Hale Institute

Hale Institute


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The Hale Institute at New Saint Andrews College is dedicated to the study and discussion of law in its substance, grounding, and effects on persons and community.

Machine Antihumanism and the Inversion of Family Law 11/04/2024

NS Lyons: “Delivered at the ‘Meaning vs. the Machine’ conference in Margaretville, New York in October, this speech by Jeff Shafer, a lawyer and Director of The Hale Institute at New Saint Andrews College, was widely recognized as a true bombshell by many in attendance. What Shafer does exceptionally powerfully is to demonstrate, step-by-step, how the application of new technologies and commercial surrogacy processes to reproduction is already radically redefining both family and human personhood within the liberal managerial worldview, not only in theory but in law. And he then shows how this redefinition must logically lead to a truly totalitarian social and political dynamic, in which children become not persons but assembled products, and parents (if they can be identified as such at all) merely “provisionally accredited custodians” of this property on behalf of various stakeholders, and ultimately the state.”

Machine Antihumanism and the Inversion of Family Law An essay by Jeff Shafer

Episode 19: Reforming the Law of Nature (feat. Simon Kennedy) 11/04/2024

Simon Kennedy, an intellectual historian, fellow at the Danube Institute, and editor at Quadrant Magazine, joins Timon Cline to talk about his book, Reforming the Law of Nature.

Episode 19: Reforming the Law of Nature (feat. Simon Kennedy) Podcast Episode · Hale Institute Podcast · 08/16/2024 · 1h 4m


The Hale Institute hosted Dr. Paul D. Miller in Moscow last week. Dr. Miller lectured on the subject of "What is Just War Theory?" In this talk, Miller explored the evolving dynamics of a just war theory in relation to individual rights and international law. Watch it here. To learn more about the Hale Institute and find out more about upcoming events, visit https://www.haleinstitute.org/events

Photos from Hale Institute's post 05/15/2024

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who attended our event in support of the Hale Institute last Friday! ⚖️ Learn more about the Hale Institute and check for future events here: https://hubs.la/Q02xl0nZ0

Supreme Incoherence: Transgender Ideology and the End of Law | Jeff Shafer 04/27/2024

The Biden administration recently released Title IX rules advancing transgender policy. Worth another look is Hale director Jeff Shafer’s essay on the incoherence of using s*x nondiscrimination law to eliminate the very concept of s*x:

Supreme Incoherence: Transgender Ideology and the End of Law | Jeff Shafer Does the federal law prohibiting “s*x discrimination” forbid us to countenance the category of “s*x”—and thus of “s*x discrimination”? Can the rule of law survive a yes answer to question one?


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Hale Institute Podcast 04/20/2024

Theo Wold is the director of the Claremont Institute’s administrative state project. He joins Timon to discuss the weaknesses of modern education, the folly of our incumbent elites, the disaster that is our immigration policy, and much, much more.

Listen to it here:

Hale Institute Podcast Listen to Hale Institute Podcast on Spotify. The Hale Institute at New Saint Andrews College is dedicated to the study and discussion of law in its substance, grounding, and effects on persons and community. The Institute carries out its mission both through course study within the college curriculu...


Jeff Shafer, Director of the Hale Institute, delves into the deep implications of legal archetypes and how they affect societal norms and institutions. The conversation takes a historical perspective, exploring the prohibition of torture and its legal implications, as well as contemporary issues such as the redefinition of marriage and family. The talk considers how changes in legal paradigms shape cultural narratives, and how they redefine fundamental aspects of human existence and community order. Learn more about the Hale Institute at: https://haleinstitute.org

Producing the “Global Baby” 07/27/2023

Jeff Shafer, the Director of the Hale Institute, has written another impactful article. Click the link to read more.

Producing the “Global Baby” The ART/donor-gamete/surrogacy complex exists to decouple child-creation from conjugal relation, to segregate gestation from enduring maternal relationship, and to make blood ties irrelevant to legal child custody.


The Hale Institute is pleased to announce that Timon Cline has joined it as Director of Scholarly Initiatives.

Reflecting on his new role with the Hale Institute, Timon stated,

“I am beyond thrilled to join Jeff Shafer and the great work he has been doing at New Saint Andrews in prodding the community toward more robust and historically conscious engagement with legal thought, past and present. As I have gotten to know Jeff and become familiar with Hale over the past couple of years, I have become more convinced than ever that this is an essential initiative, and that New Saint Andrews is the ideal home for it. It’s time for Protestants to return to the more serious scholarly engagement with the law that characterized their earlier history, and to build on their own rich tradition in the field of jurisprudence. I am eager to get to work.”

Timon is a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary (M.A.R.) and Rutgers Law School (J.D.). He is the associate editor of American Reformer, a research fellow at the Craig Center at Westminster Theological Seminary, and an opinion contributor at World. Previously he served as a deputy attorney general in the Office of the New Jersey Attorney General. His popular writing has appeared at American Mind, Modern Reformation, the American Conservative, and Mere Orthodoxy, among others. His academic work has been published by the St. Thomas Journal of Law & Public Policy, the Appalachian Law Journal, Liberty University Law Review, the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, and Unio Cum Christo. He is also a contributor to The Works of Anthony Burgess (Reformation Heritage Books). He currently lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Rachel, and son, Winthrop.

As the Director of Scholarly Initiatives for the Hale Institute, Timon will focus on research, publication, and communication projects, as well as designing curriculum and developing academic initiatives for the Institute. Resourcement of older Protestant legal thought and texts will be a key focus of Timon’s work.

In addition to his new role with the Institute, Timon will hold the 2023-2024 academic year lectureship at New Saint Andrews. His four lectures will be entitled, "New Wineskins for Old Wine: Protestant Political Theology and the Recovery of the Classical Legal Tradition," and he will be teaching a spring term intensive course at New Saint Andrews on Protestant political thought.

Our Lady of Public Health 07/24/2023

The linked essay (the first of four parts; three yet to come) by Dr. Douglas Farrow of McGill University in Montreal is an expanded version of a presentation he gave at the Hale Institute ‘State and Health’ symposium in Moscow, Idaho on May 25, 2023. In the essay, Dr. Farrow critiques the government revolution and betrayal carried out in the name of "public health."

Our Lady of Public Health An Augustinian Response to the Public Health Revolution, Part 1

Part 2: Biblical Law and Wisdom | Dr. Burnside | The Hale Institute 04/06/2023

Did you miss our lecture series with Dr. Burnside on Biblical Law and Wisdom? We recorded Part 1 & 2 and posted them to YouTube.

Here is Part 2:

Part 2: Biblical Law and Wisdom | Dr. Burnside | The Hale Institute Part 2 of 2. Dr. Burnside is a Professor of Biblical Law at the Law School at the University of Bristol, England. He is Research Director at the Law School w...

Part 1: Biblical Law & Wisdom | Dr. Jonathan Burnside - The Hale Institute 04/06/2023

Did you miss our lecture series with Dr. Burnside on Biblical Law and Wisdom? We recorded Part 1 & 2 and posted them to YouTube.

Here is Part 1:

Part 1: Biblical Law & Wisdom | Dr. Jonathan Burnside - The Hale Institute Dr. Burnside is a Professor of Biblical Law at the Law School at the University of Bristol, England. He is Research Director at the Law School where he teach...

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What is Just War Theory?
Torture, Family, & Legal Archetypes




405 S Main Street
Moscow, ID