We are 2 MONTHS AWAY from the 2025 YSC Summit in Atlanta!🌟
Grab your co-surivors and your friends and register today! Let’s make the 2025 YSC Summit unforgettable! 🎉
2025 YSC Summit
March 21-23, 2025
Atlanta, Georgia
It is YSC’s goal to equip , and with resources to assist with diagnosis and treatment. We hope that today’s will help you navigate the different words and terms that may come up throughout the journey.
How did having a lumpectomy affect you emotionally?
Bone pain as a result of metastases can sometimes contribute to discomfort with certain s*xual positions. Experimenting with new approaches can help. Check out these ideas!
What creative ways have you found helpful in overcoming discomfort during intimate moments impacted by bone pain from metastases?
Credit: breastcancer.org
Get your co-survivors, loved ones, and support systems ready for an unforgettable experience at the 2025 YSC Summit in Atlanta!
Join us for a weekend focused on connection, support, and friendship in the heart of the city. Tailor your experience with workshops, meetups, and events designed for young survivors, thrivers, and co-survivors alike. From impactful sessions on topics like s*x & intimacy, money management, and side effect support to community-building activities, there’s something meaningful for everyone.
Learn more and register at summit.youngsurvival.org!
Únase a nosotros en "Reavivando el Amor: Fortaleciendo la Conexión y el Amor Propio Después del Cáncer de Mama", un evento especial diseñado para sobrevivientes jóvenes de cáncer de mama.
Este webinar se centrará en cómo reconectar con su pareja después de un diagnóstico y tratamiento, explorando maneras de fortalecer la relación a través del amor, la comunicación y actividades creativas. También abordaremos el poder del amor propio y la autoexploración, ofreciendo herramientas prácticas para cuidar de usted misma y redescubrir su fuerza interior.
Contaremos con la participación de Claudia Campos, quien compartirá estrategias para reconstruir la intimidad y Debi traerá ideas para tener citas gratuitas o a bajo costo para disfrutar con tu pareja y/o amigos.
¡Celebre el amor en todas sus formas y dé el primer paso hacia una conexión más profunda consigo misma y con quienes ama
Regístrate usando este enlace: bit.ly/encuentrovirtualysc ! Link en la bio!
Join us for "Reigniting Love: Strengthening Connection and Self-Love After Breast Cancer," a special event designed for young breast cancer survivors.
This webinar will focus on how to reconnect with your partner after a diagnosis and treatment by exploring ways to strengthen your relationship through love, communication, and creative activities. We will also address the power of self-love and self-exploration, offering practical tools to care for yourself and rediscover your inner strength.
We will feature Claudia Campos, who will share strategies for rebuilding intimacy, and Debi, who will bring ideas for free or low-cost date opportunities to enjoy with your partner and/or friends. Celebrate love in all its forms and take the first step toward a deeper connection with yourself and those you love.
Register today at bit.ly/encuentrovirtualysc
The Co-Survivor Moms Virtual Hangout is for moms who care for their young adults diagnosed with breast cancer. Come join co-survivor mothers to share in a confidential space with others who understand what it is like for your child to be living with breast cancer. To participate, you will need to have a computer, tablet or phone with a we**am and internet/data connection. If you are not able to connect with video, you can join by phone only.
Meets third Thursday of the month at 3PM ET | 2PM CT | 12PM PT
YSC Virtual Hangouts allow young adults affected by breast cancer to connect with others from the comfort of your own home. Grow relationships with your peers who may share similar diagnoses, life experiences or treatment types.
Mark your calendars and see you soon!
Co-survivors, often called “caregivers,” provide close support to a young adult during the breast cancer journey. They may be spouses, partners, parents, siblings or friends.
Your co-survivors and support networks are welcome to attend the 2025 YSC Summit. We can't wait to meet you!
2025 YSC Summit
March 21-23, 2025
Atlanta, Georgia
Survivor's guilt goes beyond the guilt of simply surviving while others didn't. It's about navigating complex emotions that arise post-cancer. Remember, support is key! Consider speaking to a professional to help you navigate these feelings.
Have you or someone you know experienced survivor's guilt after breast cancer? Share your thoughts below!
The breast cancer journey can be a wild ride, full of revelations, thoughts and epiphanies - the good, the bad and the ugly. Thanks, , for your vulnerability and sharing your quote with us.
If you are a young adult facing breast cancer, and you’d like to submit your personal quote, please send us a DM! At YSC we believe that there is power in knowing that you are not alone. We’d love to hear from you.
Have you been told that you will be in treatment for the rest of your life? You're not alone. Many stage IV thrivers in our community face the same challenge and find strength in sharing their experiences and supporting each other.
