AES Educational Foundation

AES Educational Foundation

The Audio Engineering Society Educational Foundation is dedicated to encouraging the entry of talented students into the profession of audio engineering.

Operating as usual

AES Show 2024 NY: They Might Be Giants - AES Masters Talk... 10/10/2024

Audio Engineering Society 1:30 Thursday
“They Might Be Giants”
Using the AES Oral Historical Videos, AES Legends, such as Phil Ramone, Les Paul, Bob Ludwig, Ray Dolby and others (some known and others not so widely known) with the assistance of Jim Anderson, will tell the inside and partly forgotten story of how modern recording techniques and facilities developed as told by the people who were there using the AES Oral Histories edited by the presenter.

AES Show 2024 NY: They Might Be Giants - AES Masters Talk... View more about this event at AES Show 2024 NY

A 12-Minute Show, Played Only Once, Just Might Live Forever (Gift Article) 08/21/2024

Every summer, hundreds of college-age musicians spend countless hours — and their own money — pursuing a single goal: the drum corps world championship.

A 12-Minute Show, Played Only Once, Just Might Live Forever (Gift Article) Every summer, hundreds of college-age musicians spend countless hours — and their own money — pursuing a single goal: the drum corps world championship.

Photos from AES Educational Foundation's post 04/21/2024

In Warsaw with Michael Cuscuna, and James Carter December 2009.

Capturing Jazz Lightning In a Bottle: Recording With Trumpeter Franco 02/05/2024

John Seetoo's article on recording Franco Ambrosetti's latest project Sear Sound is featured in PS Audio's latest issue of Copper: The Journal of Music and Audio with Peter Erskine Scott Colley Alan Broadbent Jim Anderson

Capturing Jazz Lightning In a Bottle: Recording With Trumpeter Franco As one of the first musical art forms created in the US to attain worldwide acclaim and acceptance, jazz straddles the line between the challengingly cerebral harmonic complexity found in orchestral classical music and the interactively creative spontaneity of NBA-caliber basketball. Jazz recorded i...

第32回トーンマイスターコンベンション「3D Audio」レポート - JASジャーナル2024年冬号 02/02/2024

Ulrike Kristina Schwarz presented Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir, Morten Lindberg, Kimio Hamasaki, Akira Fukada,andJim Anderson at the Verband Deutscher Tonmeister

第32回トーンマイスターコンベンション「3D Audio」レポート - JASジャーナル2024年冬号 2023年11月、ドイツ・デュッセルドルフで行われたドイツトーンマイスター協会(以下VdT)主催、32. Tonmeistertagung(トーンマイスターターグング、以下TMT)は、1949年より2年に一度開催されているトーンマイスターのコンベン.....


That’s a wrap for NAMM Anaheim Convention Center and Neumann. Thanks for the invitation to present our recordings.


Ulrike Kristina Schwarz camera ready for SCHOEPS Mikrofone

Photos from AES Educational Foundation's post 01/12/2024

Congratulations to Patricia Barber Jazz Musician for Native DSD's Vocal Album of the Year!
Thanks to Merging Technologies Ulrike Kristina Schwarz Essential Sound Products, Inc. Patricia Barber Mark Walker Dave Douglas Accusound Cable Co. 2L Morten Lindberg Darcy Proper Airshow Mastering Jim Anderson Abey Fonn Impex Records John Hardy John La Grou Sanken Chromatic Microphones Skywalker Sound Chicago Recording Company Recording Academy / GRAMMYs

Jim's Winter Playlist by Jim Anderson is on 12/24/2023

Hello everyone. Thanks for the wonderful greetings and wishes for my birthday. In return, if you have Qobuz or are on the StreamingMusicMatters & Qobuz-(USA) fan page, here's a musical playlist to assist you in celebrating the holidays!

Jim's Winter Playlist by Jim Anderson is on Listen to Jim's Winter Playlist by Jim Anderson on, the online service for demanding music lovers: 100 million tracks in unlimited high quality streaming.

Verband Deutscher Tonmeister e.V. (VDT) 12/24/2023

December 24th: Cyrus Chestnut and Michael Brecker - Jazz Great performance of “‘Hark!’ The Herald Angels Sing” on the Verband Deutscher Tonmeister Musical Advent Calendar

Verband Deutscher Tonmeister e.V. (VDT) Verband Deutscher Tonmeister e. V. (VDT) – der führende Berufsverband der Branche der Tonschaffenden in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz

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New City, NY