Hey Joe Guitar

Hey Joe Guitar


Founded in 2007, Hey Joe Guitar offers music lessons in your Manhattan or Brooklyn home or office. A In-home music lessons. Manhattan and Brooklyn. Any age.

Any instrument. One of the top-rated music schools in New York City. Choose your instrument. Schedule your in-home music lessons. Hey Joe Guitar Music School offers lessons that, in addition to being great for adults, are particularly well-suited to children. Our lessons are available seven days per week, at any reasonable hour. When a new student or parent calls they talk with Joe Berger, our fou

Operating as usual

Don't Take Vacation From Music, With Brooklyn Guitar School - Hey Joe Guitar 01/23/2025

Don’t Take Vacation From Music, With Brooklyn Guitar School

Don't Take Vacation From Music, With Brooklyn Guitar School - Hey Joe Guitar Brooklyn Guitar School Plays All Summer Long! It’s vacation time and your kids just want to be carefree. At this point, school and homework are probably not even on their radar. Does this attitude extend to their music lessons as well? In other words, do your children stop playing their instrument...

Manhattan Music School Doesn't Kiss and Tell - Hey Joe Guitar 01/16/2025

Manhattan Music School Doesn’t Kiss and Tell

Manhattan Music School Doesn't Kiss and Tell - Hey Joe Guitar Not Just Lip Service, at Manhattan Music School You might think that July is a quiet month and, in some ways, it is. Those lazy, hazy days of summer put all of us in a relaxing mood. Still, this doesn’t mean that there are no exciting events taking place this month. The 4th of July...

With New York Music Lessons, You and Your Instrument are a Good Fit - Hey Joe Guitar 01/09/2025

With New York Music Lessons, You and Your Instrument are a Good Fit

With New York Music Lessons, You and Your Instrument are a Good Fit - Hey Joe Guitar Match Up to Your Instrument, With New York Music Lessons Here is one question you probably don’t ask yourself very often (if at all): are you a drum, piano or violin? Or perhaps you are a flute or ukulele? The reason we are urging you to ask (and answer) this question is simple: if you...

At New York Guitar School, We'll Never Read You the Riot Act - Hey Joe Guitar 01/02/2025

At New York Guitar School, We’ll Never Read You the Riot Act

At New York Guitar School, We'll Never Read You the Riot Act - Hey Joe Guitar Keep the Peace, With New York Guitar School We have said it many times before and we still stand by it: music training is good for you! However, this doesn’t mean that every music experience is always calm and uneventful; sometimes, concerts incite not only applause and calls for an encore, but al...

Feel the Sea, Sun and Sand, With Brooklyn Music Lessons - Hey Joe Guitar 12/26/2024

Feel the Sea, Sun and Sand, With Brooklyn Music Lessons

Feel the Sea, Sun and Sand, With Brooklyn Music Lessons - Hey Joe Guitar With Brooklyn Music Lessons You Can Be a Beach Bunny – Right in Your Home! Last month, just as the official summer season was starting, we wrote about all the wonderful beaches along the New York City coastline. Now that summer is here in earnest, our thoughts (and hopefully yours as well) are tur...

Sleepless in New York? Manhattan Guitar School Will Put You to Bed - Hey Joe Guitar 12/19/2024

Sleepless in New York? Manhattan Guitar School Will Put You to Bed

Sleepless in New York? Manhattan Guitar School Will Put You to Bed - Hey Joe Guitar Manhattan Guitar School Has a Lullaby For You! We don’t mean to be too inquisitive about your, um, bedroom habits, but we would like to know this: how well do you sleep at night? Are you lucky enough to fall into deep and relaxing slumber, or are you tossing and turning all night long? If...

A Clean Bill of Health, With Brooklyn Music Lessons - Hey Joe Guitar 12/12/2024

A Clean Bill of Health, With Brooklyn Music Lessons

A Clean Bill of Health, With Brooklyn Music Lessons - Hey Joe Guitar With Brooklyn Music Lessons, History Won’t Repeat Itself! Oh, what a difference a few centuries make! Today, we know for a fact (having had abundant scientific evidence as proof) that music is good for humans, animals, and other living things as well. However, it has not always been like this. As ...

Mind Your Language, at New York Guitar School - Hey Joe Guitar 12/05/2024

Mind Your Language, at New York Guitar School

Mind Your Language, at New York Guitar School - Hey Joe Guitar New York Guitar School Is Not All Greek to You Parlez-vous français? Parla italiano? 你說中國話? If you don’t speak any foreign languages (and according to government statistics, 75 percent of Americans don’t), but would like to be able to converse in another tongue, we may have a solution...

