North Loop Fitness

The brand NEW NLF is an 11,000 sq ft (with an additional 3,000 sq ft for locker room/shower faciliti This is what we help people accomplish.

In a society of trends, gimmicks and instant gratification, we at NLF feel it's important to cut through the massive piles of BS, and really educate folks on what it means to be healthy, athletic and strong...not just for "this month", but forever. Improving your ability to execute natural, everyday activities without destroying your body, developing balanced full-body strength, and doing the appropriate methods of conditioning. This all leads to efficiency and results!

Operating as usual


The trio was the deal today! 4 sets (which is 8 trips/200+ ft) of backward sled drags and 4 sets each of 20 for the glute/hip extensions & leg press combo. Go for a good burn. Feel the musculature working. This was a 30min session that will benefit anyone who does this. Phenomenal! Less stuff, more high quality volume. This is done in some capacity 4 days per week. At least 3 fast & furious bike rides are done in conjunction as are some other outdoor activities too. The message remains the same here and is what I’ve been sharing for decades - no matter you do, in life, always get in 3-5 lifting/resisting training sessions per week. 30min done right will do the trick. I mean we can say we’re going to this thing, that, whatever, but, muscular/more muscle development on your body (more muscle, less body fat, better body shape), is done via LIFTING. Don’t fu*k yourself up, simply train with good form…strengthen, and develop your body. The metabolic effects and increased insulin sensitivity can’t be beaten as well!


A mthrfukr gotta consume a lot of vit d to get thru this beyond horses**t spring! Of course Lifting, cardio, & some adequate sleep helps too…just like it does for EVERYthing. Hang tough, we’ll get there…maybe😆😆

Photos from North Loop Fitness's post 04/22/2022

30min of bliss! Well, after yer typical, daily 60min of organizing the gym as main warm up!🤯

1) 60min gym org
2) Sq machine 5x10-15
3) Leg press 5x15-20
4) Bike erg 16min - level 2 spin.
You will be in sweaty mess after doing these 3 exercises here in 30-35min🐗

Just fantastic. Extremely basic but yet very effective, for my purposes. It may work & do the same for “you”, also. Form & technique rules the day per usual💯

Photos from North Loop Fitness's post 04/20/2022

As always, the great equalizer, the 30min workout! 4 per week (w/lots of extra outdoor activity) is the ticket, for me. They be for you, as well👊🏽

1) seated hamstring leg curls,
6 sets of 6-15 reps
2) 4 sets of (down & back is ONE set) of backward sled drags (major PUMP)
3) dips (keep shoulders down, drive thru torso) 4x10
4) bar hang - 1 set for a few min (awesome)
5) concept 2 bike erg - 10min @89/90rpms on level 3 (amazing)

Moving quickly with very minimal rest - I do not go to complete failure/total exhaustion. Just constant moving with the ability to recover. Focus in, connect your mind to your body and muster up the best technique possible🐗💯


Working out is one thing, but understanding or being taught by someone who can give you the skill building cuing, of position, is another. Especially if there’s a lot of breakdown during training or exercise. Less exercises and doing more volume (sets), on a few “exercises” per body part, with really excellent form… is usually the answer when it comes to better development of the body. And for performance. Strong mechanical position and good body awareness does indeed go along way💯


If you’re from the ol’ school, you’ll understand it’s mandatory practice to flex your traps & flare your lats while carrying a 1 gal water jug around the gym with you!!😳😆


Shoulder rehab/active recovery - you’ll see the hands moving against light tension, but, you’ll notice the position in the shoulders & ribcage staying locked. They’re locked in. The movement is coming from the lats & ribcage. Strengthening the complex with tension & isolation. Teaching the muscular system to do the work and taking all impact off of the shoulder😱💯


Man, imagine how good the workout coulda been! Cracked the lid and not a sip taken - they must’ve gotten side tracked posting workout on the Gram😆


Even tho there is an initial, delicate way to keep a chalk block in one awesome piece…throughout its duration, …trust me, this will be in a million pieces by tmrw🥱😆