For more MBC resources and support, visit www.youngsurvival.org. There are other reliable sources of information on metastatic breast cancer including metavivor.org, breastcancer.org and
"As I was teaching my class in the spring, waiting for a call from my doctor about the exact date of my mastectomy, I sat down on my chair feeling very sad for a few minutes while my students were working on a test. Suddenly, five of them approached my chair, surrounded me, and gave me a really tight hug. They said to me: 'Don't worry, teacher. You're going to rock. You got this.' They knew about my situation because I had been absent some days, and I didn’t hide anything from them. That hug gave me so much strength, and even today, as a cancer-free teacher, I feel so grateful to those students. And then I tell myself, beyond the teaching, 'The greatest of these is love.'"-
This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing, !
Interested in extending a helping hand to fellow survivors, thrivers, or co-survivors? You can through YSC's fundraising initiative! Choose a way to give back that feels meaningful to you! Your contributions not only aid young adults confronting a breast cancer diagnosis but also bolster our mission. Plus, you'll snag some fabulous YSC swag and potentially have your 2025 YSC Summit hotel room expenses covered!
Check out summit.youngsurvival.org/fundraising-incentives/ for more details!
2025 YSC Summit
March 21-23, 2025
Atlanta, Georgia
"Shortly after my 34th birthday, I noticed a deep soreness and itching in my outer left breast. I have fibrocystic breast changes, so this wasn’t totally out of the ordinary, but within a week or so, I also noticed my left breast was taking up more space in my bra. I told my GYN, and within a few weeks, I was diagnosed with DCIS and had a double mastectomy. I wish I had started screening for breast cancer sooner. Given my family history of breast cancer, I was told I could start screening at age 30, but it was optional. Maybe if I had screened earlier, I would have been a candidate for breast-conserving surgery.
After surgery, my stage changed from DCIS to stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma. So now, even more, I wish I had gotten screened sooner! I hope this helps others push for earlier screening." -Kyra O'Brien
Kyra, thank you for sharing your story with us.
A "Friendship Revolution" in the breast cancer community is about reshaping the role of connection in the healing journey and it emphasizes the unique and powerful bonds formed through shared experiences—survivors, thrivers, and co-survivors coming together to lift each other up.
Join this movement at the 2025 YSC Summit as we celebrate the strength found in friendships built on understanding, empathy, and mutual support, where no one faces breast cancer alone. The Summit is a community that not only fosters personal growth but also provides comfort, encouragement, and hope during every stage of the breast cancer journey.
2025 YSC Summit
March 21-23, 2025
Atlanta, Georgia
The Metastatic Virtual Hangout is only open to those who are managing stage IV breast cancer. It is a safe virtual space to connect with others living with metastatic breast cancer. Ask questions, share articles and talk with others who just get it. To participate, you will need to have a computer, tablet or phone with a we**am and internet/data connection. If you are not able to connect with video, you can join by phone only.
Meets first Monday of the month at 8:30PM ET | 7:30PM CT | 5:30PM PT
YSC Virtual Hangouts allow young adults affected by breast cancer to connect with others from the comfort of your own home. Grow relationships with your peers who may share similar diagnoses, life experiences or treatment types.
Mark your calendars and see you soon!
was diagnosed with breast cancer a month after turning 21. Thank you for sharing your story with us!
"In April 2023, I was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer. April 13th is forever ingrained in my memory as the day I received the news no one ever wants to hear—that they were almost certain, based on my mammogram, that I had breast cancer. The look on the radiologist's face is something I hope to never see again in my life: total disbelief. I was the youngest patient ever to undergo a mammogram at the Crouse Breast Center in Syracuse, NY, and the youngest breast cancer patient any of my doctors had treated. While not exactly a distinction to be proud of, it did mean I got kick-ass doctors because of my age.
All of this happened just two weeks before the end of my third and final year of college. Despite everything, I still managed to graduate on time with my bachelor's degree. It took me four months, three appointments, and three ultrasounds (all of which appeared normal), two doctors, and finally a mammogram—after finding a lump—to get diagnosed. Many of the doctors believed it couldn’t be cancer because I was “too young” to have breast cancer. I have never seen doctors so stunned in my life, but now it’s something I’ve grown accustomed to after seeing so many of them throughout this journey.
I underwent a year of treatment, including three surgeries, radiation, six rounds of chemotherapy, and 19 rounds of immunotherapy. As of October 2023, I am cancer-free, and I completed my treatment in March 2024. My life has been forever changed, but I’m finally starting to find my new normal." -
The holidays are over and sometimes things get lost in the chaos. That's why we are extending early bird registration through the weekend!
🚨 Last chance to grab early bird pricing! 🚨
2025 YSC Summit
March 21-23, 2025
Atlanta, Georgia