"Jingly" Melodies, With Brooklyn Music Lessons - Hey Joe Guitar 11/28/2024

“Jingly” Melodies, With Brooklyn Music Lessons

"Jingly" Melodies, With Brooklyn Music Lessons - Hey Joe Guitar With Brooklyn Music Lessons, You’ll Catch Many a Tune! What is your favorite TV commercial? OK, we admit that this not the kind of question you might be asking yourself, but bear with us. There is a reason why we are bringing this up. While television ads may not represent the highest art form –...

The "Mozart Effect:" New York Guitar School Pays Tribute to Classical Music - Hey Joe Guitar 11/21/2024

The “Mozart Effect:” New York Guitar School Pays Tribute to Classical Music

The "Mozart Effect:" New York Guitar School Pays Tribute to Classical Music - Hey Joe Guitar At New York Guitar School, We Love the Classics! September is stretching out before us and we couldn’t be happier. Why? Because it marks a very important occasion: Classical Music Month, as declared by President Clinton back in 1994. “Classical music is a celebration of artistic excellence,” C...

The Piano: It's Always About Hitting the Right Key - Hey Joe Guitar 11/14/2024

The Piano: It’s Always About Hitting the Right Key

The Piano: It's Always About Hitting the Right Key - Hey Joe Guitar New York Piano School Has the Keys to Great Lessons Did you know that the world-famous Steinway Piano Company was founded right here in New York in 1853, in a loft on Manhattan’s Varick Street? If you are curious to see how these elegant instruments are put together, you can go on a tour of...

Manhattan Guitar School Gives You the Score on Music - Hey Joe Guitar 11/07/2024

Manhattan Guitar School Gives You the Score on Music

Manhattan Guitar School Gives You the Score on Music - Hey Joe Guitar Music Musings, With Manhattan Guitar School How do you listen to music? Is it more of a passive experience – for instance, you hear “background” music while you go about your daily business, or do you get really immersed in each sound? There is nothing wrong with the “peripheral” approach ...

New York Music Lessons Will Never Fall Out of Favor - Hey Joe Guitar 10/31/2024

New York Music Lessons Will Never Fall Out of Favor

New York Music Lessons Will Never Fall Out of Favor - Hey Joe Guitar With New York Music Lessons, You’ll Always be a Hit! Let us give you some cryptic clues about the topic of this week’s blog: “here today, gone tomorrow;” “tempest in a teapot;” and “if you blink, you’ll miss it.” What are we talking about? If you know the answer, raise your hand! O...

Brooklyn Music School Tells You How to Be a Great Student - Hey Joe Guitar 10/24/2024

Brooklyn Music School Tells You How to Be a Great Student

Brooklyn Music School Tells You How to Be a Great Student - Hey Joe Guitar Develop Good Habits, at Brooklyn Music School It happens every year: come September, school is back in session! We do hope you took our advice and kept up your music lessons during the summer, so that your skills have not gotten rusty. But if you (or your child) are just starting your music training...

Music Lessons “To-Do” List, from Manhattan Guitar School 10/17/2024

Music Lessons “To-Do” List, from Manhattan Guitar School

Music Lessons “To-Do” List, from Manhattan Guitar School Manhattan Guitar School Helps You Stay on TrackWelcome to October! The whole month unveils before us, so let’s get organized. We mean this literally because the first week of October is the Nationa…

Get “High,” With New York Music Lessons 10/10/2024

Get “High,” With New York Music Lessons

Get “High,” With New York Music Lessons New York Music Lessons Will Make Your Spirits Soar! and a lot of people are suffering from a condition known as “seasonal affective disorder” (SAD) – a type of depression that’s related…

Get Ready for Your Lessons, With New York Music School 10/03/2024

Get Ready for Your Lessons, With New York Music School

Get Ready for Your Lessons, With New York Music School New York Music School’s “Learning Experience”You know by now that our teachers make house calls in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Riverdale. But here’s a question: what kind of learning environment have …

Discover Music – With New York Guitar School 09/26/2024

Discover Music – With New York Guitar School

Discover Music – With New York Guitar School New York Guitar School Celebrates Columbus DayOn August 3, 1492, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus set sail from the Spanish port of Palos. He was in command of three ships – the Santa Ma…

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119 W 72nd Street, STE 310
New York, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 9pm
Tuesday 10am - 9pm
Wednesday 10am - 9pm
Thursday 10am - 9pm
Friday 10am - 9pm
Saturday 10am - 9pm
Sunday 10am - 9pm