Onsted Bands

Onsted Bands


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Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Onsted Bands, High School, 10109 Slee Road, Onsted, MI.

Operating as usual


Update: on 223 and just passing Lenawee Christian. See you soon!

Band trips are always full of unexpected fun. We just sat at the tollbooth for 15 minutes waiting for help when the ticket wouldn't read. :( On the road again. New ETA is 11:30pm. Thanks for your patience!


Getting off the Ohio turnpike in just a few minutes. Traffic was slower than expected. New ETA is 11:20pm.


Just now leaving Cedar Point due to a lost f***y pack at the very back of the park with phone and $ in it. Fortunately it was found but we are delayed. ETA back to OHS is 11pm. I'll post again when we get back into Michigan.


Just a reminder for our Cedar Point travelers tomorrow, June 6th. Please report at 7:00AM for Check-In to the Blacktop between the three schools. Eat Breakfast before you arrive as we will not be stopping enroute. School Bus departs at: 7:15 a.m. and we hope to get in the Cedar Point Lot by 9:30am so tickets can be passed out in plenty of time for the park opening at 10am. Families traveling separately should meet us by group sales near the park entrance on the right, just beyond security. You can receive your tickets from me there. There is no need to meet us at the school tomorrow morning if you are driving separately but you're welcome to if you want. ;)

What to wear: --comfortable, cool, & school appropriate clothes & shoes(not flipflops or crocs), sunscreen, sunglasses, hat(opt.)

What to bring: --Cedar Point is CASHLESS and accepts ApplePay, Google Pay, or Debit & Credit Cards. If students bring money for souvenirs or snacks that aren’t covered on the meal plan, they will need to convert their cash into a free cash card at the front of the park when we arrive. PRICE INCLUDES AN UNLIMITED WRISTBAND for an entree/side and/or a DRINK every 90 minutes so only bring $ for whatever else you plan on buying. ***When we arrive, I am checking on whether or not our bands include snacks( popcorn, ice cream, dipping dots, cotton candy, etc) as well....as of now, it is not listed that way on our tickets but it IS listed that way on the website so I will be checking in with group sales as soon as we arrive to sort that out.
-- Also bring a watch or phone so you can check-in with Mrs. Mykeloff at the appropriate times.

Weather looks to be great tomorrow. Park closes at 8pm so we hope to roll out by 8:15pm. We'll return around 10:45 p.m. to OHS Parking Lot. I'll post messages here and in the Remind chat.

See you bright and early!


Do we have any band families that work at Adrian Kohls or have friends that work at the Adrian Kohls?


Due to some unforeseen circumstances, the Beginner Band Boot Camp planned for June 3 & 4th will be rescheduled. Please stay tuned for more information on obtaining instruments and this awesome opportunity over the summer! Mrs, M will be in touch early next week with the reschedule date!
Thanks for your patience and so excited for our 60 new Onsted Band family members beginning their journey in the fall!


Auditions are OVER and our future is BRIGHT! Congratulations to our 2024-25 WMB Color Guard, Drumline, and Section Leaders who will lead our band to an amazing marching season with THE MUSIC OF LADY GAGA!!!

2024-2025 WMB Section Leaders & Drum Majors:
Flute: Sophie Truitt
Clarinet: Ally Wetherby
Alto Sax: Alex Schmidt
Trumpet: Trent Birdsall and Logan Cullen
Trombone/Baritones: James Bayes
Sousaphones: Elijah Pustay
Percussion: Janessa Dodge and Allie England
Color Guard: Hunter Keebler
Drum Majors: Lillian Helinski and Landen Thompson

2024-2025 WMB Drumline:
Snare: Molly Clemons, Janessa Dodge, Allie England
Tenors: Griffin Combs and Aria Pustay
Bass: Alton (AJ) Mathis, Leeland Somers, Alyssa Stiers, Madison Williams
Cymbals: Matthew Reynolds, Mikey Willis