Photos from North Loop Fitness's post 04/05/2022

Strengthening your grip & forearms, is NEVER a bad thing. In fact, when you look at longevity factors & markers, such as; leg strength, balance, less body fat etc…well, grip strength is also one of the longevity indicators mentioned. Like the ability to hang from a bar for 120sec. Imagine being 80 & being able to hang from a bar for 60 sec…you’re going to be doing pretty fukn good in life! A better grip is just better, period. As is good posture & strong-ass legs. Popping the EZ gripz on dumbells for curls, on cable attachments, barbells etc. Pick one thing to add the EZ gripz to. And do them for a few months (then switch them to something else) all the while doing your farmers walks & bar hangs.🐗💯


The gym is littered with these plastic endocrine disrupters every week. Read the new & latest studies on specific blood work markers looking specifically at plastics/plastic byproduct in humans. It’s freaky. They say on average, that people consume roughly the size of a credit cards worth of plastic on a monthly basis. That’s a lot of plastic byproduct in the system, which the body simply can’t clear out. Plastics stay around forever. Some of this ya can’t really get around, but eliminating consumption of this low quality, chemical infused water, in these flimsy one time use bottles…is a start. Your tap water is much much better actually. Or with a basic filter. And eliminating these will also lessen the massive environmental strain, too. Big box will hate it tho to see the thousands or millions of consumers never buying it again.

Photos from North Loop Fitness's post 03/10/2022

A Classic NLF quick hitter, 30min workout! Hacks & hams. Pre-fatigue with 3x15 on seated hams (so they’re already PUMPED) then, superset hacks & seated hams. 5x12-15ea. Lock the position in and keep the connection/quality of ex*****on high. Zero breakdowns and a few reps shy of failure on each set. Very short rest being as the objective is an awesome, low joint impact thigh pump🤷🏻‍♂️ Head over to the Concept 2 bike erg after & ride at a smooth pace (’s) for 10min on level 3. Done. Very basic, but extremely effective. 2-3 movements is the standard for most of my own training sessions. This allows one to set their focus in on just a few things, that are highly result producing, and to simply hammer away. This is how it goes, basic/effective workouts, one session after the other…..forever👊🏽💯


2022…keep on keepin’ on! Sleep well, eat 3x per day, build muscle 3-4x per week, do cardio/walk daily…do for 6 months for accurate progress. Switch things around a bit at that point based on your own specific priorities💯


Ho Ho Ho & happy holidays from the NLF family to you & your families! Hours of operation are the same as always…24-7 all the time. If you’re a member planning on bringing a guest to the gym, please follow our policies and use venmo for payment. You can scan the code at gym entrance as well. Enjoy the holiday & have an enjoyable, healthy weekend!💯


Hey there🗣 Well even with the pandemic trying to crush us, continually, we’re still pluckin’ along after 15 years! Yes, hard to believe…but we opened our doors waaaay back in Dec 2006😲 15 years ago this month - in the old/original NLF space. Thank you to all our past & current members of the NLF community for your patronage!💯

Photos from North Loop Fitness's post 12/17/2021

Hello out there! Here’s a classic nice little NLF quick-hitter workout! 25min.

1)Concept 2 bike erg
2) leg press 4x20
3) dips 4x10

Total body-mind connection. Put in high quality work. Leave feeling better. These workouts are done everyday on some level. The goal? Is to develop and train/workout in a manner that allows us to do this forever. Everyday. On the dips, a strong well executed set of 3 reps, is much more beneficial & impressive, then a heavy ass set w/poor sloppy form & connection. Keep shoulders down (always) and drive hard thru torso/body on way up. Work at them. By the time you’re doing sets of 5, 10, 20 etc…you’ll be very happy w/the results. They’re amazing. Always feel in your chest, lats, tri’s…never in your shoulders.💯


Yes, as always, NLF will be open normal hrs on T-giving…24-7! NLF is ALWAYS OPEN 24-7 for members💯 If you are a member and are planning on bringing a guest in, you can pay the day rate via the venmo scan at doors or by simply pulling up north loop fitness on venmo. Otherwise…eat, lift, do cardio and burn calories like you do all day everyday…enjoy it too!!🦃🏋🏻‍♀️

