Kepler Education

Kepler Education


A consortium of independent teachers unified by a shared vision and innovative online platform to bri

A consortium of independent teachers unified by a shared vision and innovative online platform to bring liberal arts education to junior high and high school students.

Operating as usual


Kepler offers Late Registration. If you need assistance scheduling your academic year, or would like to speak to an academic advisor for a free consultation, please visit us at

As we launch into the new academic year, I wanted to take a moment to encourage our students and pray for us.

Let me begin with the encouragement. This is a 16-week (semester) or 32-week (full year) race for most of you. The first week will be exciting—new friends, new courses, new teachers, new experiences—and by the time you settle into the third or fourth week, soundly aware of what is going to be expected of you in each of your classes, reality will set in (i.e., This is work. It’s going to require something of me).

Courage, dear heart! You were made for this time. Education is your vocation, your calling at this stage of your life. When other students are asking, “why do we need to learn this anyway?,” I hope you will remember that your education is an ultimate possession! You’re not merely learning math facts or English grammar, or the parts of a cell! Your loves, your desires, your intellect, your self is being shaped to be the best version of you possible. You are gaining wisdom and your parents and teachers are preparing your soul to be virtuous.

Let me encourage you to take this year’s opportunities seriously; you’ll never get these days back. When you get to that long third quarter stretch, don’t give up! Lean in and press on—further up and further in. When you reach the finish line, I hope you’ll be humbly proud of your accomplishment—satisfied that you gave your best effort every week, everyday!

Please allow me to also pray for us:

Gracious Father of lights in whom there is no uncertainty or shadow of turning, giver of only good gifts, please grant these students a clear vision and a sound heart for the work you’ve called them to this year. Grant all of us—students, parents, and teachers alike—grace to do our best work each day, to be faithful to you and to each other, and to always do those things which bring glory and honor to your holy name.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

In closing, I hope you choose to join a club, contribute to the student magazine (The Eccentric), or participate in one of the debates or public speaking opportunities that will be available this year. Some of the friendships you develop through these opportunities will stay with you for the rest of your lives.

Have a wonderful academic year!


Dr. Scott Postma


The last of this years’ Summer Scholars series is just around the corner. William Carey will be treating what is perhaps the most neglected of the seven liberal arts, Mathematics! Join us August 15th at 1:00 pm PT and discover how to think of mathematics, classically.

1 week from today! Summer Scholars Series #3 - William Carey - "Mathematics: The Classical Coherence of Number" - (August 15, 1:00 pm, PT) - Join us for this online seminar from Kepler Education and the Consortium of Classical Educators! -


Ten Compelling Reasons to Homeschool with Kepler Education.

1. The Freedom of Homeschooling
Discover the freedom of a Classical Christian Education online. Kepler offers over 100 courses, allowing you to tailor your child's education to their unique gifts and goals. Join Kepler and prepare your child to honor God and live well in a complex world.

Read the other nine at the link below!

SPELLERS 08/06/2024

SPELLERS Inspired by the book Underestimated, the new full-length documentary SPELLERS challenges conventional wisdom regarding a group relegated to society’s margins...

Photos from Kepler Education's post 07/29/2024

🤫Shutting out the outside noise for your child might be one of the most beneficial things you can do for them.

Read about Katie’s homeschool experience and how it helped shape her into the writer she is today. 🤯

Comment “SILENCE” to read the entire article.


This is how to raise children who never “lose themselves.” 💯


Are you feeling overwhelmed or anxious about homeschooling your children? Kepler Education offers a reassuring solution designed for parents like you who want the best education for their children without the stress and anxiety. Imagine a platform where you can handpick over 100 meticulously crafted university-model courses, taught by experienced Classical Christian educators dedicated to academic excellence and a firm Christian foundation.

At Kepler, we understand your concerns about teaching subjects you're not an expert in. That's why we offer a unique approach: our flexible model allows you to maintain your parental agency while using courses taught by qualified educators who specialize in their fields. Whether it's calculus, Latin, or literature, rest assured that your child is learning from the best.

Here is an example:

Are you worried about balancing your child's education with your daily responsibilities? Kepler's online platform is designed to fit your schedule. Our "flipped classroom" model encourages active participation and deeper learning, while Kepler Life provides a supportive community where students can interact with their peers and engage in extracurricular activities like student council, yearbook committee, or a host of various clubs.

