We Power

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from We Power, Sports & Fitness Instruction, Los Angeles, CA.


Our founder had so much fun chatting with our friend - walk outside, hit your mat or curl up with a cup of something you like to listen
posted with -

How many times have we all said “I can’t because __________”?

What if we stepped into what lights us up, or something we are not even sure about yet just for the joy of it?

We’ve been doing that over here on repeat. Sometimes we hit a home run ⚾️ and sometimes we strike out ❌. THAT is what we are living into and want you to Join the conversation at 🎤 THE MESSY PROGRESS PODCAST 🎤. This is an opportunity to get connected even if you are feeling disconnected.

This week, the convo is with  - the founder of  , an activist for radical inclusion a teacher and a student of  and just a straight up incredible human!

Find it on   or wherever you 👂 to your podcasts. Episodes drop every Thursday! 💜


Stop. Drop. Meditate.
When given a chance (code for time, space and attention), the resistance is sitting right there with me-like and « old friend ».

Here’s the thing, being patient with the resistance, seeing it, feeling it, only then do I see how it’s everywhere...it gives me a shot at letting it go...and if that doesn’t quite happen, at least I can sit beside it instead of being crushed underneath it or swallowed by it.
Meditation . Discover it again for the 1st time. This sh*t works.

Timeline photos 06/06/2020

thank you for your voice, your wisdom,
your light and your powerful silence in leading Global Healthy Happy Hour today.
We are honored to be included as partner with - we learn something from you every day.

Timeline photos 06/02/2020
Timeline photos 05/30/2020

On Purpose. For years i thought I was clear on my purpose-the why am I here? I’d asked myself
so many times and had found a few answers... yet when I landed on it, I felt a charge through my whole body, a sweaty palms, dry mouth, nauseous aliveness. It brought me back full circle
to when I was a little kid, at home with my 5 siblings, even before I went to school. It all clicked for me: i was put on this planet to cause inclusion.
By living and being ON purpose, I am free to be who I am, letting others have their experience of me without needing to manage it. Living on purpose, intentionally, centered in my soul, it has a ripple effect i feel everywhere in my life. It makes choices more easeful, actions clearer, tough conversations instigated and there is less time spent in assessing, comparing or giving significance to bu****it outside of my control.
Work isn’t as much “work” anymore ; it’s a different experience-it’s sharing of who I am. What does it mean for you to be on purpose? How do you know?
Let us connect on that🤗
I look forward to being outdoors
again to benefit . See you soon!

Timeline photos 05/29/2020

The experience I am in as co-leader of 40 days Digital is this: Triumph is everywhere.Triumph doesn’t look a certain way-it simply IS. Not a competition, not a comparison or even visible necessarily...triumph can be felt, found, lived in all things. It’s accessible to anyone who chooses it as their lense.
What I discovered from sharing Triumph and getting complete where things are not working for me (where is there drama/story and fear are my usual) - thx for the coaching 😉, I inch my way toward Triumph. In kicking up my meditation several notches of late, I got clear space to stand in and be for what matters most to me.
The result ? I am triumphant - not over but WITH everything and everyone.
What’s your TOTD (Triumph of the Day)? Please share it with me. I am genuinely interested.

styling: triumph roars 🦁

Timeline photos 05/11/2020

Challenge Announcement!

May 18-22
Join us in our first Baptiste California Instagram challenge created to build community and connection even though we are apart.!

Each day every participant will post a picture from the list below and answer the correlating inquiry prompt.


Pose List and Inquiry Prompts:
Day 1. Balancing Pose - How is “relax with what is” showing up for you lately?
Day 2. Warrior Variation - Where in life can you drop what you know?
Day 3. Hip Opener - When do you know that it's time to step out of your comfort zone?
Day 4. Inversion - What helps you shift your vision?
Day 5. Back bend - What does “be still and know” mean to you?

How to play:
1. Follow all hosts
2. Follow each day's pose by posting a photo or vid on your feed - be sure to tag and all of the hosts in each post!
3. Help us spread the word by re-posting this flyer and by tagging some friends to play along
4. Spread love and encourage other participants and HAVE FUN!

Timeline photos 04/16/2020

“Show up every single moment like you’re meant to be there” Marie Forleo
Because you are. Period.
Digital Pop Up classes and programs coming your way.
I’d love to see you on my screen until we get to hug in person

Timeline photos 03/22/2020

Calling all Magic Makers-that’s YOU!
What work, tool or talent that you know would make a difference are you NOT using?
This is what you were born to do...go do it...and yes, it can start from home...
Not sure? Let’s connect-trust that you have what is needed to get started.
Thanks for this oldie but favorite reminder ❤️


Timeline photos 03/19/2020

Being homebound, I realize we’ve been gifted the BEST opportunity to be better humans-plain & simple. Doesn’t matter if it is for a day, a week or the foreseeable future: I’m clear I’ve paid a lot of money to have life altering training to learn how to lead the life I was meant to. Here is an equally amazing opportunity served up by our planet-today…no travel required!
A chance to take stock of how my life is filled with distraction or avoidance or unnecessary action/consumption (different than thinking bout all the things I’m missing out on) and to sit in that. The slowing down required (after the frantic TP run and grocery store scenes like in TWD) and the being with, in closer quarters to boot, those who are closest and who matter most to me…and how much patience and empathy that can take at times.