2024-2025 WMB Color Guard:
Emma Dupuie, Alexa Harris, Hannah Kapnick, Hunter Keebler, McKinze Malinowski, Morgan Szymchack

Congratulations! SO proud of all who auditioned! Every band member serves a vital part of our success and I am so excited for next year to see and hear all the amazing things EACH AND EVERY ONE OF OUR MARCHING BAND MEMBERS CAN ACCOMPLISH!
The students listed above will need to report to camp at OHS on Sunday August 4th and we'll see the rest of you on Monday August 5th at 8:30 AM for Band Camp 2024!!! Enjoy your summer everyone!


Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Onsted Wildcat Marching Band Drum Majors, Lillian Helinski and Landen Thompson. A special shout out as well to the three other candidates who did such a fine job preparing for this audition and made it such a difficult decision. All 5 of our auditionees will serve as leaders this coming Fall and I am confident they will all help lead our band to excellence and another amazing year!

Photos from Onsted Bands's post 05/27/2024

Thanks to our Wildcat Marching Band for taking time out of their day to honor our fallen soldiers. One small sacrifice for them today to show respect for the ultimate sacrifice of so many. Great job today kiddos! See you tomorrow WITH instruments.


Good morning Onsted Band Families! So thankful we get to honor our fallen soldiers today at the Onsted Memorial Day parade at Noon. HS band members will meet at the legion at 11:15 in black pants/shorts and band polos. Percussion and large instruments ( and anyone who forgot something at the school 😉) can meet me at 11am at the back of the HS band room . Hope to see many of you along the parade route!


Individual Band Pictures, Group Band Photos, and HS Band Composite Photo is TOMORROW, Friday May 10 during your child's regular band class.

Who is taking the pictures?
Karmen Wilharms, one of our band parents, is a professional photographer and will be bringing her studio to us tomorrow!
She will be here during each student's normal band period. She will take two individual photos of each musician. One will be a classic (formal) pose will be available for purchase and used for a composite photo to be hung in the band room. She will also take a a freestyle pose which will be available for purchase. She will also take a group photo of each ensemble. Please send in the Band Picture Order Form order form with payment on Picture Day. Karmen will have extra order forms and samples of many of the products with her on Picture Day. Please make a note if you’d like a sibling photo taken, and which image you’d like to order (classic, freestyle, or both). If you have any questions, please reach out to Karmen directly at [email protected].

A reminder about what to wear:
HS Students will be wearing their marching uniform as we will be combining these to make a composite picture to hang on the band room wall. If you would like a shot of your HS musician(s) in their concert uniforms, please send the uniform in with them and make a note of it on the form. Middle School students will be wearing ALL Black Bottoms for this picture with black socks and black shoes preferred. 7th and 8th graders, it’s simply the uniform they wore to band festival. For 6th graders, please do not go out and buy a pair of black pants or shoes especially for this. Black athletic pants or leggings will work just fine if you don’t have black slacks or a skirt. 6th grade band students should wear the darkest shoes they have.

I never got an order form! What should I di?
You may have seen it in an email from late March/Early April as the original date had to be rescheduled. Pay no attention to the dates on the form. Hard copies were given out to the students as well in early April and have been available ever since. Extras will also be given to the students today and more will be available tomorrow if needed. I also sent out an email again today with the order form attached. We plan to take everyone's picture just in case, whether you plan to order or not.

ALSO, Don't forget tonight is our next BAND BOOSTER MEETING!
Please Join US in the OHS Band Room at 6pm for a bout an hour to debrief after MS S&E and begin to plan for band camp and summer fundraisers. Hope to see you there!

Photos from Onsted Bands's post 05/04/2024

Post festival Fun and Yum at Twin Pines In Tecumseh! On our way back ...ETA to OMS is 6:45.