Kepler Education isn't just another online school—we partner with you (the parent) in your child's academic journey. From foundational courses taken à la carte to advanced studies leading to a Kepler Diploma, our courses promote critical thinking, moral development, and a love for learning rooted in timeless Christian and classical values.

Join us at Kepler Education and discover how homeschooling can be a rewarding experience for both you and your child. Embrace a platform that empowers, inspires, and prepares your children for a future filled with knowledge and faith.

Danae Harlow - Kepler Education 07/24/2024

Danae Harlow - Kepler Education Danae attended New Saint Andrew's College in Moscow, ID, and is on her 11th year teaching Latin to 5th-11th grade and freshmen college students.

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: College and Beyond: A Kepler Webinar with Kristen Rudd. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. 07/22/2024

Are you wondering what to do about life after high school for your student?

— What kind of colleges should they consider?
— What do they need to do to apply?

Or, what if your student wants to do a gap year or doesn’t want to go to college at all? Where do you begin to figure out all of these questions?

In this FREE webinar, Dr. Scott Postma will talk with Kristen Rudd, founder of The Classical College Coach, who will discuss:

● The purpose and benefits of college
● The purpose and benefits of gap years
● The benefits and drawbacks of dual enrollment
● The college decision process
● High school courses to take to prepare for college
● The college application process

Bring your questions and join us to help get your student prepared for life after high school!

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: College and Beyond: A Kepler Webinar with Kristen Rudd. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. Are you wondering what to do about life after high school for your student? — What kind of colleges should they consider? — What do they need to do to apply? Or, what if your student wants to do a gap year or doesn’t want to go to college at all? Where do you begin to figure out all of these q...


⏰ Time is Running Out!

The Western Consortium of Classical Educators sponsored Kepler Education and Acacia Classical Academy is a one-day event for teachers, parent educators, co-op educators, homeschooling families, community leaders, and anyone simply curious about Classical Christian Education.

Gain a greater understanding of the benefits, purpose, and application Classical Christian Education by joining us on July 27, 2024 for a full-day experience which includes of great teaching, small-group Socratic discussions, and a Q&A session.

Pastries, fruit, coffee, and tea provided for breakfast. Lunch and snacks are also provided.

Sign-in and breakfast snacks begin at 8:00, and the program begins at 8:30.

A catered lunch is included.

Speakers include:

Mr. Tim Krumal, Head of Program for Legacy Classical Academy
Dr. Karla Memmott, Head of Board for Acacia Classical Academy
Dr. Scott Postma, President of Kepler Education
Dr. Chris Swanson, President of Gutenberg College

Cost is $45.00

Register Today


Check out a new conference hosted at Thales College: the first Southern Consortium of Classical Educators conference, held on August 2 and 3.

The theme is on "The Literary Canon," and the conference features Dr. Robert Woods, Dr. Jason Jewell, and Dr. Scott Postma. The conference is moderated by Josh Herring.

See the link here for more details:

We hope to see you there! Thank you!


🧐Modern education claims to be secular.

That is, it claims to be neutral, only providing students with the knowledge they need for living in the world but without any religious or philosophical bias. Modern educators claim this is because the religious and philosophical aspects of the student’s life should remain private and not interfere with or influence his public education. This is not only untrue, but absurd. At best, it is impossible. At worst, it is dishonest.

This is why C. S. Lewis, in his notable lecture, “Learning in Wartime,” said, “Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.”

Comment “PHILOSOPHY”to read the rest of this blog article from Kepler Education. 🙌🏼


Wondering what to do about life after high school for your student? What kind of colleges should they consider? What do they need to do to apply? What if your student wants to do a gap year or doesn’t want to go to college at all? Where do you begin to figure out all of these questions?

In this webinar, Scott Postma will talk with Kristen Rudd, founder of The Classical College Coach, who will share information about the following:

● The purpose and benefits of college
● The purpose and benefits of gap years
● The benefits and drawbacks of dual enrollment
● The college decision process
● High school courses to take to prepare for college
● The college application process

Bring your questions and join us to help get your student prepared for life after high school! #/registration

Photos from Kepler Education's post 07/16/2024

What does it take to be a part of a TRUE revolution? 👀

HINT: It doesn’t have anything to do with electing the right president.

To read complete article, comment “REVOLUTION.” 🗡️📚

Photos from Kepler Education's post 07/13/2024

Day two of the New England Consortium of Classical Educators hosted by and at Imago School. Dr. Josh Mayo of speaking to classical educators on Cheerful Truth: The Emotional Tenor of Classical Christian Culture.


