If you haven't, sign up for a volunteer slot for the career fair by the end of the day! Voting members must have volunteered at the career fair and attended two IEEE meetings.
IEEE Student Branch UMN
Nearby schools & colleges
Keller Hall 200 Union Street SE
Keller Hall 200 Union Street
421 Washington Avenue SE
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Church Street SE
Church Street SE
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Official page for the IEEE Student Branch Chapter at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.
Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers at the University of Minnesota! The IEEE is the world's largest technical society, bringing members access to the industry's most essential technical information, networking opportunities, career development tools, and many other exclusive benefits. Membership for students is $32 annually, and involvement in our student group connects you to EE professionals and societies. You don't need to be an Electrical Engineer to join, all are welcome!
Operating as usual
Meeting today at 5:30 in KH 2-110! Everyone bundle up and stay warm!
No officer meeting today!
Safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving!
IEEE and ACM will be hosting the annual CSE LAN party THIS FRIDAY November 16th!
Location: Keller Hall
Time: 6:00 pm - 2:00 am
There will be pizza, games, tournaments, prizes, and other fun activities! Bring your other UMN friends for a fun-filled night!
Officer Meeting at 4:00 in the IEEE lounge!
Come for free pizza, stay for the info!
Interested in a leadership position to put on your resume? Apply to be an officer of IEEE! Elections are April 11th!
Welcome back to Spring Semester! Two pieces of info:
1) Weekly planning meetings will be on Fridays at 12:30.
2) Career Fair volunteering sign up has started! All IEEE members have to sign up for a shift, and you can sign up here:
CSE Career Fair Spring 2018 makes it easy to coordinate school events & classroom activities, fundraisers, snack schedules, potlucks & more!
We're super proud of our IEEE members who are a part of the Solar Vehicle Project. Good Luck!!
University solar car builders race across Outback this week Members of the University of Minnesota Solar Vehicle Project will drive about 1,800 miles across the Australian Outback this week in an international solar car competition. The University team is one of 42 groups competing in this year’s World Solar Challenge, a biennial event that requires teams to...
There is a planning meeting this evening at 4:30 in the IEEE room! Among other things, the Committee structure will be discussed.
Update: the Pizza HKN bought is Mesa Pizza! Be in room 3-115 at 4pm!
We will be joining HKN for a presentation on Nuclear Propulsion Engineering, as well as free food! The meeting is in Keller Hall 3-115 and it is from 4pm-5pm today!
Avoid the Career Fair lines by talking to Intel in room 2-260 today at 11:30am!
Free Bagels in IEEE tomorrow at 9am!
Welcome Back to IEEE! We just sent an email about upcoming events. Please message or email us if you didn't receive it!
We encourage anyone and everyone to go to the picnic this Thursday cosponsored by the IEEE Twin Cities chapter!
If you don't know what I'm talking about, comment here and we'll forward you the link.
It has come to our attention that some members have become unsubscribed from the mailing list; if this has happened to you, or you just want to be on the mailing list, sign up here:
IEEE Student Branch UMN Official page for the IEEE Student Branch Chapter at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cit
Reminder that officer elections are tonight at 6:30PM in Keller 3-115! All active members are legible to vote! There will also be an officer meeting afterwards, and all IEEE members and other students are welcome!
Hey IEEE members! This Thursday, IEEE is going to be showcasing to the freshman at Welcome Week from 12:00 to 4:00 in the courtyard as they go and check out student groups. This is a great opportunity to let people know about IEEE and its benefits, and is also a great opportunity for IEEE members to volunteer and and get involved with IEEE. If we get four people to go and help out, IEEE gets $200 as well.
If you want to help (remember, volunteering makes you an active member with its benefits), please let me know by messaging me (Connor Hashemi) or commenting. We need people so if you can make it at any time such as an hour or two that would be very helpful. Thank you!
If you haven't already please sign up for a volunteer spot for the CSE Career Fair! IEEE gets its funding from CSE for helping put on the Career Fair, so it's very important we provide volunteers. Any help is appreciated! Sign up here:
Please sign up for CSE Career Fair Spring 2016 on VolunteerSpot today! This sign up is for CSE Career Fair Spring 2016. Sign up online today and receive automated reminders for your spot!
Special thanks to James for organizing and teaching the Altium Tutorial this week. Looking forward to ordering some new PCBs. Stay tuned for our upcoming Soldering Tutorial!
Be sure to stop by Keller 2-110 next week on Tuesday from 12pm-5pm for Door Access Day! We are wiping the key card, and all members (new and current) will have to reprogram their Ucard. Bring your Ucard and IEEE ID #.
Join us for our speed networking event! It will be held on September 29th at Akerman 209 from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. Great chance to meet new and current IEEE members!
Hello everybody, on September 24, 6:00pm - 7:00pm there is an informational presentation on the Navy Officer program. It will be in Kelller 3-115, and there will be free food! Hope to see you all there!
Looking to show off your programming skills? Register for the IEEEXtreme 24 hour programming challenge. Registration ends on October 12th, and the day of the challenge is on October 24th. You must be an IEEE member to register, and you have to have teams of 2-3 other IEEE members. All members of teams that placed in the top 100 will receive a prize! Register today at
IEEE IEEEXtreme 24-Hour Programming Competition Overview of the IEEEXtreme 24-Hour Programming Competition, including dates for 2014 and results for 2013.
Food For Thought - Faculty Panel
The awesome professors who took time to participate in the Food For Thought - Faculty Panel this past week
Join us as and volunteer at the Spring CSE Career Fair on February 10th!
Please Sign Up on VolunteerSpot Today! Save time (and stress) and say goodbye to ‘reply-all’ emails! Plan online with VolunteerSpot’s FREE, easy signups and scheduling. Great for school, nonprofits, teams, faith groups, workplace and more!
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
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