grade Math
b) Find letter (T.3) Area and perimeter: word problems
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Thursday 5/14/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Eighth Grade Math
b) Find letter (T.5) Area and circumference of circles
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Friday 5/15/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Eighth Grade Math
b) Find letter (T.6) Circles: word problems
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
AZ Standard(s) covered:
8.G.C Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres.
Social Studies 3-8 Grade Week of May 4, 2020
3rd Grade
E. Government
◦ Standard: PO 2 Recognize that there are different levels of government (e.g., local, tribal, county, state, and national).
▪ 1. Purpose of government
▪ 2. Local government
▪ 3. State government
▪ 4. Federal government
4th Grade
K. Government
◦ Standard: PO 2 Recognize that there are different levels of
government (e.g., local, tribal, county, state, and national).
▪ 1. Purpose of government
▪ 2. Local government
▪ 3. State government
▪ 4. Federal government
5th Grade
K. Government
◦ Standard: PO 2 Recognize that there are different levels of
government (e.g., local, tribal, county, state, and national).
▪ 1. Purpose of government
▪ 2. Local government
▪ 3. State government
▪ 4. Federal government
6th Grade
C. Ancient Egypt and Kush
Standard: H1.1 Compare the characteristics of historical cultures and civilizations...
1. Ancient Egypt: the Old Kingdom
2. Ancient Egyptian religion
3. The kingdoms of Kush
7th Grade
PP. Reconstruction
Standard: H1.1 Analyze the rise and decline, interactions between and blending of cultures and societies.
1. Radical Reconstruction
2. The end of Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow
8th Grade
D. Citizenship
Standard: PO 3 Describe the importance of citizens being actively involved in the democratic process (i.e., voting, student government, involvement in political decision making, analyzing issues, petitioning public officials).
▪ 1. Citizenship and the naturalization process
▪ 2. Rights and responsibilities of active citizenship
Math Lesson Plan- Week 6
Monday 5/4/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Third Grade Math
b) Find letter (I.1) Divide by counting equal groups
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Tuesday 5/5/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Third Grade Math
b) Find letter (I.2 ) Write division sentences for groups
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Wednesday 5/6/2020
Student will :1. a) Go to IXL Third Grade Math
b) Find letter (I.3) Relate multiplication and division for groups
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Thursday 5/7/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Third Grade Math
b) Find letter (I.4) Write division sentences for arrays
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Friday 5/8/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Third Grade Math
b) Find letter (I.5) Relate multiplication and division for arrays
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
AZ Standard(s) covered:
3.OA.B.6 Understand division as an unknown-factor problem (e.g., find 32 ÷ 8 by finding the number that makes 32 when multiplied by 8).
Monday 5/4/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fourth Grade Math
b) Find letter (E.1) Division facts to 10
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Tuesday 5/5/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fourth Grade Math
b) Find letter (E.2) Division facts to 10: word problems
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Wednesday 5/6/2020
Student will :1. a) Go to IXL Fourth Grade Math
b) Find letter (E.3) Division facts to 12
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Thursday 5/7/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fourth Grade Math
b) Find letter (E.4) Division facts to 12: word problems
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Friday 5/8/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fourth Grade Math
b) Find letter (E.5) Division properties
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
AZ Standard(s) covered:
4.NBT.B.6 Demonstrate understanding of division by finding whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors.
Monday 5/4/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fifth Grade Math
b) Find letter (BB.1) Acute, obtuse, and right triangles
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Tuesday 5/5/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fifth Grade Math
b) Find letter (BB.2) Scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Wednesday 5/6/2020
Student will :1. a) Go to IXL Fifth Grade Math
b) Find letter (BB.3) Classify triangles
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Thursday 5/7/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fifth Grade Math
b) Find letter (BB.4) Find missing angles in triangles
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Friday 5/8/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Fifth Grade Math
b) Find letter (?) Practice a skill you struggled with from above
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
AZ Standard(s) covered:
5.G.B.4 Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties.
