www.rcinformer.com RCINFORMER is dedicated to providing the best information about Radio Controlled Aircraft. We produce all high quality HD videos.
Videos include flight demos, helpful tips and techniques, and detailed build guides.
Operating as usual

Hey folks! TODAY the official RCINFORMER Fly-Girl, the Beautiful Aimee & I were at the Palm Beach RC association TODAY for Model Aviation Day to show off the new FMS AVANTI 90MM EDF Jet with THRUST VECTORING.... More photos soon!

Hey folks, have you checked out the Radical new INTEGRAL from FMS Model yet? This is one Turbine Jet turned "Foamie that has really caused a stir in the community more than any other EDF in recent times, and is a fully licensed version of the extreme performance Turbine aircraft made by Tomahawk Aviation-the same people who also brought the FUTURA to the turbine market (and Foam market licenced via FMS mode)l.
With a Mid wing configuration, super streamlined body lines, and a well known powertrain thats well recognised as among, if not the best in the business performance wise* (*compared to equivalent stock systems)
The FMS Model INTEGRAL is designed to do everything from gentle slow flight, to super fast high speed passes and even has a wide aerobatic envelope thanks to the mid wing configuration and power system, but one thing is for certain, shes made for speed!
Check out this Radical new Sport jet loved by dozens of Turbine pilots that is now available to EDF Pilots, thanks to the folks at FMS Model, and TOMAHAWK AVIATION, available from FMS Model, and our friends at the following outlets!
FMS HOBBY► https://bit.ly/FMSrciINTEGRAL80
FairRC► https://bit.ly/FRCrciINTEGRAL80
RCINFORMER Amazon Store► https://www.amazon.com/shop/rcinformer
Hobby Zone Arrows► https://bit.ly/2XGEPa9
TurbinesRC HERE RED► https://bit.ly/INTEGRAL80rciRED
TurbinesRC HERE BLUE► https://bit.ly/INTEGRAL80rciBLUE

Hey folks today brings a very much awaited surprise to the Tarmac with the release of an all new redesigned and resized F-14 Tomcat From the folks at Motion RC!!
Everyone's asked and motion has listened - the cat is back in a more friendly size for transport and storage then it's predecessor at just 49.2" / 1250mm wingspan (with wings extended), Will fly using a single six 5000 mAh Lipo via an ALL NEW Twin 64mm EDF powertrain featuring Twin 2949-2500kv motors, Twin 60a reversing ESC's (for much improved stopping power after those high-speed passes), and has come with a significant number of additional improvements and enhancements such as "twist and turn" compression strut main gear with strengthened mounts, Included ordinance package, All new control board with many of the features people wanted in the past already set up meaning no need for extensive radio programming, it also comes equipped with stabillizer and sporting an ALL NEW and VERY ICONIC VF84 "Jolly Rogers" Colour scheme which itself is equally as iconic as the legendary aircraft and the two combined.
THESE ARE "TURNIN' & BURNIN' FAST so to avoid disappointment of missing out on the first Squadron be sure to get your order in ASAP as once they have "catapulted off the shelves" its a few weeks before the "Carrier is in port next" with a fresh Squadron!!
As always, we would like to thank everybody who uses our links to support the channel as it is very much helping with the construction of the RCinformer Field (where we hope to someday host some events event and give back to all of you who have helped this become a reality)!
Link to product:

Hey folks NOW AVAILABLE from our friends at Turbines RC is a complete range of RC cars INCLUDING the latest and greatest from FMS MODEL, the FCX10 K5!
They also carry a number of other brands of RC Vehicles (cars/crawlers) in various scales so be sure to check them out here!

Hey Folks, things are super hectic around here at the moment as we have a number of things going on as well as trying to get the hangar construction started at the RCInformer Field, but me and Miss Aimee managed to shoot down to the annual Imperial RC EDF JET FEST in January and as always had a great time.
Big thanks to FMS and Ernst for the giveaways we were able to take down for everyone as Without your support we would not be able to also support the hobby!

