Fit After 50 SoCal

Fit After 50 SoCal


Improve balance, reduce nagging pain, and build strength and confidence for life’s everyday demands.

Personal training & group exercise classes for women 50 and over. Personal training and group fitness classes for women 50 and over to improve balance, reduce nagging pain, and build strength and confidence for life's everyday demands.

Operating as usual



It's the first Monday in November! I used to have a coach who's mantra was "Never miss a Monday!"

Set the tone for the week with a full body workout you can complete in under 10 minutes. No equipment required!

If the suggested timing is a little out of reach, start with what is feasible and work your way up.

Turn on the volume for tips!

1. Squats
2. Alternating reverse lunges
3. Plank


A little Halloween humor! Don’t skip your workout 😜


A little Halloween humor! Don't skip your workout ;)


::: 3 Exercises To Build Core Strength & Reduce Low Back Pain :::

Did you know upwards of 80% U.S. adults report living with chronic low back pain?

While some is structural, building strength in the glutes and core will ALWAYS help. Our core is the trunk of our body, responsible for keeping us upright, supporting our posture and bodyweight, and keeping us moving.

Try these 3 gentle floor exercises to build and maintain a healthy core and strong glutes!

1. Glute bridges: Start on your back with feet about hip distance apart. Raise hips off the floor, squeezing glutes (muscles in butt) as you rise. Be mindful not to overarch lower back. If you notice this happening, tuck pelvis under (rotate hips)

2. Dead bug: Start on your back with arms straight above chest and legs raised with knees and hips aligned. Extend opposite arm, opposite leg. If you feel strain in lower back when extending legs, keep your knees bent as you lower toward the ground. Don't be surprised if this feels like a brain exercise too!

3. Bird Dog: Start in what's called 'tabletop' on hands and knees. Stack wrists, elbows, shoulders and hips, knees. Keep shoulders actively pressed away from the floor as you extend opposite arm and opposite leg. This movement is all about core stability, move slowly and with intention.

Remember, start wherever you are and build over time. If you even start 10 seconds of each, great! It's all about progress, not perfection.

Goal: Work up to 30-40 second intervals of each exercise, resting about 30 seconds between exercises x 2-3 rounds.


::: Full Body Morning Stretch Routine :::

Does life have you feeling a bit tense these days?

Try these full body stretches to loosen stiff muscles while you're waiting for your morning coffee to brew ;)

Photos from Fit After 50 SoCal's post 10/21/2024


A timeline break for some positivity and to honor some amazing women in our community!

Every so often, we like to acknowledge the strong women in our studio. Their stories are inspiring for us as coaches, and I hope they provide some encouragement for anyone hesitant about joining an exercise program.

Evelyn is an absolute ray of sunshine! Always ready to offer a listening ear and friendly smile, we look forward to her attendance in class.

*Evelyn, 65 years old, retired elementary school teacher
Evelyn started with us DAY ONE! Having never exercised consistently before 2021, Evelyn decided it was time to give herself the gift of health.
Three years in, Evelyn feels stronger mentally and physically, knows more about her body than ever before, and looks forward to her workouts - or when they're done at least ;)


Mandy is staple in our mid-morning classes. After years of caring for others through her profession, it was finally time to turn the focus inward and take care of herself. Mandy overcame the intimidation and now feels stronger, more balanced, and has improved her whole outlook on life.

*Mandy, 68 years old, retired Registered Nurse (RN)
Mandy joined us in 2023. After some hesitation about whether the timing was right, Mandy heeded the encouragement of a friend and decided to take the leap! 1.5 years in, Mandy rarely misses a class and realizes the importance of taking care of herself and being proactive about her health.


I'm honored these women share their energy with us on a weekly basis! Swipe left for some memorable quotes from their stories. Join me in giving them a shout out!



Some exercises like sit ups, crunches, and rapid rotation around the spine are contraindicated for osteopenia and osteoporosis.

But, building core strength is crucial for posture, reducing or preventing low back pain, and overall balance and stability.

