: We are looking for a trans woman actress in the Los Angeles area for an educational training video. The rate is $175/6 hours. To apply: Please msg links to your demo reel and headshots!
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from UCLA Hub for Health Intervention, Policy and Practice, Educational Research Center, 3250 Public Affairs Building, Box 951656, Los Angeles, CA.
: We are looking for a trans woman actress in the Los Angeles area for an educational training video. The rate is $175/6 hours. To apply: Please msg links to your demo reel and headshots!
(formerly monkeypox) is a skin infection caused by the mpox virus, an orthopox virus related to smallpox. Mpox was discovered in humans in 1970 and long caused largely small and zoonotic outbreaks in Central and West Africa. In 2022, mpox Clade II spread globally, leading to nearly 100,000 cases and over 100 deaths, mostly in q***r s*xual networks. Since 2022, mpox continues to cause disease globally, although with only sporadic cases reported in most countries. Now, an increase in global Clade II infections alongside a novel outbreak of the more serious Clade I virus in Central Africa reaffirms the threat of mpox for global health security.
Read more: https://gsspi.luskin.ucla.edu/monkeypox-what-you-need-to-know/
THIS THURSDAY, April 25, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Pacific time, Director of Research Programs will be presenting on Preventing and Detecting Fraud in Online Surveys.
REGISTER: https://uclahs.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcrdeCtrDwoE9zM-I3D4B0ZzCXE5gNXJ42N
The UCLA-CDU CFAR Clinical Science Core presents a Clinical Discovery Seminar featuring 's own director, Dr. Ian Holloway, who will be discussing our uTECH study on January 11, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Register at: https://uclahs.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtduqsqjkpGtctoInxDLFHuwQGF0seUlQ9 #/registration
staff and faculty also serve on the editorial team of
the S*xuality Research and Social Policy Journal. Check out our latest articles at https://link.springer.com/journal/13178
observes this by affirming prevention is a necessary complement to HIV/AIDS response.
Co-Director Ayako Miyash*ta Ochoa will be leading a virtual workshop on "Translating HIV Research Findings for Maximum Policy Impact" from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 19, 2023. Register at: https://uclahs.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvdu6sqz0sH9GHh5MQBHxbf1qYrhAH73AG #/
CASTING CALL! Earn $250-$350/day to film with us! No acting or film experience necessary!
PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV, SYPHILIS, AND/OR HEPATITIS C. Share your experience living with resilience. Info & how to apply: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wheu5P-hnFZVPO3ZiI-yb0nWNWeP2L_MbaGxKJapfaE/edit?usp=sharing
We're also looking for passionate, knowledgeable, and experienced counselors in performing CLIA-waived tests:
HIV TESTING COUNSELOR: Info and how to apply: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gwqh-4-Vnx-GGnWw9NSGoO_tT1657CcuT52-llIC15Y/edit?usp=sharing
HEPATITS C COUNSELOR: Info & how to apply: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aZw5bR-sH4jCHNyPzqgG8X28htNu79-naqe_tw-tnvg/edit?usp=sharing
SYPHILIS COUNSELOR: Info & how to apply: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EGqMK37qNS6qm6cqH_cBR3Teli3z_Px-4cIoIfB2uvI/edit?usp=sharing
Please share this! APLA Health Los Angeles LGBT Center Apait Ssg APAIT OC The Wall Las Memorias Bienestar Human Services Center For Health Justice Central City Community Health Center Children's Hospital Los Angeles Alliance for Housing and Healing Asian American Drug Abuse Program Being Alive Safe Refuge International Clinica Monsenor Oscar A Romero East Los Angeles Women's Center East Valley Community Health El Centro Del Pueblo Venice Family Clinic Tarzana Treatment Centers The LGBTQ Center Long Beach Via Care Community Health Center Project Angel Food Men's Health Foundation In The Meantime Men's Group JWCH Institute Minority AIDS Project El Proyecto del Barrio Inc. East Los Angeles Child Development Center Northeast Valley Health Corporation Rand Schrader Outpatient Clinic (RSC) High Desert Health Watts Healthcare Westside Family Healthcare
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced on May 11 2023 that it has officially dropped restrictions that prohibit gay and bis*xual men from donating blood under many circumstances. co-director Ayako Miyash*ta Ochoa explains the history & rationale
Gay men can now donate blood after FDA changes decades-old rule – a health policy researcher explains the benefits In 1983, during the early days of the AIDS epidemic, the US Food and Drug Administration made the decision to ban gay men from donating blood. Now, 40 years later, it is dropping that rule.
