“Engaging in creative activities can help you recover from your workload and perform at a higher level, according to a 2014 study in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Having an outlet for leisure also corresponds to feeling more professionally engaged at work, researchers found in 2011.
In other words, an occasional distraction can be useful for productivity. It also reminds Wimmer that work should feel fun, he says.”
14-year-old finished high school and college in 3 years while running 2 companies—why video games are part of his routine
Mike Wimmer's past few years have been busy, from running two tech companies to graduating college at age 14. Here's a secret to his productivity, he says.
Save the date! We have confirmed the dates for our summer camp sessions. We should have locations approved by the end of the week. To be eligible for camp, students must either be currently participating in the MSCS CLUE program or be able to submit a current Shelby County gifted IEP. If you would like more information, you can visit our website. All updates will be posted there first!
Interesting read. What do you think? 🧐
A study has been following 'gifted' kids for 45 years. Here's what we've learned.
Some of what we used to think about gifted kids turned out to be wrong.
We had so much fun hosting a table at this multicultural event. We hope to be invited next year, and we hope you come visit us! 🎉💖
Big Little Feelings 💕 Glennon Doyle
♡ If you would like to be kept in the loop on everything Synergetic Play Therapy or get resources to support you on your therapist journey, submit your details here: https://linktr.ee/synergeticplaytherapy ♡
This is so accurate! (Notice there is no suggestion for the age of the child in this scenario. Seriously.) 💖
Gotta keep the important things straight…. 😂😉
All 7th grade CLUE students read To Kill a Mockingbird. It would be great to get our students down to the Orpheum! 👏😎
Something to consider… 💙
https://www.washingtonpost.com/parenting/2022/08/01/adhd-parent-and-child/ As children’s ADHD diagnoses rise, parents discover they have it, too
As children’s ADHD diagnoses rise, parents discover they have it, too
“ADHD is really very strongly genetic, so it’s extremely common for parents to say, ‘I was just like this as a kid,’ or, ‘I see him. I see myself in him.’ ” says William Stixrud, founder of the Stixrud Group.
Gearing up for the new school year? We will be testing primary students during the first week back to school. If your child has not yet been tested for CLUE or is entering kindergarten and reading on a second grade reading level, you may fill out this form now! Got questions? Email us at: [email protected].
Spring is here! Join us and Mid-South Gifted Academy at the Town Square on Friday, April 29 and read, or listen, to books, magazines, podcasts, or textbooks! Students from MSGA will read aloud in the gazebo. Bring a chair and enjoy the beautiful square in the afternoon.
Grab your ticket to some fun hands-on learning for the week of June 6-10! Spaces are limited, and the deadline to register is April 29. 😎
Ok, we get it, but we need you! Any MSCS teacher is eligible to teach our one-week STEAM camp that does not overlap with other MSCS camps. If you are available from June 2-10, please apply in iCIMS today! 😎
For more information, visit us at: scsk12.org/fullsteam
You may email [email protected] with any questions about this fun opportunity!
Tell your family! Tell your friends! The Full STEAM Ahead! Camp is for any student in current grades K-7 with 90th national percentile test scores. (Eligibility is explained on scsk12.org/fullsteam.)
The deadline has been extended to April 29 for registration. All camps have a max capacity limit. If you register after they are full, you will be placed on a waiting list. So grab your spot now!
Remember to click "SUBMIT" at the end of the form so that your registration is completed. Email questions to [email protected].
Want to know more about MDHS? Join us Saturday for our Open House!!! Reserve your spot today!!! Memphis-Shelby County Schools - MSCS CCTE Early College Program Southwest Tennessee Community College-Union Campus
These are spot-on.
‘Is my kid gifted?’: Four common (but misunderstood) traits of highly advanced learners
And how to support their unique needs at home and in the classroom
Need those dates again? Here you go!
Our camp this year is June 6-10, and it’s open to non-MSCS students! 🎉
Find out more at: http://www.scsk12.org/fullsteam/
We’re adding this to our 1960s unit for this exact reason. 💖
I love this.
On the Davidson Gifted Blog: "Tips for Parents: Socialization and the Highly Gifted Child".
"One of the hardest things to contend with as a parent of a highly gifted child is the lack of honest and worthy relationships that our children seem to be able to find among kids of their own age. There’s a good reason for that: often, highly gifted children’s best friends and relationships are formed by kids who are far different in age than they are. No worries though, as there are solutions to this perplexing dilemma."
This analogy works with gifted brains too. Gifted doesn’t mean the same phone with higher storage space or a faster memory chip, necessarily. Neurodiversity is to be celebrated not punished. ❤️🩹😎
Helping Gifted Children Soar, 2nd Edition
Also translated into Spanish.
Great Potential Press, Inc
What a great time to explore this topic. I will be attending. Please join me! 👍
Hope you can join us next Tuesday!
📅When: March 8th @ 5:00 MDT
📌Who: Dr. Diane Heacox is a consultant and professional learning facilitator focusing on strategies to increase learning success for all students. She is Professor Emerita at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota. As a national and international consultant and professional development trainer Diane has worked in public, private and international schools on a variety of topics related to teaching and learning. Dr. Heacox has taught at both elementary and secondary school levels and has served as a gifted education teacher and administrator, as well as an instructional specialist in public education. Dr. Heacox is also the author of four books, two of which are national book award winners. The second edition of Differentiation for Gifted Learners is now available.
🗒Title: Underachievement or Under-learning?
Although some gifted learners are underachievers, many more are underlearners. What distinguishes underachievement from underlearning? Examine perspectives on this critical concern for both teachers and parents of gifted learners. Leave this session with deeper understandings for personalizing interventions and supporting gifted learners as they take on new challenges and stretch their competencies.
Because I love analogies (and chocolate!) I often explain giftedness to my clients and in presentations as a three-layer chocolate cake.
The frosting is the abilitites everyone assumes they know when they see it; bright, smart, potential. The three layers include 1) asynchronous development – different abilities and skills developing at different rates and speeds, 2) perfectionism that often comes with anxiety and resistance, and 3) intensities or what’s known as overexcitabilities (OEs) in gifted parlance.
This combination can lead our gifted and twice-exceptional learners to feel out of sync and off-kilter, and often leads to misunderstanding and unfortunate reactions. If this sounds familiar, visit https://www.withunderstandingcomescalm.com/services-for-parents-of-2e-children/ to learn how I can help.
and children often think in abstract ways and you may not get the answer you're hoping for when asking about their thoughts. Consider asking a different question, like:
❓If you could draw what you're thinking right now, what would it look like?
❓How are you feeling right now?
❓Do you have a lot on your mind?
❓What can you share with me or describe for me?
And the all time favorite in our home...
❓Paint me a word picture!
Flex your thinking and try new modalities of communication this week!