Happy Valentine's Day—we're eating chocolates and gazing in awe at these couples from the collection.
Stop by the galleries with your sweetheart this weekend to see our exhibitions on view— Weegee: Society of the Spectacle, American Job: 1940–2011, and To Conjure: New Archives in Recent Photography.
Get tickers: https://www.icp.org/exhibitions
1: Larry Clark, Young street couple, male wearing Grateful Dead t-shirt, ca. 1975. Gift of LeGrand P. Belnap, MD, 2007 (2007.90.14)
2: Joanne Leonard, Couple watching TV, ca. 1973, West Berkeley, CA. Gift of Joanne Leonard, 2018 (2018.33.14)
3: Weegee, [Couple kissing], ca.1945, New York. Bequest of Wilma Wilcox, 1993 (2091.1993)
4: Anthony Friedkin, Female Couple, Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, 1970, California, Gift of Nancy and Mitchell Steir, 2011 (2011.70.9)
5: Anthony Friedkin, Gay Couple on Dance Floor, Troupers Hall, Hollywood, 1970. Gift of Nancy and Mitchell Steir, 2011 (2011.70.18)
6: Frank Cundill, Unidentified Photographer, Happy Couple, 1911-20s. Purchase, with funds provided by the ICP Acquisitions Committee, 2006 (2006.20.349)
7: Anthony Friedkin, Gay Couple outside Church, 1970, California. Gift of Nancy and Mitchell Steir, 2011 (2011.70.44)
8: Bruce Davidson, [Couple in white, New York], 1966, New York. Gift of Bruce Davidson, 2006 (2006.15.61)
9: Anthony Friedkin, Gay Couple at Gay Picnic, 1971, California. Gift of Nancy and Mitchell Steir, 2011 (2011.70.5)
10: Eugene Roquemore, Wedding Couple, 1960s, Lubbock Texas. Gift of Documentary Arts Inc., 2014 (DA.1C17B.48)