over(t) time (by Joe Giglio)
disband(i)ed cadres operating on multiple wave forms centered in the big top
mastering abandoned art forms in rustic surroundings, jealously guarded by emotionless outbursts
call into consciousness the idiocy of village gate crashers in the vanguard’s shadow print
descent amidst stares into hanging bulb’s low-watt-blood-feud: thought-out-flanked in the right brain’s far left
dissent distended/de-centered…
thought removal: specialists in (d)our happiness
ordered responses garnered among collectivists
re-group behind al(l)tru(e)(fatal)istic bann(er)ed ideologies
in a crowd of oneness, splintered fractals enlist core sympathy:
a nihilist’s penned chant for more…
rainbow shards bisect wind whispered pleadings
under-ground-swell; feel-good death kisses(both cheeks)
consonant disavowal predic(a)ted…
a-(p)prove-all manic-festal, outlined in redress, cal(m)-amity: head feathered vestal intent
on-going, out-reaching, cryptic call mass:
leave-all benighted behind; close doors…
hydro-pon(t)i(a)c grassroots:
tie sticks to bumper, crop bystanders from periphery
re-voice un-biblical chords, free-fly to core layer:
mystery witness swiftly wilting in the keep
small bore rifling spins circles ’round the sun…
erst art:
protest ethic’s anthem
vent sure-fisted posit-(ive)-ions
10 decrees - south draft…
scale mountainous modalities
per(manent)mutations of revisionist hysteria
refuse to be rĕfuse…
rest starter rat:
burning passion (is) at stake
death’s mind grips fear
rest art, then restart…
Joe Giglio-Guitar Lessons
Guitar Instruction
All Levels Beginner To Advanced
Song WritingVocal Coaching

Hi FB Friends,
I won't be doing a music show today.
I look forward to seeing you next Sunday, August 27th at 2pm.
Thanks & Cheers!

Many Thanks To You, My Dear Friends!
Your Lovely, Heartfelt Birthday Greetings
Have Made This A Truly Wonderful Day.
As A Youngster I Remember Having A Sense Of What Matters In Life. That Insight Of Course Evolved, To Adapt To The Changes That Come With The Passage Of Time.
Having Spent A Fair Time Looking Within, I Believe That What Was Important To Me Then, Remains Important To Me.
It Is Maddeningly Simple:
People Matter, Good Matters, Kindness Matters, Respect For Each Other Matters, Fairness Matters, Animals Matter, Right & Wrong Matter, The Arts Matter, Education Matters, The Health & Well Being Of Everyone Matters, Generosity Matters, Continually Growing As A Person Matters, The Concept That Learning Is A Life Long Endeavor Matters, Friends Matter, Family Matters.
To Quote A Fictional, But Wise Character:
"Either Everyone Matters, Or No One Matters."
To Quote Myself:
'The Message Is A Clear One, Treat The World Like It's Your Dear One, And All That Love Will Come Back To You.'
My Deepest Thanks To You All For Believing That I Matter!
'Donna Lee'
A Friday night back in 2008-ish at 107WEST-NYC
Joe Giglio-guitar,
Murray Wall-bass (not in camera shot).
Noisy Audience -uncredited, but you know who you are...
Guitar built by Christopher Forshage - Forshage Guitars
Forshage Guitars Custom, handmade, exquisetly crafted guitars for the discriminating musician.

Memorial Day 2024:
Honoring All Who Have Served.
If We Said Thank You A Million Times It Would Not Be Enough...

Listen To Steve Geraci's Album "Aliqae Song":
This 1980 studio session was recorded at Sound Mixers NYC by David Baker and produced by Bruce Calabrese . The only recording thus far by this brilliant guitarist and composer. Features five extended original compositions and unrestrained blowing by a young, highly energetic band which includes Arthur Rhames, John Esposito, and Jeff Siegel who would shortly after form the Arthur Rhames Quartet revealing early recordings of their work. Also performing on this recording are Rashied Ali, Kitt Potter, Frederick Berryhill, Charlie Knicely and notable contribution by veteran soprano and tenor sax player John Stubblefield.
Aliqae Song - Steve Geraci - Guitar & Composition "Aliqae Song" by Steve Geraci - Guitar & Composition
Dear Friends,
Thanks for all your heartfelt comments/condolences - I am moved by your kindness.
Steve is survived by his three beloved daughters,
and two dear cousins.
Here is the link to his FB page - Steve Geraci - in case you want to see some of his many gig photos, and posts.
His family checks the page and would be comforted to know that he is not forgotten.
With much love & appreciation,
Joe Giglio
Copious Tears Flow As I Process The Concept Of A World Without Steve Geraci.
My Treasured Friend Passed Away Yesterday, May 5th, 2024.
He Had Bravely Faced A Severe Health Diagnosis Since Early 2023.
The Manner In Which He Faced This Reality Was Most Admirable.
He Chose Not To Give Up, But To Thrive In Spite Of It.
The Void He Leaves Is Massive, & Impossible To Fill.
A Force Of Nature Can Never Be Replaced, Nor Should It Be.
Steve Was My Dear, Dear Friend & Was A Profound Musical Inspiration From The Moment I Heard Him Play At St. Blaize In New Paltz, In The Autumn Of 1975.
Playing An Olympic White Stratocaster Held Not Far From His Chin, Amplified By A Marshall Stack, Steve Proceeded To Play The Daylights Out Of The Music, Song After Song.
I Had Started Playing Jazz The Previous Year,
And Hearing Someone My Age Who Played Like A Seasoned Pro, Was Both Shocking & Delightful.
After The Set I Introduce Myself, Told Him How Much I Had Enjoyed His Playing, And There Began Our 49 Year Friendship.
Steve Was So Very Kind & Encouraging To Me.
We Got Together & Played Soon After, And Despite The Wide Gap Between Our Playing Levels, We Had A Wonderful Time.
Steve Took Me Seriously From The Get-Go, & It Was A Validation That Propelled Me Forward Like None I Have Experienced, before Or Since.
Due To His Honest & Generous Approach To Everything He Did,
I Was Able To Spend Much Precious Time With A Master Musician.
The Most Fortuitous Day Of My Musical Life Was The Day I Met Steve Geraci.
On April 8th, I Visited With Steve In Hospice In Poughkeepsie.
He Was Thriving That Day, And We Spent Almost Four Hours Talking, Laughing, Reminiscing, & Just Being Dear Friends.
I Could Go On For Days About This Amazing Human Being, And Most Likely Will.
For Now Though, I Send Blessings & My Deepest Condolences To His Beloved Family.
Though I Knew This Day Was Imminent, I Am Shocked, Dismayed & Profoundly Sad.
Though Steve Would Disagree With Me,
He Was The Greatest Jazz Guitarist I Have Ever Heard,
& Most Certainly The Greatest I Have Ever Played With.
He Was As Wonderful A Friend, As He Was A Musician.
I Will Miss Him Forever.
Rest In Eternal Peace My Dear Friend...

Please Join Us For A Jazz Concert-Saturday May 4th, 2024 1-3PM At The Untermyer Gardens Conservancy
945 N Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701 (914) 613-4502
Featuring 'The Joe Giglio Trio:
Joe Giglio-Guitar/Vocals, Aldo Perez-Bass, Keith Dorgan-Drums
Admission Is Free - Please Share This Post With Your Dearies
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Contact the school
New York, NY