Charleston Southern University - The Career Center

Charleston Southern University - The Career Center


At the Career Center, we help you become the BEST future employee you can BE!

Operating as usual

Photos from Charleston Southern University - The Career Center's post 03/14/2024

Swipe ➑️ to see some pictures from our Career Expo!

We are so thankful to all of our employer partners for joining us and sharing job opportunities with our students!

Students, if you missed this event do not worry our office is here to serve you! Come and find us on the 1st floor of the Student Center and we can help you cruise into your new career. βš“οΈπŸŒŠ

Photos from Charleston Southern University - The Career Center's post 02/22/2024

Students and Employers, we are a week away from our annual Spring Career Expo! Join us next Thursday, February 29th, in the WCCL room 102-103.

Swipe ➑ to see more details!

Reminder: Employers today is the last day to register for our Expo.

Photos from Charleston Southern University - The Career Center's post 02/15/2024

Swipe ➑️ to see our treasured sponsors! Thank you for supporting the Charleston Southern University Career Center. Come and see them at our Spring Career Expo on February 29th in the WCCL!


We are looking for a Graduate Assistant to start with us in the Spring of 2024. You must be a current graduate student or you must be starting your graduate program in the Spring of 2024. If you have any questions feel free to contact the Career Center: [email protected]

Link to Apply in the comments below!


Join the Career Center on Wednesday, November 15th from 12:00pm - 4:00pm on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (outside the BucStop) for our Professional Career Clothing Closet Pop-Up shop. You will have the opportunity to browse our racks with clothes that have been generously given by faculty, staff, alumni, and community supporters of CSU. All items have been inspected, and many are new with tags!

Please join us and we look forward to making you Suited to Sail!πŸŒŠπŸ‘”


As the semester dwindles down, join us for our remaining Jobs at Bay: October 25th and November 8th. We look forward to seeing you all there.


Thank you to all the students who came to our first Short and Sweet Success Session! Our next session will be held this Thursday, September 21st, from 4:30pm until 6:00pm in the Charleston Room. We will be talking about decision-making and emotional regulation. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Photos from Charleston Southern University - The Career Center's post 09/12/2023

What a way to kick of the semester, with Club Drop-in and Jobs at Bay! Thank you to all of the employers who set sail with us for our first event of the fall. We look forward to inviting even more employers as we coast through the rest of 2023. Take a look at some highlights from Wednesday.

~We will be hosting our second Jobs at Bay tomorrow immediately following Chapel!~


Do you want to build your leadership skills but don't have a lot of free time? Well don't worry we have you covered.

This semester the Career Center will be hosting our Short and Sweet Success Sessions, where we help you build important skills for your future! Join us this Thursday, September 14th for our first session, which will be held in the Charleston room from 4:30 pm until 6:30 pm. 🍭🍬😊

Photos from Charleston Southern University - The Career Center's post 09/05/2023

❗Attention New Jobs loading...❗

These employers WANT to HIRE you! The QR code will take you directly to their employer page on Handshake. There you can see all of their available job postings and apply for them in the app!

Cruise into a new career Buccaneers!🌊

(SWIPE to see how your company can be featured in our next Working Wednesday post!)


Introducing Jobs at Bay!

This Wednesday, September 6th, we will have our first Jobs at Bay event. It will be held immediately after Chapel, and will feature some of our employer partners, such as;

- About Play
- Maxim Healthcare Staffing
- CCSD: Kaleidoscope
- MUSC Health
- Waffle House
- Chick-fil-A Summerville, Goose Creek
- and our very own Graduate School!

We look forward to seeing you there!


Tomorrow is the day! We cannot wait to see all of our New Buccaneers!πŸŽ‰πŸŒŠ

Photos from Charleston Southern University - The Career Center's post 08/09/2023


Every Wednesday we will post Five of our employers that WANT to HIRE you! The QR code will take you directly to their employer page on Handshake. There you can see all of their available job postings and apply for them in the app!

Cruise into a new career Buccaneers!🌊


Are you the first on in your family to go to college and could use some advice or support on how to navigate this major change?

Then join us Wednesday August 23, 2023 from 12:00pm until 2:00pm in WCCL 102 and 103!

Scan the QR to register for this event! DM or Email us with any further questions. Go Bucs!


Ahoy there Buccaneers! Looking for an on-campus job? Are you Federal Work-Study Eligible? Look no further. Follow this link-

-to see all available Work-Study positions for Fall 2023 and Spring 2024.

You MUST be Federal Work-Study eligible, which can be determined by looking at your Financial Aid package via Financial Aid LIVE (on MyCSU).

Message us with any of your questions! πŸŒŠβ›΅

Photos from Charleston Southern University - The Career Center's post 07/06/2023

✨Meet our Career Center Staff!✨

- Shallon Mims is the Director of the Career Center. Her favorite part of the job is learning what makes students excited for their futures!

- Lauren Totuszynski is the Associate Director of the Career Center. She loves helping students develop into their best professional self by reviewing their resumes, prepping for an interview and bridging the gap with employers.

Photos from Charleston Southern University - The Career Center's post 06/30/2023

Incoming Freshman, this one is for you!

SWIPE ➑ to see The Career Center's tips for you!

Photos from Charleston Southern University - The Career Center's post 03/01/2023


Tomorrow, Thursday March 2nd from 10:30pm until 2:00pm and 4:00pm until 7:30pm the Career Center will be hosting our annual Spring Career Expo!

This event is FREE and will be held in WCCL room 102 and 103!

Students, this will be your chance to speak with employers who are looking to HIRE you!

We look forward to seeing you there! Please DM or email us ([email protected]) with any questions!



Join us in the WCCL rooms 102 and 103 for our Spring Career Expos!

We will be having one at 10:30am until 2:00pm for our Criminal Justice and Liberal Arts majors

And another one from 4:00pm until 7:30pm for our Christian Studies and Education majors!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in North Charleston?

Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



9200 UniversityBlvd
North Charleston, SC

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm