For summer training, several of our MIDN spent a month on the Naval Base San Diego and Camp Pendleton for CORTRAMID (Career Orientation and Training for Midshipmen). The purpose of this training is to gain hands-on experience of the prospective warfare communities our MIDN commission into. Each week was spent in a different community.
During Marine week, Navy and Marine options were guided by Infantry Marines. MIDN had the opportunity to shoot M240B and complete IIT. In Surface week, MIDN toured surface ships like CGs, DDGs, and Amphibs.
In Aviation week, MIDN flew in T-34 and MV-22s. They also had the opportunity to tour squadrons and do simulators. For Submarine week, some MIDN went underway for 24 hours to experience the day-to-day activities of Submariners.
CORTRAMID was a rewarding experience that provided these MIDN many opportunities to speak and learn from Sailors, Marines, and officers which for some, helped guide them into their choice of community in the Fleet.
This summer, MIDN 2/C Feis and Boyd had the opportunity to travel to Camp Pendleton and Talega for FMF (Fleet Marine Force) Marine Month. They spent their days with 3/1 Infantry learning basic weapons handling, Combat Engineers from 1st division handling explosives, an Artillery unit doing simulated call for fire, and did both a convoy simulator and a mixer with some non combat MOSs (Military Occupational Specialty) in the 1st Marine logistics group. There they also learned land-navigation with 2/1 infantry marines and TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) with their Corpsmen. Of course they also had the opportunity to do the confidence course, rappel tower, and miles and miles of moto-runs, rucks, and hikes. Finally, they ended their time there with IIT (Infantry Immersion Trainer) doing practical application with fireteams and a squad sized movement through a sector of the IIT with the 2/1 marines as actors. They then held a Gong-show to celebrate the end of their training.
On 03MAY2024, the graduating class of 2024 commissioned into the United States Navy and Marine Corps. Their ceremony’s guest speaker was RDML Waters. Ensigns Fant, Dedmon, Gantenbein, Gilliam, Harris, Nguyen, Travis and Second Lieutenant Berg have worked hard during their college years, having committed to both officer development and their academics to become the leaders they are today. We appreciate everything they have done in their time with us, and we wish them luck with their futures in the fleet. Bravo Zulu, class of 2024!
On 11NOV, some of our MIDN ran in the LCPL Tim Creager 5K, while others volunteered as run guides.
Good job, and thank you everyone who participated! A special thank you to MIDN 1/C Dedmon and MIDN 1/C Gilliam for your help running this event! And congratulations to MIDN 4/C Carney on getting 1st place!
Last week, our MIDN had the opportunity to provide a color guard for the Girls On the Run 5K. We’re glad to be once again be able to work with their organization.
Earlier this week, we had the opportunity to provide a color guard for the Memphis Hustle basketball game on Veterans Day, at Landers Center in Southaven, Mississippi. Along with a color guard we had a recruiting table present, led by Midshipmen.
The LCPL Timothy R. Creager Memorial 5k is this weekend!
The event will be held in Bartlett, TN on November 11, 2023.
Proceeds go towards the Timothy Creager Memorial Fund.
Use the QR code above or visit their website to sign up and participate!
On 30OCT we executed our annual Halloween morale PT. MIDN wore their costumes and took part in several rounds of dodge ball. It was a happy Halloween!
On 25OCT23, 8 of our MIDN conducted the sword arch for Navy League’s Wine Under Wings. This event brings together brings together our sea service aviators in a gathering to fundraise for scholarships and other sources. In addition, at this event, MIDN 1/C Fant received her scholarship.
Good job to the MIDN involved and congratulations MIDN 1/C Fant.
On 26OCT, our unit is hosting a Percentage Night at Jason’s Deli from 4:00pm-9:00pm. Please consider coming out and joining us!
Steps to attend & support:
1) Go to the Jason Deli's on 3473 Poplar Avenue Memphis, TN 38111 on the 26th of October at any time between 4:00 pm and 9:00 pm.
2) State you are there to support the University of Memphis NROTC fundraising event.
3) Buy and enjoy your food!