Photos from Onsted Bands's post 05/04/2024

Great Job OMS 7th and 8th graders! They played a beautiful performance at Manchester HS today for State festival and earned an overall rating of a two! We also had a fabulous clinic on stage afterwards with Mr. Joe Dobos. So proud of you kids! The future of Onsted Band is bright!


Tonight's Band Booster Meeting has been postponed. Please stay tuned for a reschedule date.


Today's meeting has been postponed to a later date in May TBA.


What an excellent day hosting solo and ensemble yesterday! Congratulations to all our performers and many thanks to all of the volunteers that made it happen! Next up HS concert on Monday, May 6 at 7:30 and Middle School Concert on Thursday, May 16 at 7 pm both at OHS. See you soon!


Best of Luck to our 38 7th and 8th grade band students today as they perform at Solo and Ensemble!.

Also, I am making one last plea for help today! 6th grade or HS band families could you please work a shift this afternoon to help us tear down from 3-6. If so, please sign up! Maybe you could come and work q medals table or info table today? Please sign up! It's going to take support from our entire Onsted Band family to make this happen! Band Alumni welcome too! We simply don't have enough help today, especially for tear down.

7th and 8th grade band families, please support your child not only by performing but also by signing up for a shift before or after or between your child's event. We need you!!! Thanks and can't wait for a great day!



What an awesome day! A great lunch, an awesome performance of the SSB and a good show by Tigers even though they came up short. Mother nature held off as long as she could and we made it to the bottom of the ninth before we had to leave. Headed back about 30 minutes early. Parents, please be at your band students' school by 5:45pm. We will put instruments and cases in the band room and students can be picked up outside the band rm.We Would LOVE some help unloading the trailer at the HS band room. Also, any volunteers to take the MS band polos home tonight to wash and fold them in preparation for Fridays band pictures during school? Please let me know! They can be picked up at the MS band room when we return and I need them back by Friday morning. Thanks for a great day with your awesome kids!


It's Game Day!!! Best of Luck to the 90 Onsted Band Students who will be performing the national anthem today at Comerica Park at 12:57 as the Detroit Tigers takes on the Texas Rangers. Come back here for live stream coverage of the performance and then tune into Bally Sports to watch for us during the game. So excited to represent our school and community today!

Photos from Onsted Bands's post 03/21/2024

2024 Lenawee MS Honors Band is in the books! These 10 OMS 8th graders played a fine performance tonight! They grew so much as musicians in just 6 hours of instruction and a few more hours of food and fun! It was a blast to see them interacting with the 83 other middle school band kids from our county. They made such beautiful music and many new friends! Congratulations Abby, McKinze, Leeland, Lanie, Elijah, Adam, Greg, Grace, Jordyn, and Sophie!!!

Photos from Onsted Bands's post 03/19/2024

Just finished an amazing day with two of our 8th grade band members that culminated with Greg and Grace playing an amazing performance this evening at Orchestra Hall downtown Detroit as a part of the 2024 DSO Middle School Honors band. Check out the view from our classroom today... And when I say our classroom, I mean that I learned just as much as our two students did today! Isn't it remarkable? Our next hurt from staring at the ceiling. It was breathtakingly beautiful! Today, along with 450 other middle school musicians spread across four bands; they rehearsed for more than 6 hours under the direction of a remarkable music educator and conductor, Maestro Damien Crutcher( look him up...he is going places but if you asked him...he's so humble he'd tell you he's already there!) They also receive instruction from Detroit Symphony Orchestra musicians who played along side them for a bit( how cool is that!?!) And enjoyed a performance from the DSO Woodwind quintet. Most importantly, they made connections with kids from all over Michigan and Ohio who come from many different walks of life but all share the same passion of making music. It was an absolute joy to watch both of these fine musicians in their element today. Your Wildcat community is proud of you so am I!


