Tomasa Macapinlac

Tomasa Macapinlac


I help you change the way you HEAL, the way you AGE and the way you APPROACH LIFE. She started her career working in High-Tech Companies in the Silicon Valley.

Drawing from her 25 + years of professional experience, and energized by real life examples, Tomasa is an inspiring and engaging speaker who touches the hearts of minds of any audience she presents to. As an overachieving, Savvy, Salesperson, with a heart, she received many awards for her tops sales performance in companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, & Intel. Since leaving the corporate wo

Operating as usual


Join me tomorrow in St. George, UT for the Energy Healing Conference. I’ll be sure to give you some great tools at your fingertips that will just might help you not only illuminate your life purpose path but will surely help you be on the road to vibrant health. I have free tickets, check out my lin.tree and click on 2024 Fall St. George EHC -Speaker Tickets to grab your free ticket by clicking on my name- Tomasa Macapinlac as your sponsored speaker


This morning I was contemplating why my work was helping one of my long time students and friend of the modality that I practice.

Nathalie Chapron - The French Stylist Extraordinaire, has been drawn to the anti-aging flow. This flow affects how we digest life. It is the flow we do for Gemini Energy. Yes, if you have strong Gemini energy in your chart (meaning either you have a personal planet, or one of the luminaries - Sun, moon or rising or even if you have a mark such as a YOD or a Stellium in the sign of Gemini), doing the anti-aging flow can harmonize you tremendously. Calming your nervous system down and helping you to DIGEST life not just physical digestion.

However, getting back to why Nathalie Chapron - The French Stylist Extraordinaire is drawn to the anti-aging flow.

You see Nathalie is naturally intuitive and her body will tell her what it needs.

Jupiter has been in Gemini since June. Meaning it is the furthest away from its home sign of Sagittarius. However, when Jupiter is in Gemini, it can bring on lots of ADD or ADHD. Gemini lots to already have lots of things to do. It can be a busy bee especially with the mind and it's thinking. You might be thinking your way to grow your list.

Jupiter is about expansion and growth. So can you see how Jupiter in Gemini will make Gemini energy be on steroids!

The best thing you can do is tame that energy. Yes, it's good to have growth and expansion, but not to your detriment, but perhaps to help you have focus and by grounding you. So that's why doing the Anti-aging flow (Gemini Flow) will help you have a little bit focused energy rather than scattered energy all over the place and that will help you complete things rather than having a lot of loose ends to tie up.

If you would like to have what Nathalie is having, direct message me and I will give you the link to sign up for my upcoming course - Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint 9- hour Online Course coming up this weekend. Three days full of rich content and interaction with me while you shift some of your disharmonies in the body.


Tomasa Macapinlac


When I speak at Energy Healing Conferences and most venues with my signature talk, Align Your Body with Your Cosmic Blueprint, I give my numerology as a specific example of how it fits me and how I am a maverick in many ways. For example, I am a visionary according to my Life Path number 4. I bring out about new ideas and forward thinking before it is socially popular.

Did you know I branded myself as the Self-Care Queen back in 2010 before self-care crossed over to mainstream in 2016?

Recently, I have pulled astrology and numerology out of a modality that I have been receiving for 28 years and practicing for 27 years. It was always there, but the approach to share this modality was very esoteric.

I have to give credit to my oldest child and Tammy Anderson Ward, the Energy Healing Conference producer, when they told me that I needed to really share my gifts, knowledge and wisdom with Astrology.

Yet, I love astrology, I pride myself on being a healer first who shares a holistic approach to healing that connects the dots between celestial influences and your body's energy flow, thus empowering you to thrive from a cosmic level right here in your body this life time.

My former shamanic mentor used to recommend that her students come and work with me because I help people ground the shamanic work into their bodies.

So here I am teaching it further in Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint.

When I look at Social media, I see the word, "Unlock" alot in titles of people's programs. I mean I had a friend recently text me the title of her free class she was teach a few weeks ago and guess what in the title was the word, "Unlock".

So much we are learning today is how to unlock this or that!

Come join me next week and Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint so that you feel harmonized in your body, mind & Spirit. Your soul will love you!

Check out the QR code on my image so you can take advantage of the discounts available for this program.

BTW, the course will be recorded, so if you want to take it, but might miss some part or all of it, you can always watch the recordings. Many of my students from the last online version, caught up with the recordings and found themselves bringing this work into their daily life, because they felt so good after applying it.

So here's your opportunity and invitation to join me next week with my three days three hours each day of pure harmonizing energy.

Photos from Tomasa Macapinlac's post 10/08/2024

If you missed Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint online back in July or live in Tremonton, UT in September. You have a chance to take it online October 18-20, 2024 - 3 days, 3 hours a day...and yes it will be recorded! Message me for the information to set up!

It is not only the work that set me on my life purpose path, but it also brought me back to vibrant health.

Here's some real raw testimonials from the FB group -


I used to have this friend who is an intuitive medium; she complained about her clients coming to her about the same ole thing. I told her that her clients needed healing to step into what she was reading about them.