On 20OCT, the unit held this semester's Navy Ball at the University of Memphis
The ceremony consisted of a sword detail, color guard, a Navy birthday video, the cake slice ceremony where the youngest person (MIDN 4/C Eweama) in command and the oldest (CAPT Bub) share a slice of cake to symbolize the passing of wisdom to the next generation of sailors and Marines. After the ceremony, the Ball received a speech from guest speaker CAPT Thomas Bodine.
We would like to thank everyone who helped make this celebration possible, with special thanks going to the OIC and AOIC of the event, MIDN 1/C Travis and MIDN 2/C Perriguey.
The Navy Ball OIC, MIDN 1/C Travis, would like to say, “The Navy Ball was so successful thanks to the hard work, effort, and time that everyone put into it. I am so grateful for the team that helped me plan it, the key personnel who practiced for hours for the ceremony, and the volunteers who helped prepare our event. Thank you everyone!”
Here’s some examples of what our Midshipmen did over their Fall break’s:
MIDN 1/C Gilliam, MIDN 2/C Vieux, and MIDN 4/C Slaman attended the Navy Ball with NSA Mid South, Millington.
MIDN 2/C Spiker saw Beetlejuice the Musical with friends and family at the Fabulous Fox Theatre in St. Louis.
MIDN 4/C Castillo was invited to observe his high school’s NJROTC rifle team at a competition.
MIDN 2/C Reed flew several cross countries in order to finish up his Time Building.
Monday, October 2nd, our graduating MIDN announced to the company their assigned service community which they will commission into. This is a major milestone for our MIDN and consisted of a walk-out reveal and pining.
Community Selection Results~
MIDN 1/C Harris: Surface Warfare
MIDN 1/C Gilliam: Surface Warfare
MIDN 1/C Nguyen: Surface Warfare
MIDN 1/C Fant: Surface Warfare
MIDN 1/C Gantenbein: Surface Warfare (Nuke)
MIDN 1/C Travis: Surface Warfare
MIDN 1/C Dedmon: Aviation
It’s time to introduce this semester’s MIDN staff!
Company LogO, MIDN 1/C Gilliam
Company SCPO, MIDN 2/C Spiker
Company GySgt, MIDN 2/C Sawyer
It’s time to introduce this semester’s MIDN staff!
Company CO, MIDN 1/C Rausch
Company XO, MIDN 1/C Carter
Company Ops, MIDN 1/C Lombardi
FEX FALL 2023:
On 23SEPT2023, the Marine Option midshipmen along with Navy Option volunteers from the University of Memphis and Ole Miss took part in this semester’s Field Exercise (FEX). During this event, the midshipmen traveled to Ole Miss. While they were there, they participated in a 3-mile hike, land navigation, and Small Unit Leadership Evaluations (SULEs). SULEs challenge MIDN’s abilities to provide their squad with information, lead them through diverse scenarios, and execute their mission, all while under the stress of time and enemy opposition. These midshipmen put in a lot of work and were able to learn about and develop both leadership and teamwork skills.
Military Service Academy Day was recently held in Arlington, TN. It was hosted by Congressman David Kustoff. Five of our MIDN represented our unit at the event in order to introduce and promote NROTC to Middle and High School Students.
This week during Company Lab, we recognized some of the members of our unit who have demonstrated excellence in several categories. The awards given out were for Academic Excellence/Achievement, Physical Fitness, and Volunteering.
A special congratulations to our Midshipman of the semester, a title earned through exemplary work in all aspects of student and Midshipman life, MIDN 2/C Reed.
The Midshipmen, MECEPs, and OC who received awards are:
SSgt Berg
SSgt Perez
OC Witherspoon
MIDN 1/C Dedmon
MIDN 1/C Fant
MIDN 1/C Morris
MIDN 1/C Nguyen
MIDN 1/C Rausch
MIDN 1/C Travis
MIDN 2/C Conroy
MIDN 2/C Croiset
MIDN 2/C Hanscom
MIDN 2/C Haas
MIDN 2/C Maldonado
MIDN 2/C Perriguey
MIDN 2/C Reed
MDIN 2/C Sawyer
MIDN 2/C Warnock
MIDN 2/C Williams
MIDN 3/C Barbosa
MIDN 3/C Boyd
MIDN 3/C Covington
MIDN 3/C Farber
MIDN 3/C Horton
MIDN 3/C May
MIDN 3/C McNab
MIDN 3/C Rose
MIDN 3/C Schmidt
Take a look at this great fundraising opportunity through Krispy Kreme!
