Register today for our 2025 STC State Dance Competition! Visit our website at stc.dancecompgenie.com for complete registration information and details.
Open to all interested individuals and groups.
The Ballet Folklórico South Texas College is composed of about 35 dancers, students and members of the community. It is situated in McAllen, Texas
The Ballet Folklórico South Texas College began when the college transitioned the Mexican American Studies Program into its Center for Mexican American Studies, under the administration of STC Assistant Chair of the History Department and Coordinator of CMAS Victor Gomez
Operating as usual
Register today for our 2025 STC State Dance Competition! Visit our website at stc.dancecompgenie.com for complete registration information and details.
Open to all interested individuals and groups.
BFSTC les desea un feliz Día de Reyes, que la magia, prosperidad y felicidad estén siempre en sus vidas ✨
Happy Belated Birthday BFSTC! 🥳🎉
Hoy cumplimos 13 años!
Felicidades a nuestros bailarines, directores y a los que nos han visto crecer como grupo y organización.
Ante todo, les damos gracias a ustedes, el público, por todo su apoyo incondicional. Con gusto seguiremos sirviendo nuestra comunidad y formando parte de otras quienes nos abran las puertas y camino.
¡Feliz cumpleaños, Ballet Folklórico South Texas College!
Our 2025 South Texas College State Dance Competition Registration is NOW OPEN!
We can't wait for you to join us!
Register today via the QR code or by visiting:
We’d like to thank Ballet Folklórico Sol de San Antonio for helping make Amistades 2024 a huge success. This celebration of friendship and community saw two dance programs express their love of art and dance. We’d like to thank our dancers, staff, families, and supporters for their valued efforts and support. Without them events like these would not be possible.
Hope you’ve made plans to join us this weekend as we welcome Ballet Folklórico Sol de San Antonio, from San Antonio, Texas, as our special guest for our Amistades Concert Series 2024. This unique event allows BFSTC to collaborate and share the stage with our neighboring dance programs and friends.
Join us Saturday, November 16, 2024, at the Edinburg City Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
General Admission: $5.00 (Cash Only)
Tickets will be sold at the door on the day of the performance.
Happy Halloween from BFSTC! 🎃
We are honored to welcome Ballet Folklórico Sol de San Antonio, from San Antonio, Texas, as our special guest for our Amistades Concert Series 2024. This unique event allows BFSTC to collaborate and share the stage with our neighboring dance programs and friends.
Please make plans to join us on Saturday, November 16, 2024, at the Edinburg City Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
General Admission: $5.00 (Cash Only)
Tickets will be sold at the door on the day of the performance.
Queremos tomar la oportunidad para conmemorar y promover la advertencia en este mes de sensibilización del Cáncer de Mama y recordarles que pueden apoyar a las varias organizaciones las cuales se enfocan a investigar y combatir esta enfermedad. También tomamos tiempo para recordar a las mujeres y hombres quienes combatieron y siguen luchando contra este cáncer.
Para más información visite la pagina
Always a pleasure being back in New Orleans! A special thanks to for the invitation to be featured as special guest in their kickoff festivities. Always appreciative of the new adventures we get experience in New Orleans. Until next time, NOLA!
Con orgullo les presentamos nuestra serie, Hechos de Tradiciones: Éxitos de Escenario Vol. IV
Esta serie empezó con la idea de poder celebrar los éxitos en escenario que se realizan año tras año en nuestra serie principal, Tradiciones. Es así que queremos usar Hechos de Tradiciones para volver a presentarles nuestros cuadros y propuestas que al público y nuestra comunidad tanto han apreciado y han hecho valer. Más fechas por anunciar. ¡Los esperemos!
We’ll see you soon and beautiful New Orleans. We’re excited to share our work with you! 🤩
Ballet Folklórico South Texas College le da la más cordial bienvenida al maestro Héctor Aldana, Fundador y Director del Ballet Folklórico Xochipilli de Tijuana, Baja California y Coreógrafo para Grupo Firme, mientras continuamos con nuestros preparativos de nuestra temporada 2024-2025.
Our first official class of our 2024-2025 season! Excited for all that is to come! Follow us on our social media platforms for upcoming presentations 🤩🙌🏼
BFSTC enjoying a day at Six Flags Fiesta Texas! 🎡
Muchísimas gracias a la Maestra Mayra García, y por la oportunidad de compartir escenario! Les agradecemos sus atenciones y esta grata experiencia. ¡Hasta la próxima!
Getting ready to hit the stage with at the 2024 Mariachi Festival in Houston, TX! 🤩
The Ballet Folklórico South Texas College began when the college transitioned the Mexican American Studies Program into its Center for Mexican American Studies, under the administration of STC Assistant Professor of History and Coordinator of CMAS, Victor Gomez. It consists of about 35 dancers, students and community members. Situated in McAllen, TX.