Monday 5/4/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Sixth Grade Math
b) Find letter (Y.1) Write variable expressions: one operation
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Tuesday 5/5/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Sixth Grade Math
b) Find letter (Y.2) Write variable expressions: two operations
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Wednesday 5/6/2020
Student will :1. a) Go to IXL Sixth Grade Math
b) Find letter (Y.3) Write variable expressions: word problems
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Thursday 5/7/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Sixth Grade Math
b) Find letter (Y.4) Evaluate variable expressions with whole numbers
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Friday 5/8/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Sixth Grade Math
b) Find letter (Y.5) Evaluate multi-variable expressions
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
AZ Standard(s) covered:
6.EE.A.2.a Write expressions that record operations with numbers and variables.
6.EE.B.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving mathematical problems and problems in real-world context; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number or any number in a specified set.
6.EE.A.2.c Evaluate expressions given specific values of their variables. Include expressions that arise from formulas used to solve mathematical problems and problems in real-world context. Perform arithmetic operations, including those involving whole-number exponents, in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a particular order (Order of Operations).
Monday 5/4/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Seventh Grade Math
b) Find letter (AA.1) Perimeter
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Tuesday 5/5/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Seventh Grade Math
b) Find letter (AA.2) Area of rectangles and parallelograms
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Wednesday 5/6/2020
Student will :1. a) Go to IXL Seventh Grade Math
b) Find letter (AA.3) Area of triangles and trapezoids
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Thursday 5/7/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Seventh Grade Math
b) Find letter (AA.4) Area and perimeter: word problems
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Friday 5/8/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Seventh Grade Math
b) Find letter (AA.5) Area of circles
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
AZ Standard(s) covered:
7.G.B.6 Solve mathematical problems and problems in a real-world context involving area of two-dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons. Solve mathematical problems and problems in real-world context involving volume and surface area of three-dimensional objects composed of cubes and right prisms.
7.G.B.4 Understand and use the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle to solve problems; give an informal derivation of the relationship between the circumference and area of a circle.
Monday 5/4/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Eighth Grade Math
b) Find letter (H.1) Understanding ratios
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Tuesday 5/5/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Eighth Grade Math
b) Find letter (H.2) Identify equivalent ratios
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Wednesday 5/6/2020
Student will :1. a) Go to IXL Eighth Grade Math
b) Find letter (H.3) Write an equivalent ratio
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Thursday 5/7/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Eighth Grade Math
b) Find letter (H.4) Equivalent ratios: word problems
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Friday 5/8/2020
Student will: 1. a) Go to IXL Eighth Grade Math
b) Find letter (H.5) Unit rates
c) Review learn with example (at top of page) then complete activity
Morning Announcement from Mr. Gomez
Kinder Week 5 ELA and Math
Day 1
Day 2
Plan Ideas
Day 3
Organize Ideas
Plan 4
Words to Know
Phonological Awareness
Day 5
Read and Spell
Day 1
Additional Practice 9_1
Day 2
Additional Practice 9_2
Day 3
Additional Practice 9_3
Day 4
Additional Practice 9_4
Second Grade Math
April 28_May 1,2020
Additional 9_1
Understand Hundreds
Additional Practice 9_2
Models and 3 Digit Numbers
Additional Practice 9_3
Name Place Values
Additional Practice 9_4
Different ways to name the same number
First Grade Mathematics
April 28_ May 1,2020
Additional Practice 7_1
Additional Practice 7_2
Count by 1s to 120
Additional Practice 7_4
Count on an open number line
Tuesday’s Assembly announcement
8th grade
Week of 4/27/20
Main idea and good grammar
It is important to first make sure students have access to Zoom. This will be the main form of communication. We will send messages to each other and practice video chatting. It is important to use Chrome or the Facebook app because it supports video chat.
Get acquainted with IXL.com. There are plenty of opportunities to practice skills. Every day in the afternoon meeting the top number of questions answered will get a shout out.
Connectivity is the key, so if you have a question- text or call.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one‐on‐one, in groups, and teacher‐led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
a. Come to discussions prepared having read or researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
b. Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision‐making, track progress toward specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
c. Pose questions that connect the ideas of several speakers and respond to others' questions and
comments with relevant evidence, observations, and ideas.
d. Acknowledge new information expressed by others, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views based on the evidence presented.
Analyze the purpose of information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and evaluate the motives (e.g., social, commercial, political) behind its presentation.
Delineate a speaker’s argument and specific claims, evaluating the soundness of the reasoning and relevance and sufficiency of the evidence and identifying when irrelevant evidence is introduced.