These exercises are perfect if you have any difficulty getting on and off the floor, or just want to try some new moves!

Follow along with coach Siera while she shows you 3 exercises! Once you have them down, perform each one for about 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off x 3 rounds. Increase the work duration for an additional endurance challenge.

-Brace your core while you perform these exercises; think about drawing your stomach in toward your spine
-Remember to keep breathing intentionally! It's easy to get caught holding your breath while exercising


We’re back! And BETTER 🎉

After a long disappearance, I’m excited to have some fresh faces showing you some great workouts.

Introducing the friendly faces you will see, some of our amazing Fit After 50 coaches: Me (Maryann), Siera, Khrisna, Zach

Thanks for your patience as we revamp 😊


11:30am, 5:30pm & yoga and more!

I’ve heard the voices of my non-morning folks and full-time employed ladies to take the leap and make some fun schedule changes!

As always, Fit After 50 SoCal is just for women 50 and over :)

Visit our website (link in bio) to register for a trial week - $25 unlimited classes.


Have you been curious about group classes but worried you won't be able to keep up? Want to learn good form to avoid injury?

Our Fit After 50 SoCal coaching team is hosting a Strength Training 101 Workshop!

Learn & practice the fundamentals of strength training exercises so you feel confident in class!

When? Saturday March 23, 9am-10am
Where? Fit After 50 SoCal studio, 4148 N. Viking Way, Long Beach 90808
Cost: $5 - includes workshop + one free group class of your choice

As always, our studio is just for women 50+

Space is limited! Follow the link below to reserve your spot! #/branch/616d8a940046901c270f0255/memberships/65d8f793f5323aa3560936c5/plan/1708717893216/buy


Best start to the weekend!


Do you know what's really in the foods you eat?

Unless I'm working with you 1:1, I tend to stay away from posting about nutrition on social media for many reasons - everyone's body is different, nutritional needs vary, and what works for you is highly individualized.

But, there are universal truths we need to address and take seriously:
1. The foods we eat now are highly processed, contributing to 74% of Americans being overweight or obese

2. There is 25x more sugar in our food today than there was 100 years ago, leading to our incredibly high type 2 diabetes rates (52% of American adults)

3. There’s substantial evidence today that chemicals in our food are “obesogens”, *causatively* leading to obesity – additives and fillers such as microplastics (yes, plastic!), pesticides, and much more

So maybe if you're doing everything you know to do but still feeling crappy, we need to dig a little deeper.

This is where reading ingredient lists and food labels is ESSENTIAL.

Check out this example, promoted as a "Heart Healthy" bread. If you grabbed this bread at the store, you'd think you were doing the right thing. It's not your fault! Unfortunately, marketing beats reality here.

The ingredients of bread should more or less be: flour, water, yeast, salt

So why is there high fructose corn syrup? Soybean oil? More added sugar? And a laundry list a paragraph long?

High fructose corn syrup!? A substance quickly absorbed by the body and leads to insulin resistance, obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

In fact, America is one of the only countries you can actually use high fructose corn syrup in food. It's highly restricted or banned in Europe and other places.

Soybean oil!? I will spare you a rant on seed oils, but they are so incredibly disruptive to the health of your microbiome, not only do they lead to obesity, diabetes, neurological conditions like Alzheimer's, and even correlated to anxiety, and depression - they contain inflammatory linoleic acid, which is associated with heart disease and cancer.

Even more added sugar!? Not only is sugar a contributor to diseases like type 2 diabetes, it has strong correlations to breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

I'm feeling fired up about nutrition today. This might turn into a longer discussion. For now, I leave you with this - please, please don't fall victim to our food processing. Read those ingredients next time you shop, you'll be surprised (and maybe as angry as me)!


Hello everyone!

The time has finally come: evening classes will be starting October 4!