Our goal is to sell 100 boxes by October 7th. If you want to help us reach that goal, use the link in our bio to find where to donate!
This Thursday, the Memphis Tigers played the Naval Academy Midshipmen in the Liberty Stadium for the annual military appreciation game. Our own midshipmen had the opportunity to participate in color guard, the push-up crew, execute a flag pull during the halftime show, and show our spirit. A great time was had by all!
Here’s a quick look at what some of our Midshipmen did this summer outside of summer training:
MIDN 2/C Reed got to fly his new plane this summer.
MIDN 3/C Rose participated in a study abroad program in Namibia.
MIDN 2/C Haas went surfing and fishing in Lauderdale MS with MDIN 3/C Covington.
MIDN 2/C Vieux went to paris with his wife.
Sign up today for the LCOL Timothy R. Creager Memorial 5K!
The event will be held in Bartlett, TN on November 11, 2023.
Proceeds go towards the Timothy Creager Memorial Fund.
Use the QR code above or visit their website to sign up and participate!
Today we welcomed the Midshipmen both returning to and arriving at Memphis NROTC. To kick off the semester, active duty and Midshipmen staff spent lab reviewing performance and achievements from last semester, then introducing the expectations for the upcoming semester.
The latter half of the lab period was dedicated to our Hail event where we welcomed the newest Midshipmen into our unit. The company served burgers and hot dogs while the new 4/C introduced themselves to the company. Everyone had a great time coming together and hailing the incoming class.
Welcome to the unit and good luck in the coming semester!
Naval Science Orientation (NSO) 2023
Last week, NSO was successfully executed by our Company Staff. Incoming freshmen were introduced to some of the activities and experiences that Memphis NROTC has to offer. This year, the 4/C completed their PRT, first PT, had an introduction to drill, and went through some introductory briefs, ending the week with a morale PT and a pizza party. Memphis NROTC looks forward to seeing these new MIDN develop and succeed as leaders.
Midshipmen attending CORTRAMID East got the opportunity to experience the different Naval Warfare Communities. They spent Marine week at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina where MIDN participated in force-on-force training, toured an artillery division and spent two days in the field. For surface week, MIDN got to tour an LHD, interact with amphibious forces, and spent a day underway on either a destroyer or LPD. They spent Submarine week in Kings Bay, Georgia at the Trident Training Facility. They got to learn about how the submarine force operates and trains their sailors, culminating in spending 48 hours underway on a submarine. Finally, for aviation week, they got to tour a CH-53, E-2, MH-60, and F/A-18 squadron. During the week we were able to fly in a MH-60 and a T-34 trainer aircraft.
MIDN 2/C Cook said about his experience, “CORTRAMID gave me the opportunity to meet new people that I could be working with in the future. Overall, CORTRAMID reminded me that whatever happens out in the world, I’m preparing to serve in the most capable Naval combat team in the world.”
This summer, MIDN 2/C Warnock and MIDN 1/C Gilliam had the opportunity to travel to RTC Great Lakes to be Midshipmen Instructors at NSI.
MIDN 1/C Gilliam thought, “Being an MI was a very unique and interesting experience … I totally think it was worth it”
He found it interesting to see behind the scenes how the Navy takes civilians and turns them into the sailors that he might end up leading one day.
MIDN 2/C Warnock said about his experience, “Having been a candidate, it was pretty surreal being on the other side”.
He enjoyed watching the candidates grow and getting to teach them.
Navy Option 2/C Summer Cruise
Scholarship Midshipmen entering their junior year have the opportunity to attend a summer cruise. The purpose of their 2/C cruise is to understand how the Navy works from the enlisted side and gain experience in the community they plan to commission.