Now’s the chance to LIVE my yoga-like really. Oneness, unity-albeit mandated- this has the potential of being a miracle in the making…even though it doesn’t seem that way.

As a former professional stay-at-home parent (my favorite and hardest job), it took me a while to realize that the amount of tasks i HAD to get done were in direct correlation to the amount of yelling at my people I did…
Here are a few things to consider that have been life (guilt and regret) savers on my 2 decade path of being a homemaker:

1-Less is More-not a popular thing to say, I know but it rings true to this day. Slow the eff down. When f I try to pack in too much, my energy is depleted, my attention is divided and I am frustrated by the requests that come my way (hence the mood, the yelling and the spiral that follows).
2-Pick 2-4 priorities that must be completed today- and Complete them.
3-Move your body (in whatever way is possible in the now-that means with the space, attire, body and tools you have. It may be that your 1 hour body break is broken into 4X15 minutes- let that be OK).
4-Be with your people. See them. Listen to them. Less fixing, more acceptance.

Bottomline: Do Good. And if it hasn’t been going so well, begin again. And Do Good. Trust that you are Good.

How are you living your yoga today? If you’re struggling, I’m with you in the trenches. More to come.

Timeline photos 03/09/2020

Touch is incredibly powerful. And hand holding is among my favorites (a close second to hugging , let’s be real!).
With the current state of emergency, I was reminded last night by that i can still touch people in many ways: with my words, a whole-face smile, a glance that holds for a beat longer that says:”I see you”, a pause to really listen to what you are sharing with me, or simply standing with you side by side. You get to touch people by being and sharing of yourself, your presence.
The world needs your brand of magic-your touch.
How will you touch someone today?
📸: B. Hamblett

Timeline photos 02/27/2020

“Stop forcing. Stop looking around and comparing yourself. You are right where you need to be”
Where in your life are you creating struggle for yourself? Comparison to the way I think things should be puts such a strain on my relationship with what’s right here for me. And more importantly whom is in front of me. When I’m “there” I stead of “here”, meditation brings me back. It anchors me. It’s also a great way to begin a class.
Slow is powerful.
Meditate today. Like right now. Set the timer. Sit your butt down and do the thing.
And Slow. It. Down.

Timeline photos 02/15/2020

Sitting together, sharing generously, being for each other and discovering tools that will facilitate your life is LOVE. Teacher, student always, love starts with you-give it to yourself in heaps to all parts of your being-theres no such things as too much! On the days it feels impossible, I see you, just get yourself here, your tribe’s got you.

Timeline photos 01/11/2020

Come as you are-let it be the starting point.
Don’t need the “right” mindset, clothes, set up. Simply show up. As you are. That’s a great place to start. I spoke of this in class today.

If I try to skip over radically including all part of my being as my starting point, I feel stuck, there’s no change it seems. Why is that?
What I’ve discovered is that the stepping into action to change, grow etc, if I have not deeply-like really-accepted and surrendered where I’m at, all the intention/goal setting in the world is avoidance…I’m not speaking of resignation to “I guess that’s all there is”-on the contrary, it’s to honor what I’ve done that’s gotten me this far, my platform from which to leap from-that’s where my work begins. Shame, comparison, excuses, all the reasons why are less than helpful-getting flat and honoring where I’m at is where I get to start from, draw from the skin in and from deep in my bones, I begin to expand out.

Where you are is where it begins.
How do you recognize, reconcile and speak to where your students are at with a full room so they feel included, supported and thriving. Our 40 days customized teacher education within the program sold out…twice…Check out our Mentorship program coming out this week.

Timeline photos 12/29/2019

Have you heard yourself think/say lately:
“it is what its is”
“who cares? I am _____ anyway”
“well, we can’t all be (insert sarcastic jab) like you”
“no matter what I do, i feel invisible / alone / zoned out / disconnected”
Drifting can be
Usually, most of what is not serving me.
What do you say we create a disruption, a time to choose differently, together.
40 days starts Jan. 13th. As the life leader that you are, connect to your purpose and lay the foundation to create the life you want. As teacher, this will generate 6 weeks of content, new skills, themed classes and inspiration. Join us.Register at www.soulfitnessla.com /workshops.

In magic 8-ball wisdom:
Will it be challenging? More than likely
Will it be painful-It depends
Will it take some work-For sure
Will it take time-Ask again later
Will it be worth it-Undoubtedly YES!

Timeline photos 12/23/2019

“It isn’t true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your truth.” Ram Dass may he RIP
There is no one path, one way, one road, one practice, one teacher.
Let today be one where your truth leads you to a path. Different from THE path.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Join 40 days starting 1/13 if you seek connection and clarity with your truth to guide your choices. Details in bio.

