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University of Idaho's College of Business and Economics - official page
Operating as usual

https://idahobusinessreview.com/2023/12/18/new-vice-president-named-at-idaho-power/ Congratulations Amy Shaw!
New vice president named at Idaho Power Shaw will take the helm on Jan. 1, previously holding senior management positions within Idaho Power in compliance, risk and security.

Congratulations Zachary Jensen, Gunnery Sergeant, NROTC!!! The Management and Human Resources field is lucky to have your energy and drive! We cheered you on at graduation on Saturday.
Read about his learning journey here:
Gunnery Earns Will Degree and Commission Gunnery Sergeant Zach Jensen of Spokane elected to attend U of I to earn a degree in management and human resources after being chosen as an officer candidate in the Marines. He graduates this semester.

What a day of celebration!
Way to go CBE grads - we can't WAIT to see where you go from here!

The CBE BUS 190 teaching team of Erick Larson, Luke Nickodemus, JD, MBA, PGA , and Mya Groza celebrate the success of their students - placing 2nd and 3rd IN THE WORLD! Go Vandals!!
Learn about business simulations here: and see our students soar!

In case you could use some good news, here's what we've been up to: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3Ae020a34a-5bf5-332b-b383-fa08ce89ac22

Berna Devezer, CBE’s associate professor of marketing, has been collaborating with U of I colleagues across campus to develop the theoretical foundations of Metascience – or the science of science. Applying theoretical and mathematical lenses to the challenge of reproducing scientific results, Berna, together with the colleges of Science and Letters, Arts and Social Sciences, and support from the Institute for Modeling Collaboration and Innovation (IMCI) continues her scholarly contributions to the field of Metascience.
“Our work and our multiple publications on metascience have been growing steadily over the last few years, to the point where scientific journals are reaching out to solicit our expertise,” she says. Check out comments from Dr. Devezer and her U of I colleague Dr. Buzbas, that were just featured in a recent piece on ‘rigor-enhancing practices’ from science.org: https://www.science.org/content/article/preregistering-transparency-and-large-samples-boost-psychology-studies-replication-rate

"Community is how we carry on." Tanner McClain, U of I Student Body President at the one year memorial vigil on 11.13.23.

Thank you Veterans for everything. Hug your favorite veteran today!
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Moscow, 83843
The UI Student Association for Fire Ecology is a self-funded, student driven club that works, and interacts with the community and students in and around UI to promote fire ecology and help others better understand fires ecological role.
302 Idaho Commons
Moscow, 83843
Welcome to the Associated Students University of Idaho page. Check back often for events and information from ASUI.
1212 S Blake Avenue
Moscow, 83844
We are brave, bold and our Vandal spirit is worldwide! Join us in proudly wearing U of I colors and Vandal Gear not just on Fridays but everyday. Go Vandals!
Teaching And Learning Center (TLC) Room 230 OR MS 2439
Moscow, 83844
The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) seeks to broaden the University of Idaho's commitment to cultural enrichment and academic excellence by maintaining an environment that supports multiculturalism and promotes inclusion.
711 S Rayburn Street
Moscow, 83844
Founded in 1909, the College of Law is one of the best small public law schools in the nation, recog.
Natural Resources Bldg. Room 205 875 Perimeter Drive MS 1135
Moscow, 83843
University of Idaho Range Club!! The student section of the Idaho Chapter of the Society for Range Management & College of Natural Resources Club of the year 2021-2022!
875 Perimeter Drive
Moscow, 83844
A Masters in Public Administration is a professional degree that prepares students for careers in nonprofits, local governments, and state and federal agencies. The program trains students to become leaders in their communities—enacting real change.
123 West 1st Street
Moscow, 83843
The Adult Learning Center provides quality instruction in reading, writing, math, and the English language to help adults transition into college and/or prepare for the GED tests.
875 Perimeter Drive
Moscow, 83844
Do you have a question about the Vandal Parents' Chat Facebook Group? Please send a message to this Page and an Admin Team member will respond. Please remember that this is an UNOFFICIAL group and we are not run by the university.
875 Perimeter Drive MS-4257
Moscow, 84844
The Raven Scholars program is a donations based support program for degree-seeking University of Ida