Hey folks, new video up on the RCInformer channel today-in this Video we show off the 1220mm "Blue jay" from FairRC and also the 1220mm Ranger from FMS Model. Both planes are made by FMS but they do have a number of differences which we cover in the video.
Whilst most see this style of plane as a "Trainer" for people learning to fly, they also make for Great aircraft to use to "Get your thumbs dialled in" if you have not flown for a while, or want something a bit aerobatic to "warm up" with.
Link to Video:
As always Channel Support links are in the video description and we thank all of you who use our links-we currently have some channel exclusive discount codes that will get you 10% off from both Fair RC and FMS, and also 5% off all new Releases from FMS Model!
Thanks for watching and if you have any questions at all please pop them in the video Comments and I will try to answer as many as I can!

Hey folks hope you all had a good start to the year! Things have been Very busy for us over the last few weeks however we are pleased to bring you all some new content on the channel today, and thats our review of the all new Freewing L-15 Falcon from the folks at Motion RC. This 4S powered 64mm 6 channel EDF is one very sweet flying Jet and comes with flaps, reverse thrust, and is also Gyro Stabilised from factory.
Assembly is real easy with just a few screws, and Motion RC even have Upgradeable sprung trailing link landing gear available if you want to replace the included Wire fixed gear that comes with the model.
For those wanting more power it also comes with a 6S power system too, which will no doubt make this already impressive Jet even more of a blast!
Link to Product Video:
Link to 4S Version Freewing L-15:
Link to 6S version Freewing L-15:
As always channel support links are in the video Description, and as always your Support is very much appreciated as we have lots going on this year at the RCInformer field !

Hey folks, its ALMOST 2024 so what better way to see see out 2023 and welcome in 2024 than with a good old New years Promo-and thats exactly what the good folks at Hobbyzone are doing right now with their ARROWS RC new years promotion!!.
Link to Website: https://bit.ly/2XGEPa9
Use code RichFestival25 for a $25 discount on eligible products.
Use code RichFestival30 for a $30 discount on eligible products.
(all these links and codes will also be posted as usual on the RCinformer page, and YouTube "community tab" as always)
These promo codes will be valid starting from midnight on December 28, 2023 so check out the Hobbyzone Websiite (link above) for a special selection of top quality products brought to you by Arrows, FMS, E-Flite, Spektrum, Blade, and of course Hobbyzone.
Thanks again to all of you for another year with your support of RCinformer, and also The many companies whose links we bring you to use (often with a discount attached) Over the course of the year and we would like to wish you all a happy New Year on behalf of all of our affiliate partners and of course all the team here at RCInformer and we look forward to bringing you more in 2024!!
#2023 #2024

Hey folks, the ALL NEW F-86 Sabre just landed BACK IN STOCK here in the US!!!
This thing really is outstanding - the folks at FMS really hit the Ball out of the Park again with this one-you can catch our Unboxing and assembly Video again here in case you missed it: https://www.youtube.com/live/eaC6yMG2RdE?si=GYkorP3QS_CTZB06
This awesome highly detailed recreation of the Korean war legend comes loaded with all the usual fantastic features such as quick connect wings, lights all over, abundant cockpit detail, and of course how can you miss the AIR BRAKES!!
If you missed out on the first shipment and want to get your hands on one of these, you can get one at any of the links below, we also have a code Exclusive to Rcinformer to get an extra 5% off when you purchase direct from FMS Model using our link below!
Link to FMS Model-Use Code :FMS5NR
FMS Model: https://bit.ly/FMSF86RCI
For all of our followers in Europe, you too can help the channel by making your purchase here at Turbines-RC with the link below (Affiliate)
Turbines-RC (EU) https://bit.ly/373frE3
You can also pick up the New F-86 at all of our partners listed below, as well as from the RCinformer Amazon Store!
Links to other partner sites (Affiliate):
Horizon: https://alnk.to/28NJIyZ
Hobbyzone: https://bit.ly/2XGEPa9
Fair-RC: https://bit.ly/3bMJrpP
And finally, you can pick the FMS F-86 globally from any of the links below:
AMZ: https://l.linklyhq.com/l/1ug8X
FRC: https://www.fairrc.com/products/fms-80mm-edf-f-86-sabre-pnp
D-Power: https://www.d-power-modellbau.com/
Beez2b: https://bit.ly/F-86kits
Model Engines: http://www.modelengines.com.au/
CML: https://www.cmldistribution.co.uk/results/?q_search=F-86

Hey folks something different today from us-we were recently approached by a company called Medieval Brick and asked if we would be interested in showing off some of the awesome range of lego-style kits that they sell-theres something for everyone out there from a range of Military Aircraft, to a CFM "LEAP" gas turbine engine (great for teaching the kids STEM or even to have as a display piece), to the infamous XB70 Valkyrie, and a huge range of different buildings, engines, and vehicles etc with a number of the engine kits being motorised too!
If you are looking for something you can do one on one with the kids this christmas, or if you or someone you care about simply like "lego" style block kits, Medieval Brick will absolutely have something for everyone.
Right now they have 18% OFF SITEWIDE so check them out and score a great deal before Christmas!
Link to main Page: https://bit.ly/mbRCI
Link can also be found on both our page and of course the community tab on youtube as usual!!

Hey folks something different today from us-we were recently approached by a company called Stirling Kit and asked if we would be interested in showing off some of the fantastic engine and gas turbine kits they have available - great for teaching the kids STEM or even to have as a display piece on the Desk in the Mancave!!
Right now they are offering 14% off exclusively to people who use our coupon code "RCI14" on their website to purchase any if the fantastic highly detailed metal kits on offer. Each one comes carefully packaged with full instructions, and many if them are even battery operated so you can see them working as a cutaway model in many cases! What better way to spend time with the Kids (or perhaps hide in the man cave on Christmas Day from everybody) building one of these fantastically detailed kits from Sterling Kit!
A couple of links to really cool pages and products can be found here:
WS-15 Turbofan Engine kit:
v8 engine model:
Link to Main page:
All Links can also be found on both our page and of course the community tab on youtube as usual!!

Hey folks join me TODAY 16th December at 2pm EST (thats 7pm Uk/8pm EU) for the next instalment of RCInformer-LIVE.
In today's show, we're going to have a look at some really cool "aviation themed" things from a couple of the channels new sponsors and - we will take a look at their websites during the Live show at what's on offer, plus I also have some things from each sponsor to show everybody so you can see what's in the box etc. Also we are finally going to get the all new FMS F-86 Sabre out of the box and give it a good look over and see if we can get it up and running in the show (time permitting).
Things have been super busy behind-the-scenes with getting things organised at the airfield, thanksgiving, work etc so we were unfortunately not able to get the live unboxing done when we had originally wanted to a few weeks ago, but its meant instead that we now have a great show lined up right before Christmas!
Link to Show:

Hey folks something different today from us-we were recently approached by a company called Medieval Brick and asked if we would be interested in showing off some of the awesome range of lego-style kits that they sell-theres something for everyone out there from this CFM "LEAP" gas turbine engine (great for teaching the kids STEM or even to have as a display piece), to the infamous XB70 Valkyrie, and a huge range of different buildings and vehicles etc.
If you are looking for something you can do one on one with the kids this christmas, or if you or someone you care about simply like "lego" style block kits, Medieval Brick will absolutely have something for everyone.
Right now they have 18% OFF SITEWIDE so check them out and score a great deal before Christmas!
Link to main Page: https://bit.ly/mbRCI
Link can also be found on both our page and of course the community tab on youtube as usual!!

Hey folks something different today from us-we were recently approached by a company called Medieval Brick and asked if we would be interested in showing off some of the awesome range of lego-style kits that they sell-theres something for everyone out there from this CFM "LEAP" gas turbine engine (great for teaching the kids STEM or even to have as a display piece), to the infamous XB70 Valkyrie, and a huge range of different buildings and vehicles etc.
If you are looking for something you do one on one with the kids this christmas, or if you or someone you care about simply like "lego" style block kits, Medieval Brick will absolutely have something for everyone. This Engine they sent me recently and I hope to show it off on the channel very soon during a live show.
Right now they have 18% OFF SITEWIDE so check them out and score a great deal before Christmas!
Link to main Page: https://bit.ly/mbRCI
Link can also be found on both our page and of course the community tab on youtube as usual!!
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
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