Excited to meet with our New England peeps today at The New England Consortium of Classical Educators conference! Come visit the booth it you are here. I would love to chat with you about a humane education at a humane price. 🙂


Timothy Knotts speaking on “Truth and Reality: Recovering the Lost Mythos” to open the New England Consortium of Classical Educators. and


and kicking off the New England Consortium of Classical Educators at the Imago School (c. 1980, one of the oldest Classical Schools to be founded in the modern Renaissance of classical education).



Photos from Kepler Education's post 05/01/2024

🤨Who is actually responsible for your child’s education?

🏡Dr. Seuss seemed to think the family was… and we agree!

This is why, at Kepler Education, we serve YOU the parents in providing the best education for your children without ever taking the steering wheel out of your hands by offering live, online courses taught by qualified teachers in the classical, Christian tradition.

Choose a single course or two to fill in the educational gaps in your homeschool curriculum or let us help you structure an entire diploma track with our courses. 🎓

Either way, you stay in control of your child’s education the whole time, just as it should be. 🙌🏼 Comment “LIVE” to talk with a live person about whether Kepler is the right for for your family.

Kepler's Leonberg Speech Contest Highlights 2024 04/19/2024

Winner of the Leonberg Prize for Excellence in Rhetoric

On Thursday, April 18 - 5:00 PST, Four Kepler students competed for the Leonberg Prize for Excellence in Rhetoric:

Alaina Nabours - Take Pains, Save Lives
Hailey Hasic - Bring Back the Bards
Michael Hoffman - University and Prolonged Adolescence
Marshal Leary - An Apology of Darkness

We're proud of and thankful for all of the students. They did an outstanding job of delivering compelling speeches.

Congratulations to Hailey Hasic, who won first prize!

Watch the Speech Highlights below!

Kepler's Leonberg Speech Contest Highlights 2024 Each year, Kepler sponsors the Leonberg Speech Contest for Excellence in Rhetoric. Read the Story of How Johannes Kepler Ended the Witch Trials in LeonbergTh...

Photos from Kepler Education's post 04/16/2024

👀Ask yourself these questions whenever you’re researching new education platforms or curriculum!

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Moscow?

Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Kepler Education


Kepler is a new project by Roman Roads Press, and Roman Roads Classroom will be part of Kepler starting in 2020!

Learn more:

Videos (show all)

🛑Do you know what comes up when you Google “educational agency?” “State Board of Education” or other agencies given the ...
Consortium Podcast SQ23.mp4
An excerpt from the Consortium Podcast! Join Scott and Joffre in episode 22, as they talk about Adler's 4 levels of read...
Join Scott and Joffre as they discuss some broader applications of Christian education! While we need to be cultivating ...
Join Scott as he talks with Timothy Knotts, a co-founder of the Consortium, as they discuss Classical Christian Educatio...
Rhetoric is an essential skill to engage the culture, and sometimes it can be a war.Check out the Consortium Podcast on ...
Check out this clip from Episode 19 of the Consortium Podcast, talking about "Adulting". Listen to this episode with you...
Kepler balances the needs of not just the students, but the teachers and parents as well. Join Scott, Joffre, and Daniel...
In the most recent episode of the Consortium Podcast, Scott Postma is joined by Daniel Foucachon talking about Old Weste...
Old Western Culture! Learning and reading the best works ever created.#classicalchristianeducation #christianeducation #...
The Consortium Podcast is rolling again in 2024!Join us as we discuss a very important topic today, students with specia...
Why study rhetoric?We use rhetoric all the time, baked into every communication as we seek to persuade and move others, ...




121 E 3rd Street
Moscow, ID
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Moscow, 83843

Free resources for the community: Financial Literacy, Small Farms & Horticulture, and 4-H.

Realms of Avalon Realms of Avalon
Moscow, 83843

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Noeo Science Noeo Science
207 N Main Street
Moscow, 83843

A complete open-and-go homeschool science curriculum for parents giving kids a scientific understanding of the world's wonders. Grades 1-8 / Ages 5-15. Biology - Physics - Chemistry. Appropriate for co-ops, charter, and hybrid schools as well as families.

Moscow Education Association Moscow Education Association
Moscow, 83843

Strong Students, Strong Schools, Strong Communities

Moscow Middle School Parent Support Team Moscow Middle School Parent Support Team
Moscow, 83843

Get involved and find out what is happening at Moscow Middle School - Join the Parent Support Group! Monthly meetings are scheduled with the Principal.