Congratulations to our 10 State Solo and Ensemble students who all medaled today! Bianca Miller, Jace Ellison, Alex Schmidt, Logan Cullen, Evan Smith, Emma Smith, Landen Thompson, Elijah Pustay, and Genna Zellen all earned second division ratings and Lily Bayles earned a first division rating on her Proficiency 2 flute solo! Extremely proud of all of these Wildcat Musicians for 1) qualifying 2) putting in the extra time and work to prepare for State 3) giving up another Saturday to represent their school and community with their awesome talent 4) being amazing role models and leaders to their band program and 5) EVERYONE EARNED MEDALS! GREAT JOB TO EACH OF YOU!


MEETING REMINDER AND LOCATION CHANGE-Band Booster Kickoff Meeting tonight at 7pm has been moved to the Onsted Middle School BAND ROOM. Please park outside of the fence in the lot between the Blacktop and football field and enter through the back doors to the middle school band room. This meeting is open to any band family member and/or guardian that has an interest in supporting the awesome Onsted Bands! Students do not need to attend this meeting since it is a brainstorming session and the adults will just be trying to get organized. We will gladly welcome student input in the future!


Yay! 1 down, 1 to go! Thanks to all of the band fans that came to watch! Let's cheer on the HS band tonight at 7:35pm at AHS! So proud of our 7th and 8th graders!!! We'll be back to OMS in 5 minutes!

Who looks great in purple, got an overall “1” rating and qualified for State? THIS BAND!!!!
Well done Jaime Mykeloff & OMS 7/8 Band!


7th & 8th grade Band Lock IN today! Be at Onsted Middle School by 9am! Soooooo excited!


TONIGHT!!! Band Parent Zoom Meeting for Tiger Game Updates, Mattress Sale Fundraiser, Band Booster Start-Up, Band Festival and S&E Q&A, & Updates about our 2025 High School Band Trip to Disney/Universal
Please join me tonight Feb. 7th at 7 PM via Zoom OR IN PERSON AT THE HIGH SCHOOL BAND ROOM to find out more details about how your student can earn from $50-$125 for each mattress sold through a referral!!! Our band will also earn a $250 bonus if we can get at least 50 of you on this brief meeting and $500 if we have 100 people! After our Mattress Sale Rep has finished his approx. 15 minute meeting, I will go through our events calendar for the rest of the school year. I will also be talking about the desire to restart our band boosters group. At the very end of the meeting, I can give updates and answer questions about our performance trip to Disney and Universal for next year. That portion of the meeting will be for anyone who will have a HS student involved in band next year. A link to the meeting is below. Literally, we get free money for the band if you hop on Zoom or come in person for about 15 min for the mattress sale part is all I am asking!!! I sure hope you can attend!
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75289843392?pwd=UZZQadZ25EQylQ2zR2kOCFvKcMev1j.1
Meeting ID: 752 8984 3392 Passcode: 1Y5UU4

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...


Just a reminder that fruit and poinsettia pick up is tomorrow from 3:00 to 5:30 in the high school band room. You are welcome to drive around back to the band room door across from the elementary playground, I would just ask that you wait until AFTER the buses have cleared so you're not driving towards high schoolers trying to get out to the blacktop. Thanks so much and see you soon!


In the final process of finalizing a date for the Tigers Game performance and they are asking for a national anthem recording from this year. Does anyone have a recording of the HS band with or without 8th graders performing the Star Spangled Banner from either a football game or Bandorama they would be willing to share?

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Videos (show all)

Almost there! Come see these crazy and talented kids at Adrian College tonight!  Showtime for the WMB is 9:02pm! #lovean...
These kids are doing a fantastic job!!!! So impressed with how well they sightread this as a group on their first day of...
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
In honor of Memorial Day, Onsted 6th grader Isaac Marks played Taps on his front porch at 3:00 today as part of #TapsAcr...




10109 Slee Road
Onsted, MI
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Onsted High School Onsted High School
10109 Slee Road
Onsted, 49265

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