Are you looking for things to do this summer? How about the Norfolk Book Crawl!
Crawl your way to a summer of adventure through the pages of great books and throughout the City of Norfolk!
Visit at least four Norfolk Book Crawl events at any of the branches for a chance at a fun giveaway.
Check out the event calendar at www.norfolkpubliclibrary.org to find a book crawl stop at a branch near you.
City of Norfolk Government The Slover
End of Year Celebration outing for our Middle School students. We will miss you 8th Graders as you move on to High School.
Field day was a success! We are thankful the rain held out and we are extremely grateful for all of the parents that volunteered to help make this event successful. We could not have done it without you!
A beautiful Mother's Day Tea was made even more special by all these gorgeous smiles. Thank you to everyone that helped to make this day special for all of our wonderful mothers and students.
3rd and 4th had a wonderful time strawberry picking
It was a perfect day for 🍓 Strawberry Picking at Greenbrier Farms. Well, maybe a bit muddy, but Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade loved every minute of it.
Academic Fair and Art Show. The students worked hard to create these products and we are proud to show them off for everyone to see.
It's not about the Game, it's all about teamwork. Jersey day saw all of Ryan Academy representing their favorite sport yesterday.
The Ryan Academy Rainbow. Class Distinction Day was Tuesday
The Future is Looking Good To Me!
Spirit week continues with Vocation day. Can you guess what they want to be when they grow up?
3rd & 4th grades are eclipse ready!
Spirit Week April 8-12
Monday- Crazy Hat/Shoes/Socks Day- with school uniform-1:00 dismissal, pick up in the carpool line at the gym door.
Tuesday (PE day)- -Class Distinction (class color shirt with jeans-tennis shoes required)
Grades 1/2-Green
Grade 3/4- Red
Grades 5/6-Yellow
Grades 7/8-Black
Wednesday- Vocation Day- Dress as what you want to be when you grow up.
Thursday (PE day)- Sports Shirt/Jersey & Jeans-tennis shoes required.
Friday (PE day)- Pajamas/Movie Day-no slippers-tennis shoes required.
🐰 Egg Hunt today. You are never too old to enjoy searching for some eggs!
Ryan Academy will close at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, April 8, 2024.
We had a wonderful time learning about plant and animal adaptations and doing "seed tai chi".
An educational and exciting day at the Virginia Air and Space Museum.
Come take a tour and see what we can offer for your child!
Today was a good day! Thank you to our amazing families that donated to our can drive. So many classroom made their 100 cans goal. The 7th/8th Grade class proved to be invaluable in delivering all of those food items to the Foodbank of Virginia.
We cannot wait to see everyone on Friday. Don't forget to let the office know if you would like to volunteer to help.
Our French classes were whipping up delicious crepes today. Yummy!
Late post, but we had a great time
Don't forget to send in cans for the Food Drive!
Virginia residents can get a break on a Heritage Pass https://www.facebook.com/share/p/MSZaaoCAznU6nWmd/?mibextid=xfxF2i
Make 2024 Historic
Special deal for Virginia residents on annual admission price to Jamestown Settlement and American Revolution Museum at Yorktown.
Santa and his sleigh are airborne and you can track his journey!
Santa's journey around the world tracked under the watchful eye of NORAD
Santa's journey gets underway at 4 a.m. Eastern Time on Christmas Eve.