Gompers PTA

A community where character counts, and everyone feels... Safe, Welcome and Respected. Gompers is a K-8

Operating as usual


Hello! // Thank you all again for coming out last week! // We will be having another yearbook pick up this Wednesday 7/17 from 4pm-6pm on Dunrobin!


Happy Summer! // If you ordered a yearbook, please check your email for important pick up information! // Pick up will be by the gate in front of the auditorium // If you’re not able to pick up during these times, please send a DM or reply to the email and we can make arrangements that fit your schedule 🐊

Photos from Gompers PTA's post 06/14/2024

See you later alligators! Saying a sweet farewell to our 5th graders! We are all proud if you , will miss you and wish you all the best in Middle School! // Here are just a few snaps!

Photos from Gompers PTA's post 06/05/2024

Gompers’ first “Literacy Day” was such a wonderful success! // Thank you Gator families for coming out, learning the strategies our teachers have been sharing and watching your scholars put them into action! // We hope to see you at our future family engagement sessions soon!

Photos from Gompers PTA's post 06/03/2024

A few more snaps of our awesome color run! // A big THANK YOU to for providing our Gators with a yummy treat! // What a fun way to start the end of the school year!

Photos from Gompers PTA's post 06/01/2024

Congrats to our top selling Gators!! // These three scholars won some amazing prizes with all of their support!// And a HUGE Thank you to our wonderful sponsor for coming out and providing our top winners with super fun swag bags! They also spent time with the gator family giving out freebies & fun! // Thank you!!


Great news! The deadline to purchase graduation Leis has been extended! // You can purchase through 5/31 // Available in all colors and for all grades including college graduates! // Please contact Mrs. Jena at anejdesigns@gmail or text 310.200.5029

Photos from Gompers PTA's post 05/23/2024

Shouting CONGRATS to our new kickball champions!!! // Our Gompers WRAP team beat the top team by one point! // We are so proud of all of you and a special thanks to our cheerleading squad for bringing the excitement!


We hope you can join us at our last PTA association meeting of this school year! We will meet in room # 9 tomorrow 5/22 and light refreshments will be served! // Come hear the how our fundraising is doing, the principal’s report and more!


We are getting excited about Gator night at Angel stadium this Friday 5/24! The second batch of spirit shirts will be delivered by this Wednesday! // For Any ticket orders after Wed, your scholar’s shirt will be delivered by the end of the school day on Friday // ( There are still tickets available in the surrounding sections, see the link in stories and highlights to purchase ) 🐊 😇


Gators, we are so close to our goal! We’ve extended the deadline for the Color Run registration to 5/30! We can’t wait! // Gator families - Please see the link in stories and Highlights if you’d like to volunteer to help that day, we’d love to have you!


Huge shout out to our Undefeated Gators & Wrap kickball team and our wonderful cheerleaders! Way to go!!


Our Gomper Gator visited our classrooms to remind our scholars to sign up for the COLOR RUN! Register by Monday 5/13 and earn FREE NEON DRESS day on 5/17! 🟡🟢🔵🟣🟠


Gators! // It’s our biggest fundraiser of the year, our first ever color run! We are so excited! Our scholars will have a blast and can win some really awesome prizes! // See stories and highlights for the link!


Hey Gators! Join us for a night of baseball at Angel stadium! Gator night is 5/24 but there are many games to choose from! // What a fun fundraiser and we hope to see you there! Link is in stories and in highlights!

Photos from Gompers PTA's post 04/12/2024

Sending a huge thank you to one of our newest Gator sponsors- Kinship Wash and fold - ! They kindly took care of our Gator’s lost & found items and cleaned them up! Proud to have Lakewood’s only Wash & Fold service in the gator family!
Parents, we will share the day and time when you can pick up any lost and found items soon!


Hey Gators! This Thursday 3/28, grab a yummy treat and support our school at Yogurt Land! // Flyers will be sent home with your scholar with the information 🐊

Photos from Gompers PTA's post 03/22/2024

🐊Gator restock alert!!🐊 // New green pullovers and gray hoodies are here! You can now shop spirit wear at our student store on Fridays during your student’s lunch time! // You may send money with your scholar or parents may sign into the office to purchase 🐊


We hope to see you all on 3/19! // We will start with our PTA association meeting at 5pm where all Gator families are welcome to attend and vote in our new board ( light refreshments will be served ) then classroom visits will start at 5:30!

Photos from Gompers PTA's post 03/11/2024

What a wonderful week with our Gators! The Scholastic Book-fair and spirit week were both a blast and we loved hanging out with you for movie night! Such a great way to end a fun week! ☀️ 🐊


This Friday is movie night!! We hope to see you all there and we can’t wait! The book fair will also be available! See you Friday!🐊


Gators! We will be voting in next year’s board on 3/19 during the PTA association meeting ( before open house begins) and we would love to see you there !🐊


Continuing ‘Read Across America’ Spirit week! Here are the remaining dress up days and we are loving seeing you all dress up! 📚 🇺🇸

Photos from Gompers PTA's post 02/25/2024

Hey Gators! Our awesome Scholastic book fair kicks off this Friday 3/1 starting with our Family night! Bring your loved ones and visit our library from 5-7 and grab what you love! // We also need volunteers! Please see our link in stories & highlights to sign up 🐊


Come learn all about our TK/K program at Gompers! March 11, 9:30 - 10:30


Hey Gators! Looking forward to seeing you and your loved ones this Friday! // The forecast looks clear but if it rains, we will cancel! 🐊

Photos from Gompers PTA's post 02/07/2024

We loved seeing our Gators skate the night away! More fun coming soon! ✨


Hey Gators! Here’s a look ahead at our upcoming events! Save the dates and more information will be coming soon 🐊

Photos from Gompers PTA's post 01/25/2024

Hey Gators! It’s spirit night! Head out to Chick-fil-A, eat with your family tonight and support our school! 😋


Hey Gators! Here are a few suggestions for tonight’s skate night - also the waiver link is in stories!

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Lakewood?

Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.


Gompers PTA is here to support our school where the District leaves off. We have created a community of volunteers who bring a variety of programs, events, ideas and activities to school. We are always in need of volunteers, donations and support from our Gompers families. Our theme this year is “Be One Team”Let’s get into the swing! Do you have 30 minutes to help in the classroom or aide at an event? Are you able to donate funds to support extra activities? We would love to hear from you!

Gompers PTA is currently funding: field trips, Fibo Art, anit-bullying, Red Ribbon week, Staff/Teacher appreciation, Celebration of success rewards/prizes, updating the library & classroom enrichment.

We are here to support our Gompers community. Feel free to reach out through Facebook message or Email : [email protected]. We are excited to have another wonderful and fun year!!! GO GATORS!

Videos (show all)

Way to go!! Mrs. Lourenco's class got to pie Boulder Brendyn!




5206 Briercrest Avenue
Lakewood, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8:15am - 4pm
Tuesday 8:15am - 4pm
Wednesday 8:15am - 4pm
Thursday 8:15am - 4pm
Friday 8:15am - 4pm
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Lakewood, 90713

MacArthur PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our purpose is to provide funding and support for academic enrichment for all students.