Photos from North Loop Fitness's post 11/03/2021

Quality over quantity in fitness (or everything), is where results & performance await! Always being able to train without being burnt out, in pain, or injured. Today was simply another classic NLF quick hitter workout. To simplify & focus even more, Pick 2 exacizes: in this case a fan bike & body weight step ups. Fan bike x 10min @300+ watts (form aligned & jaw/shoulders/breathing remains relaxed)….when done, go to knee height step or box (hold something like a rack if you really want to lock in alignment & really isolate like a mthfkr)…do 5x15-20ea. 10sec rest before repeating. The objective is to stay stacked, no momentum, and do high quality controlled reps. Your thighs & cardio system will be thrashed. In a good, lo impact way. This is an example of a phenomenal 20min workout that any individual can do!💯


Standing spin. 5 to 15min with 10 being the sweet spot. Very difficult to maintain a strong position, with all tension in the right places, body locked in, and smooth breathing. Force yourself to develop this skill. Good Position & balanced loading patterns are the deal. Lack of connection will only continue to reinforce your inefficiencies/weaknesses & over time, will destroy you. This one is really a burner, that’s for sure. But, it’s extremely joint friendly, which should be one of your main/top priorities when it comes to life performance and training/fitness longevity. You know, 10-40 years down the road. That is age 30 for some people & 50 to 90 for many others. As I’ve mentioned, these are my favorite methods to finish off our workouts with. This, the fan bike, the bike erg, ski erg, sleds & step mill. These are all done for 5-15min. They’re phenomenal for you and make you feel incredible💯


One of the all time great training/conditioning tools. We’ve been using them in NLF since 2006…the real old school models back then. They were still incredibly awesome tho! Today’s mini conditioning session, was “simply” 10min at 300+ watts, after a 3-5min warm up. Now, this may not seem like much, but keeping the Watts up & over 300 is a real nice challenge and offers a phenomenal training effect. Easy on the joints too. Will make your legs look & feel excellent as well. Maintain alignment & posture. Focus on keeping shoulders & breathing relaxed. Build up from WHERE YOU ARE. Maybe 200watts for 5, 10 or 15min is where it’s at for you. Again, specificity is the name of the game. Fan bike FTW!!💯


If you were a fan of 80’s & 90’s football you obviously loved Walter! Aside from his incredible on the field performance(s), he was also known for his phenomenal levels of conditioning. One of his main training methods, in which he was also famous for; was running hills. Not just any hill tho. The hill/conditioning sessions were legendary too. This was back in the 80’s in Arlington heights, ILL. It was roughly a 90ft steep grade hill, and he would do sets of 20 sprints up it, and in turn, at around 200-210lbs (5’10), basically RAN or jumped OVER any defender in his way. Pure unadulterated power! Twisted steel. The real beast mode. Anyway, just a little fun, bad a$$ history there for ya. I used to love hills myself & do them here & there…it’s just that I prefer to use other tools to develop my cardio, endurance & conditioning most of the time. Ski erg, bike erg, fan bike, standing spin, sleds & a ton of outdoor cycling. I recommend to add in around 15min on these implements 4 days per week, in conjunction with basic, high quality muscle building via machines, cables, DB’s & free weights. Simple, I know…but extremely effective and something you can do for the rest of your life💯

Photos from North Loop Fitness's post 09/23/2021

NLF quick-hitter workouts, which are the norm in my world and is another way/simple strategy to maintain high levels of performance & conditioning. These are usually 15-30min workouts, that are always awesome & very effective. An example, was today’s:

1) leg press 20-40 reps

2) cable single arm chest press 15-20

3) farmer walks (down & back length of turf), or 200+ feet

4 times thru this time, not spazzing out or crushing the body. Just simply moving from one to the other, with strong form & connection, until complete. Getting a great training effect and always keeping in mind; that this will be done forever. Cycling will be done later!

Timeline photos 09/17/2021

Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats. You must complete all reps of an exercise before moving on to the next.