We surveyed California pharmacists on implementation of that allows pharmacies to provide and without an outside physicians' prescription. Here is a video on our findings:
As New HIV Cases Decline, West Hollywood Advocates Focus on Prevention Disparities persist in Black and brown communities’ access to PrEP and PEP to prevent HIV, say West Hollywood residents.
WeHo cuts new HIV diagnoses by nearly 33% over past 7 years - WEHOville West Hollywood has been making tremendous progress in its fight against HIV/AIDS, with the passing of the HIV Zero Strategic Plan and the implementation of biomedical interventions such as Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP). The city has coordinated efforts between s...
UCLA Research Opportunity
This UCLA Study is interested learning more about how LGBTQ+ individuals use technology to find male partners online for s*x and partying. Earn up to $450 to participate. Learn more at www.utechstudy.com
UCLA S*x Squad's "Valentine's LIVE!" event will feature Director Ian Holloway discussing the impact of , , and /AIDS. Happening in-person & online (link soon) on February 10 at UCLA Kaufman Hall, Room 200. Event is free & open to the public!
's co-director, Dr. Ian Holloway, was cited in this Los Angeles Times article on our work
Minister Steve Pieters endured the AIDS crisis. He's a beacon of faith battling new virus With humor, courage and hard-earned wisdom, the activist and Gay Men's Chorus stalwart remains a leader and inspirational figure for LGBTQ+ communities.
$1.4 Million Grant to Bolster ‘Powerful Collective’ Advocating for BIPOC Transgender S*x Workers Funding will help Ayako Miyash*ta Ochoa of UCLA’s Hub for Health Intervention, Policy and Practice advance research and programming for the S*x Work LEARN collaborative.
co-director Ayako Miyash*ta Ochoa talked to ABC News about U.S. Food and Drug Administration's blood donation policy restricting gay/bis*xual men: a ban based on identity is out of date and discriminatory. Assessing individual-level risk is a move in the right direction.
How a potential change to FDA's blood donor policy could save lives The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is considering a change to its blood donor policy that would remove restrictions on gay and bis*xual male donors.
We are !
We are seeking outstanding candidates for three positions at UCLA Hub for Health Intervention, Policy and Practice:
• Education and Training Project Director: We are seeking a full-time, creative self-starter to serve as project director of a project funded by California Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS, to produce an asynchronous online training for HIV, HCV, STIs, and syphilis testing counselors in California. This person will oversee the program and work with a film and production company, diverse cast and crew, content matter experts, and UCLA instructional designers and technology specialists from UCLA Online Teaching and Learning (UCLA OTL) and UCLA Institute of Substance Abuse Programs (UCLA ISAP). This fast-paced project will involve creating effective, engaging, and entertaining videos and interactive online educational content that can effectively train adult learners from diverse backgrounds to provide CLIA-waived HIV, HCV, STIs, and syphilis testing in community settings. This is a hybrid in-person and remote position. TO APPLY: Go to UCLA Careers (link below) and search for requisition #37762. Put in your cover letter that you are applying for the PROJECT DIRECTOR position.
• Research Coordinator: We are seeking a full-time, detail-oriented self-starter who has experience implementing multi-year federal and state-funded research projects. The UCLA Hub for Health Intervention, Policy and Practice (HHIPP) conducts a variety of research that connects the academy, community, and policymakers to address health disparities among diverse communities in Los Angeles and beyond. HHIPP engages community members in meaningful, impactful, theory-driven, and sustainable research that informs high-level policy and street-level social justice health outcomes. Our work situates health policy within a social welfare and social justice framework, with special consideration given to adverse social conditions, stigma, discrimination, poverty, racism, and homophobia. Duties of this position include developing research protocols, overseeing day-to-day coordination of research, writing IRB applications, developing study materials, and summarizing data for progress reports. This is a hybrid in-person and remote position. TO APPLY: Go to UCLA Careers and search for requisition #37762. Put in your cover letter that you are applying for the RESEARCH COORDINATOR position.