I dabbled in astrology for my students of the medicine until one day one of my shaman sisters said, "Tomasa, I want to pay you to do an astrology reading for me." I wasn't sure how to answer her, but I came up with a fee that was the equivavlent to one of my healing modalities. What I know is that when you are ready to get paid for a service, Spirit will send someone to ask just for that.

I started doing astrology readings back in 2018/2019. My eldest child and I started doing them together during the pandemic. I don't call myself an intuitive medium, but I am a shaman who tracks like nobodies business. That's what we call intuitive medium in shamanism - TRACKING.

However, after getting backlogged with astrological readings, I decided that I didn't like just giving people readings, because like my former friend, I saw that the majority of the people didn't do anything with them. So I do specialty charts now - astrocartography and solar return temporary relocation charts.

However, I use the astrological charts to help people step into their highest potential by applying a healing modality that I've been practicing for the last 27 years. The ancient healing modality has numerology and astrology embedded in it.

Yesterday, I did astrocartography for a woman who understands astrology and who upgraded her offering to a solar return relocation chart.

I met her at Yin on Fire a few weeks ago. She told me that my workshop was the only workshop that she attended. She scribed with her pendulum to see which workshops to attend and her pendulum pointed to mine. She had experienced some lost recently in her life and she said that after she attended my workshop, she felt so much better.

My workshop was an abridge version of Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint or rather an extended version of Aligning Your body with Your Cosmic Blueprint. Either way it is aligning you with Your Cosmic blueprint. It is self-care on this human level that helps you to get back into alignment with your soul.

I am teaching Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint Course again this month October 18-20, for 3 hours a day, from 11 AM - 2:30 PM PDT. I taught it live in Tremonton, UT last week on Thursday and I taught it back in July-Aug for 6 weeks. I am trying a different format to get the information to the participants quicker.

If you want in on this life changing course, just click on the QR code on the posting. The sweet spot is I have a 50% off coupon for the first 10 people. 5 people have already signed up for the course.

The course is worth the regular investment of $197 because the bonuses are almost equal that.

The cool thing is that you get some one-on-one time with me, plus my flagship digital signature course - 30 days to a Vibrant, Healthier Younger You (which I created 10 years ago!). It is a classic course that will never get old and that actually will rejuvenate and restore your energies.

Who should take this course?

✓ Any lightworker, especially lightworker who is feels easily zapped with their energy.

✓ Any lightworker who considers themself a "closet lightworker", hasn't fully stepped into their work and who could use some alignment with their soul.

✓ Any layperson, who is experiencing pain in their body and just wants it to go away - pain is a form of dis-ease and the dis-ease means that you are out of alignment with your soul.

Most people who are exposed to this work, find themselves wanting to know more. I'll be sharing more of how folks are feeling more lined up with their beautiful souls after taking this course in posts to come.

Meanwhile, get yourself enrolled, These are lifetime tools that I've been using for the last 28 years on my own body...just to maintain the vibrancy. I hardly ever feel depleted and if I do,then this is my go to modality.

Honestly, it is one of the reasons that keeps me vibrant, healthy, spry and youthful looking at the age of 61.


I am into expressing myself when I feel hurt or even when I feel great about something. It's who I am.

I took the medicine wheel over 12 years ago and went through so much growth and I even facilitate it myself since 2017.

As an energy healer/holistic practitioner of 27 years, I know that when we don't express ourselves and how we feel, we embody or better yet manifest health challenges.

This morning I watched a family friend post something about my mom and my sisters and didn't include me. Yeah, I. felt left out and I let him know it. My mom was my rock growing up.

She was my playmate in many ways, because I was the youngest daughter and all my sisters were 16, 17 and 7 years older than me respectively.

I have fond memories of my mom playing Chinese Checkers with me, Scrabble, checkers and occasionally Monopoly (she didn't like that one!)

But when I went to college, she was my ROCK. UC Berkeley was no piece of cake for this parochial school girl who graduated 12 out of class of 126 from St. Mary's Academy. It was a culture shock in many ways in classroom size to diversity on campus( it's one of the things I love about Berkeley). Engineering classes required disciplined (I saw alot of my friends drop out). I would call my mom whining about classes and all the work I had to do at least once a week. Granted my mom did not go to college, but she would listen tentatively and encourage me to stay on the train. I attribute my tenacity to complete an electrical engineering degree to my mom being a good listener and encouraging parent. So to have this family friend not include me in his post about his grief and condolences to my family felt like the abandonment wound coming up. Instead of complaining about it, I went in his messenger box and shared how I felt.

I was told by my beloved not to do it and that I should just keep my mouth shut. You can tell this Manifestor in HD to do that, but you can't make me. Manifestors have to express and use that throat chakra. I was already on the verge of Hashimotos and decided that it was time I started expressing myself instead of keeping silent and my thyroid began to mend itself.

I feel I did the right thing for myself because my MOM was my rock and I know there are lot of things she would have expressed to my oldest sister about the way she has treated me these past few years if she were in her right mind.