The Cindy Crossfit workout is one of those benchmark workouts that seem very simple when you read it but leaves you gassed once completed.

Scaling Options:
For Pull-ups = Banded Pull-ups, Jumping Pull-ups, Ring Rows
For Push-ups = Kneeling Push-ups, Incline Push-ups
For Air Squats = Haha yeah right. Just do it!

Tell us how many rounds you completed in the comments!

Tip: Find your pace. Take a glance at the clock when starting a new round to see how long it’s taking you per round and if you’re slowing your pace.

Timeline photos 09/16/2021

Don't shy away from the Queenax Rig!

This free-standing system is geared towards functional and suspended bodyweight training. From band training to combat training, Queenax has almost an endless amount of movements you can perform on it. Think of it as an adult jungle gym. Have fun with it!

Timeline photos 09/15/2021

Prepare To Grow Through Pain.
- Herb Brooks

Born in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Herb Brooks, hockey player, and coach became a legend in 1980 as head coach of the gold medal-winning U.S. Olympic team at Lake Placid. At the Games, the U.S. upset the heavily favored Soviet team in a match that came to be known as the "Miracle on Ice."

Timeline photos 09/14/2021

NLF is equipped with the best cardio equipment!

Concept 2 SkiErg
Concept 2 RowErg
Concept 2 BikeErg
Assault Runner
Assault Bike
Stair Climb Mill

Select 3 pieces of equipment from the list above and your interval of work and rest from the list below. At the end of all the moves, rest for 60 seconds. That's 1 circuit. Do the circuit 3–5 times. Then try the EMOM finisher.

Option 1: 30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest
Option 2: 40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest
Option 3: 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest


Reach Your Potential!

Whether you are looking to get in shape through self-training, personal training, or our group classes. We have the equipment, space, and resources that allow you to work hard and get results!

Photos from North Loop Fitness's post 08/25/2021

Having options in a gym, creates potential for EVERYONE to improve & make progress. You want to go hard, you can, you want to isolate specific areas and keep things lo-impact on the joints with machines/cables, you can, you want to do body weight/jungle gym/non motorized treadmill sprint intervals & navy seal-Superman s**t and act like this is the last workout of your life, you can, you want to develop strength via barbells, for progressive-long term gains, you can, you want to use sleds on 120ft of turf and use several other resisted based cardio implements to gain muscle and improve cardiovascular health, you can. NLF is full of these different options so you can always do something no matter what the situation. It’s stocked for ya, 24-7!!

Timeline photos 08/17/2021

Hey North Loop Fitness Members!

As we continue to grow, so does our need for more staff.

We have had many requests for tours of the facility, and we are extending an offer to our current members to take on the role of tour guide and answer questions for prospective members.
If you are interested and available between 4 pm and 7 pm, please respond to this email for more information on duties, scheduling, and compensation.

Thank you for the continued support!


Today’s multi effort conditioning at NLF!

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Our Story

In a society of trends, gimmicks and instant gratification, we at NLF feel it's important to cut through the usual narrative, and really educate on what it means to be healthy, athletic and strong...not just for "this month", but forever. Improving your ability to execute natural, everyday activities without destroying your body, developing balanced full-body strength, and doing the appropriate methods of conditioning. This is what we help people accomplish. This all leads to efficiency and results!

Videos (show all)

Shoulder rehab/active recovery - you’ll see the hands moving against light tension, but, you’ll notice the position in t...
Standing spin. 5 to 15min with 10 being the sweet spot. Very difficult to maintain a strong position, with all tension i...
North Loop Fitness
Today’s multi effort conditioning at NLF! ••••#gymkids#twentyfourseven#alwaysopenalwaysready#cleanestgymintown#classicnl...
Needless to say, banded walks/workouts etc, are used for everything during “today’s” workouts. Can they be effective? Ye...
Often times, if one is not a genetic marvel (where anything will work), we will get our best result by doing bigger musc...
Here’s the L-train displaying some impressive power! BIG, heavy-duty wattage intervals right here, son🐗🐗 We’ve been util...



800 Washington Avenue N, Ste 50
Minneapolis, MN
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