Current Columbia juniors and seniors: the application for our MARSLAC BA/MA program is open!
Learn more at the link in our bio 📚🎓
The Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) is a center for research, teaching and discussion on
Operating as usual
Current Columbia juniors and seniors: the application for our MARSLAC BA/MA program is open!
Learn more at the link in our bio 📚🎓
Missed the event about “Coca-Based Local Growth and Its Socio-Economic Impact in Colombia”? 🇨🇴
Find a webinar recording on our YouTube channel:
[PT] Este semestre, , o , Columbia University Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies, e o colaboraram para criar o evento “A leitura da palavra-mundo: Uma abordagem freiriana para o pretoguês na escola” com .
O link da gravação está disponível no linktree da
[EN] This semester, , , Columbia University Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies, , and collaborated to create the event “Reading the Word-World: A Freirean Approach to ‘Pretoguês’ in Schools” with .
The recording link is available on ’s linktree.
Last week, ILAS welcomed incoming students in the Master of Arts in Regional Studies—Latin America and the Caribbean Program!
We encourage eligible members of our community to apply for this invaluable program!
Columbia Business School invites Latin American , executives, and other decision-makers to apply to its Entrepreneurship & Competitiveness in Latin America (ECLA) program.
Exclusively for mid-sized Latin American companies seeking to better compete in today's global environment, ECLA equips leaders with the skills, tools, and networks to professionalize and grow their businesses.
The ECLA program will hold two information sessions on August 30 and September 11 before its application period closes in Fall 2024. Interested in learning more about the program? Please register to attend an informational webinar here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfknAImDTj9ezOXCYiizhatCqUHV2q70Ceh2S4Hb3wTtHQdqw/viewform
To apply to the ECLA program, please see the application here: https://business.columbia.edu/ecp/latin-america/apply
For other information, please visit the ECLA website here: https://business.columbia.edu/ecp/ecla
In our final spotlight, we revisit Professor Daly’s Violent Victors, a critical work that unpacks the work of bloodstained parties in postwar elections. This book has set a new benchmark in the field of comparative politics, earning the 2024 Gregory Luebbert Prize and the 2023 Leon Epstein Outstanding Book Award.
Don’t miss your chance to dive into this influential book that’s shaping the future of political studies.
Read: https://press.princeton.edu/books/ebook/9780691231341/violent-victors
Professor Daly’s Violent Victors is making waves in the academic world! This must-read book delves into the complex dynamics of postwar elections and the enduring power of bloodstained parties.
Having won the 2024 Gregory Luebbert Prize and the 2023 Leon Epstein Outstanding Book Award, Violent Victors is essential for anyone interested in the intersection of politics and conflict.
Don’t miss out on this insightful work that’s setting the standard in comparative politics.
📚 Learn more: https://press.princeton.edu/books/ebook/9780691231341/violent-victors
We are again proud to highlight Professor Daly’s groundbreaking work, Violent Victors: Why Bloodstained Parties Win Postwar Elections.
Discover how Professor Daly’s research is shaping the field of comparative politics by exploring Violent Victors today.
📚 Learn more: https://press.princeton.edu/books/ebook/9780691231341/violent-victors
🎈🎉 Do you want to try some delicious Latin American food? Save the date for the Hispanic Heritage Month cook - September 26th! 🎈🎉
This is a CU ID only event!
We are excited to share a review from Professor Sarah Zukerman Daly’s latest book, Violent Victors: Why Bloodstained Parties Win Postwar Elections.
Her new book won the 2024 Gregory Luebbert Prize for Best Book in Comparative Politics from the American Political Science Association and the 2023 Leon Epstein Outstanding Book Award from the American Political Science Association. It was also Shortlisted for the 2023 Luebbert Best Book Prize.
More information: https://press.princeton.edu/books/ebook/9780691231341/violent-victors
Planning your courses for the Fall? Come check out Professor Vélez’s class - Current Environmental and natural resource issues in Latin America.
Looking for a minor? 👀
Come check out the Latin American Studies minor !!!
We are delighted to announce that Mariana Cavalcanti will join our institute as a Tinker Visiting Scholar for Spring 2025!
Professor Cavalcanti, currently an Associate Professor at the Institute of Social and Political Studies of .oficial (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), has a distinguished background that includes a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and previous roles at .oficial - Fundação Getulio Vargas and .
Her research interests span housing, urbanism, infrastructure, public policy, and urban waters, with notable contributions to academic literature and documentary filmmaking. We look forward to the valuable insights and collaborations Professor Cavalcanti will bring to our community.
We are excited to share that Federico M. Accursi will be joining us as an Argentine Fellow in the Spring of 2025. He is an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Economics at in Rosario, and a Research Fellow at the Center of Agribusiness and Food at the same university. He is studying the development of the biogas industry through dairy manure treatment in Argentina. We are very excited to welcome Professor Accursi into our team.
We are thrilled to introduce Pablo Sanguinetti as an Argentine Studies Visiting Fellowship for Spring 2025. Pablo holds a Ph.D. in Economics from and is currently a Professor at in Argentina. His career includes roles as a consultant for the IMF, the World Bank, ECLAC, and the Interamerican Development Bank. He served as Director of Socioeconomic Research, Chief Economist, and Vice President of Knowledge at CAF-Development Bank of Latin America from 2007 to 2022. Pablo’s areas of specialization include international trade and integration, macroeconomics, development, and public finance.
Meet Maria Alejandra Vélez, our Tinker Visiting Professor for the Fall 2024! She is Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Studies on Security and Drugs () at . Professor Velez’s research focuses on governance and institutional design for natural resource management in rural communities of the global south and on the interaction between drug and environmental policy.
[PT] Este semestre, , o , Columbia University Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies, e o colaboraram para criar o evento “Formar os formadores: Caminhos para escalar a formação continuada com qualidade” com .
Veja a gravação: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChJoFAuB3GE
[EN] This semester, Paulo Freire Initiative, ILAS, Columbia University Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies, Teachers College, and TLTL collaborated to create the event “Training the trainers: Paths to scale continuing education with quality” with Barbara Born.
Watch the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChJoFAuB3GE
Snapshots from yesterday’s panel, “Latin America at a Crossroads” 🌎
We heard from panelists , , Ricardo Hausmann, .murillo.nyc and moderator !
.lasa .sipa