Anyhow, I needed to express myself. Thank you for reading or listening.

I am done as it is off my chest and I would encourage my students to express themselves in the most responsible and loving way as well.


I am about to mail my first Clearing and Blessing kit.

I am unable to physically do the houseclearing because I am going to be out in Utah for ten days, speaking and teaching, but I will take a day to be on call to help another lightworker clear and bless her home before it is put on the market for sell.

I will do some of the work remotely such as removing entities and the despacho ceremony, but nonetheless, I think this is all going to pan out to be great for the recipient.

I even used my astrology background to give them a great date to put the house on the market.

Thinking outside of the box to help others!



I've been busy editing and enhancing my workbook for my upcoming class. - Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint in Tremonton, UT

I am excited to present this class LIVE in person for the. first. time. If you are interested in attending, message me and I have a half off special for the first 10 people.


I know that I have been here and it has felt frustrating.

I recently had one of the students of Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint class have their body go into a little bit of a healing crisis after working with themselves energetically.

They told me that they weren't feeling well and felt stick their stomach...mind you that some of the points we were working with help with digestion.

I'm not just talking about physical digestion, but digestion of thoughts, things that we are taking in that are new. I mean heck, we are always digesting life, especially in today's world.

However, I gave this person another point to look at because I felt that they were stuck in the middle and they needed to move through whatever was keeping them stuck.

The next morning I get a text that says, I feel good. I feel renewed. The person was motivated to work their business again.

As entrepreneurs, we never have the luxury to be down. If we are down, we have to learn how to move through our stuff quickly.

To me, many of us lightworkers are entrepreneurs. We especially need to stay in a place of clearing our energetic fields because we take in so much from the people that we help. Even if we operate from clear boundaries, we always have to be conscious that we may have blind spots.

I could go on sharing story after story of how many people who have worked with me have found a sense of renewal.

But what I really want to point out that, clearing needs to be constantly because if you live, breath and help others consicously or unconsciously, you have some unwanted energies to clear on a constant basis.

If you don't clear your energetic field on a regular basis, then you find yourself with an accumulation of energies that begin to feel like these boulders below.

Tell me how you might clear yourself energetically on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.


Referrals are the best! Whether someone referred you to someone or someone referred someone to you.

I don't know about you, but I only refer someone else if I know they are going to do a great job and provide great service.

How about you?


Before Marleece worked with me individually and group wise via the medicine wheel, she was busy promoting other lightworkers and operating at a financial loss to benefit others instead of shining her own light through the multi-speaker events she offered. After working with me, she discovered she had the markings of a shaman in her astrological natal chart; started feeling bottled up emotions inside of her that were never expressed. Today she is so much clearer about who she is and her path. She gets lit up from helping women who have experienced deep trauma from past abusive relationships, heal their wounds and transform themselves just as she has.

It warms the cockles of my heart to see graduates of my program evolving and thriving to the next evolution of their being.

If Marleece can evolve and find her light while thriving so can you!

Last call - >, for Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint Class 07/20/2024

Last call - *|FNAME|*, for Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint Class -

Last call - >, for Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint Class The participants in Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint Course are feeling little miracles surrounding them as we have fun experiencing the art of getting to know thyself - Jin Shin Jyutsu.

Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint Class is underway! 07/20/2024

Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint Class is underway! -

Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint Class is underway! The participants in Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint Course are feeling little miracles surrounding them as we have fun experiencing the art of getting to know thyself - Jin Shin Jyutsu.


I've been working on astrological charts. The last few that I offered at the Energy Healing Conferences earlier this year.

I mentioned in a post earlier this year, that I have decided that I will no longer do comprehensive astrological readings as these are reserved for my students of the medicine wheel only.

However, I am happy to offer classes to help you interpret your chart, but better yet...use it as a tool for healing yourself.

That's what I'm doing in the Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint Class that's currently taking place on Saturday mornings at 9 AM PDT.

I have to tell you while teaching the second class last Saturday, one of the students commented on how she had chronic back aches for years and received injections for them and after holding a certain area on her body, she felt like she might be able to belly dance.

Now that's immediate results!

It's not too late to join us as the class is recorded and you can access the first two recordings to catch up.

I can't wait to see what unfolds this week.

If you want to join us this upcoming Saturday at 9 AM PDT...message me and I can help you find how to invest in yourself in a great way!


I once had a client tell me, "You're still an engineer, you are just a human engineer!"

Indeed, I am a UC Berkeley educated electrical engineer turned shamanic energy healer.

What I love most about what I do these days, is teaching others how to use their very own jumper cables.

Yes! We each have a set of jumper cables- they are our hands and we can use them to recharge ourselves and restore ourselves, but wait it can help us remember who we are and why we are here!

Instead of looking outside of yourself for healing, to feel better, to take a pill that maybe you really didn't need because it's causing side effects, you can use your very own hands to help your own healing process.

Photo taken from a live class back in July 2011 from a class that I taught in my home.

If you could learn how to recharge and restore yourself, would that be valuable to you?

What if I told you that one of the benefits could help activate your life purpose?

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