Several of our Midshipmen had the opportunity to conduct a Surface Cruise. MIDN 2/C Carter completed his in Hawaii. MIDN 2/C Lombard completed his in San Diego.
MIDN 2/C Carter was on board the USS Anchorage LPD23. He went underway from Hawaii to San Diego. While underway he worked in the deck department with the Boatswain Mates conducting Sea & Anchor, Small Boat Ops and LCAC Ops. He also had the opportunity to Conn the ship.
MIDN 2/C Lombardi was onboard the L*D 52 Pearl Harbor and worked alongside the logistic specialists. He thoroughly loved working alongside the enlisted and exploring the beaches in San Diego.
For summer training, several of our MIDN spent a month on the Naval Base San Diego and Camp Pendleton to gain hands-on experience of the different warfare communities our MIDN commission into. Each week was spent in a different community.
During Marine week, Navy and Marine options were guided by Infantry Marines. MIDN had the opportunity to shoot M240B, complete an obstacle course, IIT, and fly in CH-53. In Surface week, some MIDN toured the USNS Mercy (hospital ship), USS Omaha (LCS), and USS Tripoli (LHA). They also saw the landing of an LCAC and LCU. In Aviation week, MIDN flew in T-34, MH-60S, and VRM-30s. They also had the opportunity to tour squadrons and do simulators. For Submarine week, some MIDN went underway for 24 hours to experience the day-to-day activities of Submariners.
For many MIDN, CORTRAMID was a rewarding experience that helped guide them into their career of choice. Overall, our MIDN had an amazing time and had many opportunities to speak and learn from Sailors, Marines, and officers.
Marine Option 2/C Summer Cruise
This Summer, Marine Option MIDN had the opportunity to travel to Camp Pendleton for FMF. After a week of issuing gear MIDN worked with Marines from several different MOS’s. First, they worked with a combat engineering battalion being introduced to explosive breaching techniques. They then visited and interacted with a maintenance battalion and a supply battalion. MIDN traveled to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot to execute obstacles in the confidence course and visit the on base museum.
They visited a range where they shot M240Bs before shooting M16s in the field, executing a modified table 2 qualification, and shooting M18s. After returning from the field they had a Q/A with a Brigadier General then flew into Hueys where they spoke to several Marine pilots. Back in the field, MIDN were exposed to more explosives with the combat engineering battalion, were taught a course on land navigation, operating in a combat zone, and then executed a force on force exercise.
They then had a chance to interact with armory marines and handle several different weapons. Finally, the MIDN spent three days being taught MOUT (Military Operations on Urban Terrain) in the Infantry Immersion Chamber before ending their cycle of FMF.
This was an excellent opportunity for these MIDN to learn and develop functional and leadership skills that will assist them in their future once they enter the Fleet.
Scholarship Midshipmen entering their senior year have the opportunity to attend a summer cruise for part of the summer. The purpose of the 1/C Cruise is for MIDN to work and gain experience in the community they plan to commission into. Rising 1/C Midshipmen are assigned to a junior officer to prepare midshipmen for commissioned service through active participation in the duties and responsibilities of an officer at sea. Cruise options available to 1/C MIDN are in the communities of Surface Warfare, Submarine Warfare, and Aviation Warfare. Select MIDN can also attend Naval Special Warfare or Explosive Ordnance Disposal training.
This year MIDN 1/C Nguyen and MIDN 1/C Dedmon had the opportunity to go on their Surface Cruise and Aviation Cruise respectively.
MIDN 1/C Nguyen had the opportunity to board DDG 104 the USS Sterett which is located in Naval Base San Diego.
“I was stashed with the engineering department with electro- as my running mate. I honestly had free range with every department on board from deck to weapons and learned a lot from both spectrums of the enlisted and officers…It was a great experience.”
MIDN 1/C Dedmon had the opportunity to travel with VP-9 The Golden Eagles, a P-8 squadron stationed out of Whidbey Island, Washington.
“During my time there I got to experience the aviation community including SAR, P-3s, Growlers, and most of all P-8s.”