• Interventionist: We are seeking a full-time, masters-level intervention to deliver a motivational interviewing intervention in the context of a multi-year federally funded research project. This study, uTECH Study is working to develop and assess the utility of a culturally congruent machine learning platform, uTECH, an HIV prevention intervention that studies and predicts HIV risk and substance use behavior by building a predictive model (algorithm) using social networking use patterns and other inputs, and engages study participants in promoting health and harm reduction. Duties include delivering a short, multi-session intervention to gay and bis*xual men that targets HIV risk and substance use, providing referrals and resources, and documenting sessions using a standardized intervention form. This is a remote position. TO APPLY: Send resume and cover letter to [email protected]
Link for UCLA Careers:
From the HHIPP Family about the
UCLA Luskin Research Helps Guide Public Health Response to Ongoing Monkeypox Outbreak Professor Ian Holloway is among researchers working with health officials to develop evidence-based strategies…
New infographic for sharing! The global outbreak has been increasing exponentially since late May. The majorityof infections are among gay, bis*xual, and other men who have s*x with men. While MPV can infect anyone, our communities are being disproportionately impacted. Vaccines exist but are in short supply, and vaccine roll-out strategies differ by jurisdiction, which makes harm reduction messaging crucial. Together with our colleagues Nick Diamond, MPH, Joseph Osmundson, PhD, and Grant Roth, MPH we’ve put together an infographic on how to reduce risk during the current MPV outbreak based on their recent article in POZ magazine. If this messaging resonates with you, please share these resources created by and for gay men with your social and s*xual networks. For the full one page version of this infographic in PDF and in JPG, visit our website for easy downloads.
#猴痘 正在我们的社区中传播:这些是你需要了解的信息。现在下载和分享 UCLA Hub for Health Intervention, Policy and Practice 和 Los Angeles LGBT Center 为男性性少数人群创建的信息图表 #同志 https://gsspi.luskin.ucla.edu/monkeypox-what-you-need-to-know/
Frequently Asked Questions about : What & Men Need to Know, which was developed in consultation with
UCLA virologists, epidemiologists, and community advisors. Read it here:
Monkeypox: Frequently Asked Questions – GSSPI Monkeypox: Frequently Asked Questions What is monkeypox? Monkeypox is a viral infection transmitted through close personal contact, including prolonged face-to-face contact, kissing, s*x, and other skin-to-skin contact. First identified in humans in 1970, monkeypox has similarities to the smallpox v...
sa ating pamayanan: Ang dapat alamin. Ibahagi at i-download ang bagong infographic mula sa UCLA Hub for Health Intervention, Policy and Practice Los Angeles LGBT Center gawa ng at para sa kalalakihang gay at bis*xual. https://gsspi.luskin.ucla.edu/monkeypox-what-you-need-to-know/
La en nuestras comunidades: Lo que necesitas saber. Comparte y descarga la nueva infografía de UCLA Hub for Health Intervention, Policy and Practice y Los Angeles LGBT Center creada por y para los hombres y
in our communities: What you need to know. See and Los Angeles LGBT Center's new infographic created by and for and men
FULL infographic here: https://gsspi.luskin.ucla.edu/monkeypox-what-you-need-to-know/
WATCH: In honor of LGBT Health Week and Trans Visibility Day, UCLA Hub for Health Intervention, Policy and Practice, in partnership with LA LGBT Center and We Breathe, hosted a one hour webinar to share information from our To***co-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP)-funded study on to***co use among trans and gender non-conforming young people in California and the marketing strategies that target LGBT people. Featured speakers include Evan Kruger (Tulane University), Dannie Ceseña (WeBreathe), and Ian Holloway (UCLA).
To***co Use & To***co Marketing Exposure among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Young Adults In honor of LGBT Health Week and Trans Visibility Day, UCLA Hub for Health Intervention, Policy and Practice, in partnership with LA LGBT Center and We Breat...
and gender non-conforming young adults in receive more ***co marketing than their cisgender heteros*xual and cisgender s*xual minority peers. Take a look at our infographic here:
WEBINAR & INFOGRAPHIC: To***co Use and To***co Exposure among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Young Adults in California | UCLA HHIPP Watch the webinar: To***co Use and To***co Marketing Exposure among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Young Adults in California (March 24, 2022)…
The UCLA Center for the Study of Women is an internationally recognized center for research on women
USC Annenberg Center connecting high-impact scholarship to policy change
The Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA is an interdisciplinary center for research.
Visit our home page at www.loni.usc.edu
The California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) is a research center at UCLA whose mission is to encourage university collaboration with industry and to enable the rapid commercialization of discoveries in nanosystems.
This is the place to get information on how to get involved at CSUN.
A Multidisciplinary Research Center of UCLA Anderson School of Management and UCLA School of Law
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Welcome to official page of www.schooltosuccess.org www.mccutcheonresearchglobal.com This book is a life/career training guide for parents, schools and organizations with middle and high school students.
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