Attention seniors! Senior photos are due to the yearbook by December 1st. Don't miss this opportunity to submit your picture of choice to be included in the yearbook. Information on what types of photo and how to submit your photo was handed out in your English class at the beginning of October. If you do not submit a photo the yearbook will use your registration photo. Need more info? Check the link in bio or head over to the MHS website.
NOTE: Senior photos are always due on December 1st.
Parent Teacher Conferences are this week!
Come visit with your student's teachers on Wednesday or Thursday from 4:00-7:45 pm. Teachers will be set up around various parts of the campus (academic hallways, cafeterias, library, study loft), and parents will freely float around to their child's various teachers, for a brief 10-minute conference about how they are doing in your class.
Buy tickets online for the homecoming game on Friday! Use the QR code or visit gofan.co and search for Meridian Senior High School. Kickoff is at 7 pm- come early to check out the tailgate. starting at 4:30, stay for our fantastic halftime show and the burning of the M after the game!
It is time for the Ag Expo! We hope to see you on September 13th for our Community Night. The Expo will be open from 5:30-7:30 PM in the MHS Career Technical Center.
Hope to see you on Saturday. This is the 2nd annual clean-up event organized by the West Ada School District.
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 16th! We are so excited to see all of our students back at MHS for another great year. Don't forget, the first day of school is on a Wednesday and we will be following the late start schedule.
Warrior Fall Sports Meeting - this Thursday (8/10) at 6 PM in the MPAC. All fall sports parents please plan on attending!
Back to School Event! Please plan to attend.
At this event, students will be able to: pay fees, receive their student ID card, take their school picture, get an Advisory release sticker for Q1 (if they qualified), get a hard copy of their schedule, talk with their counselor, get info on how to purchase a yearbook, plus lots more info on the 2023-2024 school year.
Welcome back! Looking forward to seeing all of our staff and students back on campus.
Congratulations to our HOSA students for competing at State this past weekend and for the following placements:
Caitrin McCarthy 3rd in Pharmacology
Kaitlyn Lindley 2nd in Pharmacology
Sophia Rice 2nd in Sports Medicine
Melanie Gil Ruiz 3rd in Veterinary Science
Mylie Breach and Abbie Plies 4th in Health Career Displays
Makenna Baughman and Diego Sanchez 9th in Forensics
Benson Smart 9th in Pathophysiology
We love seeing these students recognized for their hard work and our athletic programs would not function without amazing Sports Med/HOSA students like these! We are so proud!
BIG congratulations to our Boys Basketball team & coaches on a great season and AMAZING State Tournament run! Second in the state and we are so proud!
photos by: Boise Sports Talk & Hal Colburn
Welcome to the official page of Meridian High School.