Whitesburg School PTA

Whitesburg School PTA

Whitesburg Elementary and Middle - Huntsville, AL - PTA News and Events

This page is created with the goal of helping the Whitesburg School PTA communicate effectively with out community. Parents and teachers are also invited to engage in discussion on our private page: www.facebook.com/groups/whitesburgschoolparents/

This page is run by the Whitesburg School PTA and not by Whitesburg Elementary, Whitesburg Middle, or Huntsville City Schools.

Operating as usual

Photos from Whitesburg School PTA's post 01/13/2025

It's BAAAACCCKKK!!! Whitesburg on Wheels! The roller skating fundraiser for Whitesburg Elementary and Whitesburg Middle School students, families, friends, and neighbors! $15 gets you skate rentals, 4 hours of skating, and unlimited pizza and drinks! Mark your calendars for Friday, January 24 from 6-10 pm. See below for details.


Please take a minute to fill out the Federal Impact Aid form! Go to the Powerschool app, click the three dots/More button in the bottom right, then click on Forms. It takes two minutes or less and REALLY helps our schools!


Calling all Whitesburg Middle School students! The winter dance is coming on Friday, December 13, from 6-8 pm! Wear white to light up the night (glow sticks and more will be available for purchase, along with food and other treats)!


It's coming!!! The annual PTA-sponsored Lion Shoppe will return to Whitesburg Elementary and Middle from December 11-13. Your kids have the opportunity to shop for friends and family (and pets!). With nice gifts ranging in price from 50 cents (yep, you saw that right!) to $20, they can shop for everyone on their list! And they can get their gifts wrapped too!

But we NEED YOU! We need parent volunteers to help kids shop and to wrap presents. We also need donations of wrapping paper and tape. Click the link below to sign up!

https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4FA9AF2BA6FCC61-53498185-lions?useFullSite=true #/


Huntsville American League basketball registration is OPEN!! Sign up anytime before November 2! See below for more details.


Whitesburg School PTA is proud to host the annual Orange and Blue BBQ and Bingo NEXT Tuesday evening from 6:00-7:30 in the cafeteria! Join us for a time of food, fun and some silent auction items. Everyone who attends will receive one bingo card FREE in order to play! Please pre-order your meals at https://wp8.givebacks.com/store.


Grissom's homecoming parade is THIS Thursday, October 17, starting at 5:00 pm. Grissom's band and cheer and pom teams along with football, basketball, tennis, soccer, and so many more will be participating! Plenty of candy and fun along the parade route below. Come out and support YOUR Grissom Tigers!

Photos from Whitesburg School PTA's post 09/18/2024

Pictures from before this morning’s Grandparents Breakfast!! We had a full house - those pictures coming later - with delicious food and lots of love! Thanks to everyone who supported our school! Roar lions!


Attention Parents at The Burg!! Please sign up to bring snacks and help push the teacher snack cart. We have all the sign-ups for this semester in one place. Pushing the cart is a great way to be in the school, meet your kids' teachers, and you'll be done by 9:30 am!

Photos from Whitesburg School PTA's post 09/09/2024

Coming THIS Thursday night! Make plans to satisfy your need for speed! Be sure to register for this fun event:


Calling all Grandparents and Grand-friends!! Tickets are on sale NOW for our annual Whitesburg PTA Grandparents Breakfast - Wednesday, September 18. Please purchase student and grandparent tickets online at https://wp8.givebacks.com/store. More details below. Your ticket includes a buffet breakfast, photo booth, and time with your special student(s)! Our fall Scholastic book fair will be open that morning as well. Please help us spread the word about this event!


This week's Lion Letter:

Givebacks Givebacks helps you engage your supporters, raise money online with less work, and harness innovation to build up your entire community through GIvebacks. See why over 12,000 organizations and over 2.4 million people use Givebacks to thrive.


Please take a minute and join Whitesburg School PTA today! It’s only $10, but every penny supports programs at both schools as well as supplies and fun events. A few fun facts:

Grandparents can join too! We have a special category just for our Lion grandparents!

Aunts and uncles and other caregivers can join…and friends and neighbors - you don’t have to have a child at the school. Broad support makes our schools stronger!

If you joined last year, you’ll need to join again this year. 🥰

Moms and dads can join individually - make sure that BOTH of you join separately. We love to have our dads involved!



Whitesburg PTA is so grateful for our amazing administration, teachers, and staff members!

Principal Jones and Assistant Principal Eaton welcome you all to the 2024-2025 school year!

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107 Sanders Road SW
Huntsville, AL