Our kickoff evening class series will be a Strength & Balance Class! The class that started it all. We focus on building muscle and improving endurance through full body strength training. The class is suitable for all levels as we are intentional about accommodating everyone's abilities, safely and strategically. An intake with each new member will be conducted to assess any previous injury, relevant medical information, questions, concerns, and anything else worth discussing 🙂

Days, Time, Location

Class will take place every Tuesday & Thursday evening from 5:30pm-6:30pm starting October 4.

Home studio address: Long Beach, 90808

Registration Details

New Members: We partner with a registration and scheduling system called Glofox. Message me directly to get the ball rolling! As mentioned above, I will reach out as the date nears to review any previous injury, relevant medical information, questions, concerns, and anything else worth discussing. The first class will be free for all new members!

Existing Members: You will be able to register for these classes as usual, through our Glofox system.

Please share widely! 12 spots will be available. We're excited to kick off this next chapter and provide more options for current and future members!


This week’s prompt:

Exercise makes me feel…


Hi, recovering perfectionist here!

It's easy to fall into a trap of feeling like we want to be the best at something. But sometimes our desire for things to be perfect impedes our ability to even start. Instead of accepting a baseline, we hold ourselves back from ever trying.

A common reason people don't start an exercise program is because they don't feel they're in shape enough.

Oh the irony!

Maybe it's helpful for you to hear as well - I tell myself often, "progress, not perfection"


::Volume up for instruction::

Forgive the sound, I think I underestimated how loud my fans are!

THIS HEAT!! Boy we are not used to this. You might find yourself a little more sedentary than usual. Try out this seated exercises for some movement!

1. Step jacks
2. Wide stance hinge
3. Seated march



Monday Cardio fix!

Did a lazy weekend get the best of you? Try this super simple cardio series! No equipment needed.

The goal of cardio is to enhance heart health, boost metabolism, and much more. To achieve this outcome, we want to move at a steady pace with as little rest as possible.

Try 60 seconds of each exercise and catch a breather (up to 30 seconds rest) between sets. Cycle through 3 rounds.

This set is simple enough to tackle anywhere!

Need a little extra boost? Check out our in-person group classes just for women 50+
Monday: Balance & Fall Prevention, 10:15am-11am
Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday: Strength & Balance, 8:30am-9:30am
Wednesday/Friday: Endurance Circuit, 8:15am-9:15am


Need a little extra boost to get your fitness back on track?

Check out our group classes for women 50 and over! A few spaces available in our Strength & Balance, Endurance Circuit, and Balance & Fall Prevention classes.

Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

::: MOTIVTION MONDAY :::It's the first Monday in November! I used to have a coach who's mantra was "Never miss a Monday!...
::: 3 Exercises To Build Core Strength & Reduce Low Back Pain :::Did you know upwards of 80% U.S. adults report living w...
::: Full Body Morning Stretch Routine :::Does life have you feeling a bit tense these days? Try these full body stretche...
::: 3 CORE EXERCISES YOU CAN DO WHILE STANDING :::Some exercises like sit ups, crunches, and rapid rotation around the s...
::Volume up for instruction::Forgive the sound, I think I underestimated how loud my fans are! THIS HEAT!! Boy we are no...
Monday Cardio fix! Did a lazy weekend get the best of you? Try this super simple cardio series! No equipment needed. The...
Let's get those arms in tank-top shape! Try 12-15 reps of each. If counting is not your thing, work for 30 seconds. Thre...
Three balance exercises to get this week started off on the right foot ;) Try at home, or better yet check out our Balan...
Our amazing crew in this morning's Endurance Circuit! Proud of the hard effort everyone put in :)
Cardio for every level! Can't hop? No problem. No matter where you are, there's always a way to keep moving! ----#fitaft...
The Best Upper Body Exercise You're Probably Not Doing: Lat Pullover The latissimus dorsi (lat) muscle is a large, trian...
Balance & Fall Prevention - Part 5: Awareness in Space"Proprioception" is perception or awareness of the position and mo...



4148 N. Viking Way
Long Beach, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 6am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 6am - 6:30pm
Thursday 6am - 6:30pm
Friday 6am - 6:30pm
Saturday 6am - 12:30pm
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