SOA Visual Artists

SOA Visual Artists

We are the VISUAL ARTS DEPARTMENT at Charleston County School of the Arts. We hope to keep you infor Visit our website at:

Charleston County School of the Arts (SOA) offers students rich and intensive instruction in eight art majors in a unique sixth through twelfth grade setting. Students may apply and audition for two areas, and once accepted into a major, spend one-fouth of their day with dynamic teachers in that art area. This page is designed to connect the community of families and students within the Visual Art

Operating as usual

Photos from SOA Visual Artists's post 02/28/2024

The first round of auditions for Visual SOA Visual Artists is happening Saturday, March 9. We are going to insist that everyone use the supplies we provide while creating their live still life drawing. For those of you practicing, you might want to start working with a 2H, HB, and 4B pencil with an eraser and single blending stump. I'm also posting a couple of photos that will give you an idea of what our still life stations will consist of: We love seeing how potential future students approach the chromed tea kettle. Each station will also have an art mannequin, geometric form, transparent interesting glass, a shell, some marbles, flowers or plant, and an interesting white object. When looking at these images we realized we need some texture on the base (aka "floor") so we're currently peeling off the skin of corrugated cardboard in order to expose the ribs. Please understand that there's also a possibility that we might change any object you see in these photos (with the exception of the chrome kettles and mannequins). We look forward to seeing everyone's creations in the near future, and suggest that you practice drawing for 30 minutes every day!


My name is Dayton Colie - I'm one of the Visual Arts teachers at Charleston County School of The Arts. We're changing the Still LIfe Drawing portion of the audition - it will be live and in person at SOA. There will be two sessions mid March (use the official time and date location provided by SOA). The Subject matter of the still life will be the similar - reflective object (we're trying to get Chrome tea kettles), art Mannequins, Solid Geometric shape, transparent glass, and a plant of some sort. There will be multiple stations in the cafeteria with 5-8 artists at each station. We're trying to decide what artists are allowed to use materials wise. I feel like two pencils - a standard HB and a 4B, an eraser, and a blending tool (napkin, blending stump, or fingertip) is what your artist should practice with.
This final sentence is extremely important: Information provided directly from Charleston County School of The Arts in regards to audition times, information, etc is official - this page is not.

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