We're excited to announce our next convening, "Israel at a Crossroads: Navigating Religion, Democracy, and Justice." Join us at JTS on Tuesday, April 1–Wednesday, April 2, where we'll explore the challenges Israel faces in pursuing justice, inclusion, and repair in the wake of collective trauma. Special guests from Israel will lead sessions over the course of two days. https://loom.ly/PPFBTGY
Our colleague, Rabbi David Krishef began his rabbinic path at The Jewish Theological Seminary - JTS. Today he serves at Congregation Ahavas Israel in Grand Rapids, Michigan and is a champion of small congregations. Read his story: https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/story/ra-rabbis-are
Rabbi Krishef will be co-leading P'rahim K'tanim: Small Conservative Congregations Conference for Clergy & Lay Leaders this June, and you're invited: https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/event/leadershipconference
JTS was proud to host a one-day conference in partnership with the Academic Engagement Network on "Ecumenical Zionism: Jews, Christians, and the Land of Israel."
Presentations and lectures such as "From the Bible to Herzl: The Land of Israel in Jewish Thought," "The Shocking Presence of the Land Promise in the New Testament," and "Christian Zionism in Early America: From the Puritans to the Presidency" offered participants a variety of perspectives on this important topic.
List College students in Dr. Landman’s Historical Critical Methodologies course explored resources in The JTS Library for studying biblical texts. After a tour, they worked in teams and embarked on a special library resources scavenger hunt. 🔍📖
How do ancient texts and modern reflections help us care? Next Monday, February 10 at 1:00 p.m. ET, learn more about the ways our textual tradition informs therapeutic conversations in an online conversation with Rabbi Naomi Kalish.
Last week, students enjoyed another learning session with Rabbi Gordon Tucker in preparation for the Siyum Bechorim. Rabbinical student Jacob Kaplan-Lipkin wrote the following haiku inspired by the second chapter of Massekhet Sofrim:
We have five fingers
Four fingers is a tefach
Leave margins on scrolls
Rabbi Stephanie Ruskay, associate dean of The Rabbinical School, was quoted in this New York Daily News article on protecting the religious liberty of migrants. https://bit.ly/3WMr6hf
In these uncertain days, as we celebrate the return of some of our hostages while we wait with bated breath for others, the Masorti world is coming together to read one psalm a day in order to pray for their safe return. Join us with Masorti Olami to receive a weekly email with the psalm for each day and a kavana (intention).
We're excited to share the recording of Monday's John Leopold and Martha Dellheim Senior Recital 2025, featuring graduating Cantorial School students Roseanne Benjamin, Rachel Black, and Justin Zvi Pellis. Mazal tov, Roseanne, Rachel, and Justin! We are so proud of you for your tremendous work. Watch it here: https://bit.ly/40TM0NW
Our colleague, Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields began her rabbinic path at Jewish Theological Seminary - JTS and today she serves as the executive director of the 's League for Conservative Judaism.
Read Rabbi Wolintz-Field's story here: https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/story/ra-rabbis-are
How is the revolution in information technologies affecting our Torah in the classroom, in The JTS Library, and beyond? Next Monday, February 3 at 1:00 p.m. ET, Dr. David Kraemer kicks off our webinar series, "What's Next? New Ways of Engaging Jewish Sources" with a discussion on "Digital Revelations: Jewish Text in the 21st Century."
Interfaith leaders, including JTS's Rabbi Stephanie Ruskay, recently came together to support and protect migrants at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC. Rabbi Ruskay is featured in this piece from WNBC, where she called this a "moral emergency moment." Watch here: https://loom.ly/BPN0aQA
Today, January 27 at 7:00 p.m. ET, graduating Cantorial School seniors Roseanne Benjamin, Rachel Black, and Justin Zvi Pellis, will share their talents and their vision for the 21st-century cantorate at the John Leopold and Martha Dellheim Senior Recital 2025. Register to join us in person at JTS or watch the livestream at https://loom.ly/gHaqkFM.
With heavy hearts, we commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Read JTS alum Rabbi Michael Panitz's piece on the differences between International Holocaust Remembrance Day and Yom Ha-Shoah. https://bit.ly/4gl8VGq
JTS alum Rabbi David Wolpe, Max Webb Rabbi Emeritus of Sinai Temple, was named one of the most influential spiritual leaders in the world by Watkins Mind Body Spirit Magazine. This is the second consecutive year Rabbi Wolpe has received this honor. Mazal tov! https://loom.ly/TMpK4_k
Today was the first study session of Massekhet Sofrim with Rabbi Gordon Tucker, which students have the opportuity to study every Thursday, as we prepare for the Siyum Bechorim on April 10. According to Rabbi Tucker, "Massekhet Sofrim is filled with halakhot about Sifrei Torah, the reading of scripture, and other ritual practices that are both meaningful and practical."
Crossing the Divide. Like Moses approaching Pharaoh, Jews and Muslims are constantly being asked to prove themselves in today’s world. https://loom.ly/8h67c9k
Moses’s Lessons in Interfaith Dialogue - Jewish Theological Seminary
In the first week of 2025, the Washington Theological Consortium hosted a weeklong interfaith dialogue program at the United Lutheran Seminary in
Mazal tov to List College alum Jordan Rosenblum who won the National Jewish Book Award in the Food Writing & Cookbooks category for his book, "Forbidden: A 3,000-Year History of Jews and the Pig." https://bit.ly/40GHOku