7th grade
Week of 4/27/20
Main idea and good grammar
It is important to first make sure students have access to Zoom. This will be the main form of communication. We will send messages to each other and practice video chatting. It is important to use Chrome or the Facebook app because it supports video chat.
Get acquainted with IXL.com. There are plenty of opportunities to practice skills. Every day in the afternoon meeting the top number of questions answered will get a shout out.
Connectivity is the key, so if you have a question- text or call.
7.RL.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
7.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
7.RL.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot).
6th Grade
Week of 4/27/20
Main Idea and proper grammar.
It is important to first make sure students have access to a Zoom. This will be the main form of communication. We will send messages to each other and practice video chatting. It is important to use Chrome or the Facebook app because it supports video chat.
Get acquainted with IXL.com. There are plenty of opportunities to practice skills. Every day in the afternoon meeting the top number of questions answered will get a shout out.
Connectivity is the key, so if you have a question- text or call.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or
a. Ensure that pronouns are in the proper case (subjective, objective, and possessive).
b. Use intensive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves).
c. Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.
d. Recognize and correct vague pronouns (i.e., ones with unclear or ambiguous antecedents).
e. Recognize variations from Standard English in their own and others’ writing and speaking, and identify and use strategies to improve expression in conventional language.
5th grade
Week of 4/27/20
Main idea and good grammar
It is important to first make sure students have access to Zoom. This will be the main form of communication. We will send messages to each other and practice video chatting. It is important to use Chrome or the Facebook app because it supports video chat.
Get acquainted with IXL.com. There are plenty of opportunities to practice skills. Every day in the afternoon meeting the top number of questions answered will get a shout out.
Connectivity is the key, so if you have a question- text or call.
5.RL.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
5.RL.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details of the text; include how characters in story or drama respond to challenges, how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic, and a summary of the text.
5.RL.3 Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact).
4th grade
Week of 4/27/20
Main idea and good grammar
It is important to first make sure students have access to Zoom. This will be the main form of communication. We will send messages to each other and practice video chatting. It is important to use Chrome or the Facebook app because it supports video chat.
Get acquainted with IXL.com. There are plenty of opportunities to practice skills. Every day in the afternoon meeting the top number of questions answered will get a shout out.
Connectivity is the key, so if you have a question- text or call.
Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.
Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.
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7139 S. 10th Street
Phoenix, AZ
Opening Hours
Monday | 9am - 2pm |
Tuesday | 7am - 2pm |
Wednesday | 9am - 2pm |
Thursday | 9am - 2pm |
Friday | 9am - 2pm |
1414 S 51st Avenue
Phoenix, 85043
We are excited for parents, students, and the community to become part of the Riverside family; a com
16233 S 48th Street
Phoenix, 85048
📍Ahwatukee (Phoenix) AZ 🦅Public, award-winning, charter schools serving K-12
15 W Coral Gables Drive
Phoenix, 85023
Supporting the educational experiences of our students through united efforts of parents & teachers
5757 W. Inspiration Mountain Parkway
Phoenix, 85083
This is the official page for DVUSD's Inspiration Mountain School, the home of the Knights!
4215 E. Andora Drive
Phoenix, 85032
Welcome to Sweetwater, an alternative school offering many opportunities for students. Class sizes tend to be smaller, with every classroom having a highly qualified teacher ready to provide the necessary skills and strategies students need to succeed.
5601 N 16th Street
Phoenix, 85016
This is the Native American Parent Committee for the Madison School District in Phoenix AZ. We announce fundraisers and events for the school district that our going on in the Native American Community.
10210 S 50th Place
Phoenix, 85044
A TUITION-FREE, public charter school serving grades 4–12.
8525 West Osborn Road
Phoenix, 85037
Desert Horizon Elementary School is located in the Pendergast Elementary School District.
2747 W Union Hills Drive
Phoenix, 85027
Legacy Traditional Schools is a network of Tuition-FREE, public charter schools in Arizona, Nevada and Texas. We believe there is no limit to what a student can achieve with a great education. Visit our website to learn more and enroll today!
1225 W. Clarendon Avenue
Phoenix, 85013
For 1st-6th Arizona students, Valley Wide. Osborn School District is proud to introduce its newest s
32150 N. North Foothills Drive
Phoenix, 85085
This is the official page of Sonoran Foothills School, a DVUSD K-8 school. At Sonoran Foothills, we empower ALL students to continuously learn and grow in an ever-changing world.