Timeline photos 12/20/2019

« When one person shows up you teach.When no one shows up you practice. » said this a while back. This has always stayed with me . It annihilated (almost) the energy I had about class size and the angst that I had around it. Are you struggling with building classes or making it about you when classes are less attended? Guess what-most teachers face that and/or fear it a bit.
Stop it. It’s not personal. If I drop “making it mean something” and set my Drishti, focus my energy on unrolling my mat, my practice is the pathway.
If you’re looking to buddy up to practice, inform your classes with feedback and support to share what YOU are up to in your teaching, be on the lookout for our Teacher Collective.

Timeline photos 12/20/2019

Happy…Baby…Was there really a time when things were as simple as that? Sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago…I know this for sure: when something manifests in my physical being, I get to recreate it…How about making ananda balasana my pose for today? Recapture the joy of lying on my back and discovering my legs, toes, shoulders and back. Like experiencing it for the 1st time, again. Calms my brain…Gives me stress relief…Let the divine child inside me out to play, create and start anew today…live into what unfolds next. Sounds like plan. Making this central to what I’m teaching today-on and off the mat. You in?
Wondering how to teach to a theme? Join 40 days and get tools, tips and support on how to do that. Program starts Jan 13th 2020.

Timeline photos 12/18/2019

Hope. At this time of year or any day, it’s what’s needed. It like this light on the inside. Sometimes it’s a flicker...other times, it is a bright, warm flame. I feel it. It keeps me informed that there is perhaps different from what’s in front of me that is available. It allows me to step into the unknown, elating space of miracles. In this moment, what are you hopeful for?
If you teach yoga & mindfulness, join 40 days to personal revolution: you’ll get clear on your purpose and results you look to create in your life, AND you’ll get material to build 6 weeks of themed classes, learn how to lead meditation, how to tie movement to your theme. We’ll touch on how to share generously from the heart and connect deeply to your students. Link in bio. Register at SoulFitnessla.com/workshops.

Timeline photos 12/13/2019

There are no words to describe the joy I get from this project. My face says it all-the only smiling wide human facing the camera-that’s me. When I’m there, I have that same feeling of unencumbered happiness I had as a young kid. I knew being outside and talking with others about something that is for anyone who wants in, were and continue to be, one of the most authentic ways I have found to live myself out loud in the world. And the best part...I get to do it tomorrow 12/14 at 10am annnnnd all of 2020 🙌🙌🙌
Yoga on the Pier is Saturday 12/14 at 10am on the . It’s FREE and all donations go to . Thank you for partnering with us. I am forever grateful.

Timeline photos 12/13/2019

I could not have developed some of the projects in the past year had I not had the support of my teacher cohort. 5 and another 66 are not pictured here...and that is 1 training. Staying in the work with people who are on a wildly different yet parallel journey, helps me to stay on purpose. This photo is full heart, major calling BS when needed, sharing sweat, tears and swapping life stories. These ladies have my heart. FIT fam forever🙌❤️

Timeline photos 12/13/2019

I’m not one to stop to snap photos. Yet I am always honored to take a photo with a student when they ask. My invitation to students after any class is to connect with me personally, especially if I have not had the chance to do so before class. Greeting each of them beforehand, their names, learning something about them, a smile, a wave, a glance even. It’s something I strive to do.
I’ve been asked why? My best and first answer is : why not?

Timeline photos 12/10/2019

Connection. Support. Friendship. As teacher and creator of a yoga community (and your following) it’s critical. If you are finding yourself isolated, feeing not good enough or trying to get clear on what you are up to in your teaching or your life (what’s next?) We Power is committed to supporting you to thrive in the work you choose to do, in your own authentic voice.
Be on the lookout for our Teacher Collective-February 2020.
📸: and my ❤️ thank you for the capture and telling the story through lens and feels

Timeline photos 12/10/2019

Contribute to your wellbeing today. Move your body. Tune in. It’s your listening that makes a difference. Trust that you’ll know what is needed. What YOU need.

Timeline photos 12/10/2019

Bringing my best forward each class, creating content that really meets my teachers & studio owners needs and supporting teachers on the daily has been my focus in 2019. I have loved every minute.

Timeline photos 12/09/2019

One of my favorite creations said this a while back. Instead of telling someone to be safe, try saying “remind yourself who you really are”... Mic drop 🎤 and notice how it shapes the conversation and communication differently.

Timeline photos 12/09/2019

One of my favorite creations said this a while back. Instead of telling someone to be safe, try saying “remind yourself who you really are”... Mic drop 🎤 and notice how it shapes the conversation and communication differently.

Timeline photos 12/09/2019

We Power School of Yoga & Leadership exists to create and support inclusive yoga communities designed to access your power and purpose. Stay tuned, our offerings are coming soon...

logo: ❤️

Timeline photos 12/09/2019


It’s a soul thing for me. I have rarely strayed from that. Even as a little kid, I felt it deep within. Being on what was chosen by most and deemed cool or popular felt like there was something more...for me to feel truly fulfilled, nourished. Like a big part of me was not included in the conversation of life. Until I found my voice to speak up and radically include all parts of my being.

Sign up for 40 days to personal revolution -starts Jan 13th 2020.
More WePower workshops coming in 2020-go to Wepoweryoga.com and stay up to date with the latest offerings.

Thanks for the reminder ❤️

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