Our campus mourns the loss of a deeply loved student, Drew Rainer. No loss is easy to bear, but the loss of someone so wonderful is especially difficult. Rhodes Student Government extends its deepest sympathies to the Rainer family, his girlfriend, his friends, the brothers of Sigma Nu, and every person who had the privilege to know Drew. We hope that our brief statement can show just a fraction of Drew’s greatness and share just a few ways we can mourn and celebrate his life as a community.
Drew was a friend, a son, a brother, and a man who could bring out the best in everyone around him. And he brought out the best in our campus. In addition to being a Day Scholar, Drew served as the Chaplain of the Sigma Nu Fraternity, worked with the Catholic Student Association, and played in the Jazz Band. Off campus, Drew had an incredible presence in Memphis. A graduate of Christian Brothers High School, Drew remained very active in the Memphis music scene. He even played bass for his band Belvedere. Every place he went, his positive attitude made people and organizations better.
There is no denying that this loss has caused incredible pain. No one should feel ashamed for expressing their deep love for Drew through mourning. If you need to be with others in this difficult time, the Counseling Center is open for all students. They can be reached at [email protected] and (901) 843-3128.
If you have fond memories and photographs of Drew, please check your Rhodes email for a link to upload photos and videos. Several of his friends are compiling a memorial scrapbook and would appreciate good memories.
While the recovery process may be long, let us now find solace in one another and in Drew’s memory. And let us be grateful that we had the pleasure of knowing and loving Drew.
We love you, Drew,
Rhodes Student Government
This page is here to keep you informed on all the actions of the Rhodes Student Government. From events to debates, all RSG news will uploaded here!
Operating as usual
Since RSG’s last statement expressing solidarity with the AAPI community amidst rising hate crimes, another horrendous hate crime has occurred. Eight people were killed in Atlanta, six of them Asian women. This was an act of white supremacy. More than anything, we want to express our solidarity with AAPI students.
As RSG, our work is always centered around dismantling bigotry. Our role is to advocate for the safety and belonging of each student on this campus, and we are cognizant of the ways in which we can improve our work serving AAPI communities on campus. We are working to collaborate with the Academic Affairs Department and Counseling Center to support students during this time.
We acknowledge that in our role as student leaders we cannot solve every problem that arises, but we can hold those in positions of power and influence on our campus accountable to ensure that Rhodes is a campus that is truly safe for all members of the Rhodes community.

As peers, RSG stands in solidarity with all Asian and Asian American students.
Within the progression of COVID-19, we have seen a rise in anti-Asian hate crimes. Both on and off-campus, Asian and Pacific Island communities are grappling with this physical and mental trauma. It is difficult to witness the hate crimes and aggression against Asian communities across the country and the impacts it has within our community. Reasons for this rise in violence are complex, from misinformation about COVID-19 to deeply rooted xenophobia; but the effect is chillingly clear to see. We are committed to supporting efforts against bigotry and racism both in the Rhodes community and nationally.
We all share a responsibility to stand up against racism and violence. If you witness someone harassing or saying hurtful things to you or someone else at Rhodes, please use the BERS reporting system to alert the College. Here is the BERS reporting form: https://express.rhodes.edu/form/bias-education-reporting-form.
As we included in our last email, the A.S.I.A. E-Board is hosting another Tea Time with A.S.I.A. on March 15th from 5-7 pm as a space for solidarity where students can share and reflect upon their experiences. This is a reoccurring event and serves as an opportunity for A.S.I.A. E-Board to connect with anyone that is a part of A.S.I.A. or interested in joining. There is an in-person option on the third floor of Burrow, or you can join virtually, Zoom ID: 943 7513 9076.
Additionally, The Rhodes Student Counseling Center Team is a resource to all students. Call (901) 843-3128, or email [email protected] to set up an appointment.
In Solidarity,
The Student Senate
Bias Education Reporting Form | Rhodes Express The information you provide on this form will be forwarded, as appropriate, to the Office of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Human Resources, and/or Campus Safety. Should you choose to complete this report, one of these offices may reach out to you within 2 business days to discuss the incident.....

RSG is happy to share two pieces by our very own Dr. McKinney on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The links are in our bio and we hope that you will take time to read these and reflect.

Check out the link in our bio! We hope that students will utilize this resource while planning for the upcoming semester!

A Statement from the Rhodes Student Government

Join RSG’s Spring Return town hall TONIGHT at 6 pm to express what you’re nervous or excited about as we return to campus! The information we receive tonight will help us as we advocate for a smoother return to campus!

The first week of class is upon us! While not on campus, the RSG Senate is here for you. We wanted you to "Meet Your Senators" so you know who you can look to about any topic this unique semester and year.

RSG is hosting a Remote Town Hall this Thursday, July 23, from 7-8 p.m. CST over Zoom! All students are welcome to come to ask questions, express concerns, or get clarifications about Rhodes's plans to go remote and eventually return. All questions and concerns will greatly aid RSG and the student body as RSG continues to advocate for student needs during these trying times.

