Brazilian Alumni in a meeting in Rio!
"Idaho, Idaho go go go!" 🎵🎶🎵
An association for Brazilians students and scholars, with the goal to disseminate the Brazilian culture at the University of Idaho and Palouse area.
Brazilian Alumni in a meeting in Rio!
"Idaho, Idaho go go go!" 🎵🎶🎵
Brazil has the greatest biodiversity of tree species in the world - plus55 Brazil has the largest biodiversity of tree species in the world. According to the Botanical Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), Brazil is home to 14 per
Quem estava com saudades do Tales?!
"Global Party: Brazil" now @ LLC02
The event today was a success! Check it out!
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A partir de fevereiro o banco irá começar a cobrar uma taxa de 5 dólares por mês pelo seu uso.
Para fazer o cancelamento é só ligar do skype, grátis, pro número +1 8663451892. A ligação não demora dois minutos.
Traditional Brazilian barbecue yesterday for all associates..
University of Idaho- International Students Welcome to the University of Idaho! Founded in 1889, the University of Idaho has been an outstanding research university for over 125 years. We are ranked as...
The 10 stadiums with the best atmosphere in college football The College Football Fan Index presented by Goodyear is a cumulative data-based ranking of America's most engaged fan bases in 2015. Support your school by voting in the poll and see which programs...
By Mamta
Kitchen - Brazilian Nite
This video was produced by Lucas Camilio on Saturday Night, check it out. Thank you!
Thank you, Gustavo, Vazim, Gabi e Allan for the creation of this amazing photo panel.
Brazilian Nite was a success! Thank you everyone who came to celebrate and support all brazilian vandals. ( Photos by Thais Gasperin)
Tickets for Brazilian Nite sold out! I hope everyone enjoy! Tomorrow we start setting up the event!
Why I love Brazilians The reason I like Brazil so much is simple: It has the coolest people on the planet.
Forro is a very lovely musical style in Brazil where everyone dances very close to each other. I do not know about you guys, but I want to see Forro this year again!
Brazilian Nite 2014 - FORRÓ Brazilian Nite at University of Idaho - October 2014
These two Brazilian cowboys performed very well the the so-called Catira, a traditional rhythm from the backcountry. Country music in Brazil varies across the territory, come to see where is it all from.
Brazilian Nite 2014 - CATIRA Brazilian Nite at University of Idaho - October 2014
Last year we had Jc and Diogenes playing and singing classics of the Popular Brazilian Music. What to expect for this Saturday? Count down for Brazilian Nite!!
Tickets available at Idaho Commons!
Join us in a surprising travel to Brazil without being out of Moscow. In order to make sure you will be able to join us, you should get your tickets in advance.
During the harvesting season, we dance what is called Quadrilha. Last year you introduced you to the amazing party, are you ready for what is coming up this year?
We have been to Africa Night today and it was a blast! Also we gave away some tickets for participants to come. We are 7 days away from Brazilian Nite and the board of the BSC would like to thank everybody who is working hard and announce that tickets are running out, get yours!!!
Tickets available at Commons ! Come to get yours for just 5$
Counting down to Brazilian Nite The countdown to Brazilian Nite has started.
Tickets available at Commons! :)
Do you want to expand your Dropbox account limits up to 25GB? Click on the link and use you academic email to be officially part of the Dropbox Campus Cup!
-Earn points for your school by inviting friends and professors to join Campus Cup and by using Dropbox to share, collaborate, and get your work done
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Dropbox - Campus Cup I'm participating in the 2015 Campus Cup! Join me for a chance to earn free space
The UI Student Association for Fire Ecology is a self-funded, student driven club that works, and interacts with the community and students in and around UI to promote fire ecology and help others better understand fires ecological role.
Welcome to the Associated Students University of Idaho page. Check back often for events and information from ASUI.
We are brave, bold and our Vandal spirit is worldwide! Join us in proudly wearing U of I colors and Vandal Gear not just on Fridays but everyday. Go Vandals!
The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) seeks to broaden the University of Idaho's commitment to cultural enrichment and academic excellence by maintaining an environment that supports multiculturalism and promotes inclusion.
Founded in 1909, the College of Law is one of the best small public law schools in the nation, recog.
University of Idaho Range Club!! The student section of the Idaho Chapter of the Society for Range Management & College of Natural Resources Club of the year 2021-2022!
A Masters in Public Administration is a professional degree that prepares students for careers in nonprofits, local governments, and state and federal agencies. The program trains students to become leaders in their communities—enacting real change.
The Adult Learning Center provides quality instruction in reading, writing, math, and the English language to help adults transition into college and/or prepare for the GED tests.
Do you have a question about the Vandal Parents' Chat Facebook Group? Please send a message to this Page and an Admin Team member will respond. Please remember that this is an UNOFFICIAL group and we are not run by the university.
The Raven Scholars program is a donations based support program for degree-seeking University of Ida