A Statement from Rhodes Student Leaders on the recent ICE Directive:
We, the undersigned student leaders at Rhodes College, are deeply disturbed by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announcement that international students will not be granted visas for colleges and universities that only offer online classes. Beyond interrupting higher education’s work to keep communities safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, this decision creates a future of uncertainty for members of our community.
This is an issue of basic human rights and dignity. After moving to the U.S. and making profound financial and social investments, students now face the risk of deportation, losing their visa status, and/or falling behind on their academic progress. The ICE guideline jeopardizes the education our peers have made countless sacrifices for. Uprooting relationships and support systems while forcing students to return to their home countries is unacceptable—especially in the context of a global pandemic.
We are better as an institution when we have diverse opinions and perspectives, and international students provide so much of the discourse and action that pushes us forward. International students are leaders in the sciences, humanities, and extracurricular activities and, most importantly, are our friends. Their absence will be detrimental to our campus and the larger Memphis community.
On this issue, it’s plain and simple: we stand with our peers. We stand in opposition to this xenophobic ICE directive. And we will continue to advocate for international students.
President Hass shared Rhodes’ support of international students earlier this week. She is actively working with national higher education organizations and with lawmakers to urge a return to the policy guidelines established in Spring 2020 for international students. Rhodes has worked to create flexible options for international students during these extenuating circumstances and will continue to provide support and care.
Finally, we urge Tennessee Senators Marsha Blackburn and Lamar Alexander to also stand with these students. Senator Alexander chairs the Senate committee relating to educational concerns and is uniquely positioned to address this issue. Additionally, we call on the Tennessee state House and Senate to advocate for international students through their educational committees.
Please reference the resources and contacts below to take action in supporting international students:
In solidarity with our peers,
Jacob Fontaine | Student Body President
John Howell | Student Body Vice President
Betsy John | Student Trustee
Hannah Johns | Student Trustee
Madison Zickgraf | Chief of Staff, RSG
Leadership | Allocations and Student Organization Commission
Leadership | ASA
Leadership | A.S.I.A.
Sydney Jones | President, BSA
John Howell | President, Catholic Student Association
Alana Strauss | President, Class Council
Leadership | GSA
Student Representatives | Health and Safety Committee
Sophie Enda | President, Rhodes Hillel
Leadership | Honor Council
Andrew Smith | President, IFC
Mildred Vazquez | President, Lambda Pi Chi
Leadership | LSA
Leadership | MSA
K’nori Bone | President, NPHC
Margaret Larsen | President, Panhellenic Council
Leadership| RAB
Joshua Alexander | President, RUF
Anisha Dash | SACA
Mallory Mire | SOS
Joon Hwang | President, SRC
Leadership | Tuesday Night Fellowship
Please note: The above is not an exhaustive list of leaders and organizations. Due to the time-sensitive nature of this statement, some presidents opted to sign themselves while others opted to have this conversation within the leadership teams of their organizations.
@Rhodesstudentgovernment | Linktree Linktree. Make your link do more.
The Rhodes Student Government stands in solidarity with the people of Minneapolis and with the Black members of our community who are hurting. We understand that police brutality exists within our Memphis community, and we condemn the excessive force used against protestors on May 27th. We recognize that we have a moral responsibility to speak up about the violence and injustice constantly imposed upon Black bodies. As Rhodes students, we acknowledge that systemic anti-blackness is present on our own campus, and it is our responsibility to educate ourselves on its effects and to listen to Black members of our community.
Rhodes Student Government vows to exert all efforts into ensuring that Black members of our community feel safe, welcomed, and empowered on this campus. As representatives of the student body, we are committed to promoting diversity, inclusion, equity, and access for all students, workers, and faculty. We welcome all suggestions on how to better promote these values.
We invite all students to educate themselves and donate to resources engaged in anti-racism work.

Please fill out this survey gauging the needs of a potential Sexual Health Center on campus! You can also find a link on our Instagram ()

We are sorry to inform you the final decision that the administration made in regards to extending P/F. We, as RSG as well as the students who signed the petition, did all we could in our power to help create a more equitable grading system in response to the COVID-19 crisis. We hope that students remain grounded in strength and resilience as we get through this final week of school as well as finals.
RSG presents the 2020 Campus Life Awards! Congratulations—we thank Rhodes students, staff, faculty, and administration for being apart of this year’s Campus Life Awards.
Campus Life Awards video will be released at 5:00 PM CST today! We look forward to celebrating with you soon!

The Campus Life Awards video will be released tomorrow! The winners for the 2020 Campus Life Awards and the Senior Superlatives as well as the Hall of Fame inductees will be announced. We look forward to celebrating this year's Campus Life Awards with you.

We have heard the concerns from numerous students about extending pass/fail. Please sign this RSG petition that calls for Rhodes to extend the pass/fail deadline to May 1st. Even if you do not intend to pass/fail any of your classes, your signature can help many Rhodes students who need this extension.
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
Working for a Better Rhodes
RSG represents the interests of the students to the other parts of the Rhodes community—the faculty, staff, administration, alumni, and trustees. The structure of the RSG Constitution allows for a deliberative, representative government best equipped to meet the needs of the student.
The Student Senate is the primary voice of the student body. Consisting of five representatives from each class, the Senate performs most of its work through four committees—Academics, Diversity and Inclusion, Communications, and Student Services. It is the right of any Rhodes student to introduce an idea to the Student Senate.
The Executive Council of RSG is a deliberative body that informs the actions of the Student Body President. The elected officials on the Executive Council are the President, Vice President, and Student Trustees. The President has all executive power of the student body. The Vice President chairs the Student Senate. Two Student Trustees represent the student body on the Board of Trustees.
RSG also consists of other elected bodies. The Allocations Commission represents student organizations and allots them money from the student activities fund. Rhodes Activity Board plans campus-wide events and activities to make Rhodes a stronger community. Class Council plans class level events.
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2000 N Parkway
Memphis, TN