Danielle Arbo- Spanish Tutor

Danielle Arbo- Spanish Tutor


I help students achieve Spanish-speaking fluency skills through vocabulary, pronunciation & dialogue.

Operating as usual

Spanish Numeracy Skills At Home! 08/01/2024

Here is officially my first product!

Spanish Numeracy Skills at Home!

Please take the time to look through and read the description of the mini-course on my website!

It's ONLY $10 and it is such a great investment if you and your child want to learn the Spanish numbers together and how to apply those numbers to REAL conversations that you can have with native speakers!

Muchas gracias!!!

Spanish Numeracy Skills At Home! My passion and goal is to help parents with providing ​quality and affordable Spanish instruction to their ​children BUT ALSO provide opportunities for parents ​to learn alongside their children --> spending quality ​time together learning something new!


Learn Spanish with Mrs. A monthly membership coming this August!

**Focused on helping homeschool parents and working parents help their children learn Spanish AND help them learn alongside their children!

Let me know in the comments below if you are interested!


I have a question for you all:

I am in the midst of creating a course...

I have a lot of ideas...

Right now, I am wondering what do you think is needed right now...

Survival Spanish for those traveling to Spanish-speaking communities.
Learning Basic Spanish together as a family

I appreciate any and all of your thoughts!


P.S. I am in the midst of creating short lessons that will be available to purchase ... each will be under $10!!


Would you be interested in a course where you will learn more than the basics to travel to Spanish-speaking countries?


Please join my NEW FB group!



Learn, Study, Practice


Primero (first), I would like to genuinely thank you for taking the time to read this … I will try and keep it brief.

I recently spoke to a friend that likes to learn languages.

We were discussing how programs like Rosetta Stone are wonderful, but for the analytical mind and for those that need physical structure, Rosetta Stone does not solely work for them.

For anyone older than 13, it increasingly becomes more difficult to learn a language like natives learn … more structure is needed (most of the time).

My friend and I also discussed that with the world today, individuals do not want to put the work in to learn a language … They want instant gratification.

Learning a language takes work, but trust me, it’s worth it.

Knowing another language opens the world up to communicating with others from different backgrounds and to their cultures.

Languages and cultures make this world beautiful.

Foreign language acquisition requires learning, studying and practicing.

I offer those lessons and opportunities in my FREE FB grupo!

Respond with an, “X” in the comments if you would like access to my group!

¡Gracias por su tiempo (thank you for your time


I have a food & cooking vocabulary Spanish lesson...If you are interested, place an "X" in the comments below! Gracias!


More family!?

I have a wonderful and beautiful family… both blood and non-blood related.

When you speak another language…you are providing yourself opportunities to not only connect with others of a different culture, but also to build relationships.

I studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain my 4th year at university.

I lived with a woman named Manoli.

She was SO amazing and became my Spanish mama for a semester. She had 2 grown daughters, who both had boyfriends at the time (and now husbands).

We became familia. We are familia; even though more than a decade has passed.

I know that when I return to Sevilla, I will have a home and place to stay.

They spoke NO ENGLISH!

I HAD to speak Spanish in order to communicate and build relationships.

I would not have formed more “familia” connections if I did not speak Spanish.

Language opens up your world and possibilities, connections and opportunities.

Leave a “X” in the comments if you would like to join my FREE Facebook grupo to learn more about me and the opportunities to learn Spanish that I have!



Aprender el español!



Stop putting yourself down.

Stop doubting yourself.

Stop giving both yourself and others excuses.

You cannot stop or prevent what has happened or is going to happen to you, but…

You can control how you react to those circumstances.

In regards to language learning (more specifically, Spanish)...

Stop focusing on your mistakes…

Stop doubting your abilities…if you are learning, then you are growing in your knowledge of the language…

Stop telling yourself excuses not to study or work on the language.

I get it… A LOT has been happening in my life right now, and I do have excuses and could (and sometimes have) used them, but…

I focus on God and what gifts He has given me…

The gift of knowing Spanish and being able to both teach and help others (especially in regards to Spanish). 🙂

Por favor, stop doubting yourself and focusing on mistakes, instead…

Focus on your potential and what you could accomplish.

If you would like to know more about investing your time in learning Spanish, DM me por favor!



Dato curioso (fun fact):

Chocolate originated in México.

The Aztecs and Mayans first cultivated the cacao plant thousands of years ago.

Cacao beans were made into a drink and the beans were used a currency.

Cacao is bitter.

The sweet chocolate that we think of today did not come to be until the Spaniards discovered cacao.

They brought it back to Europe and there they added sugar to it and created what we now know as the sweet taste of chocolate.


Spanish Helped Me Learn How To Walk Again

Yes, Spanish really did help me to learn how to walk again.

Learning and knowing a second language (or third, or fourth) trains your brain to create new pathways…

You’re growing your mental capacity to be able to understand and learn NEW things…

Okay, that’s great Danielle, and I know what you are asking, how did Spanish help you learn how to walk again?

I will keep this short because it is a long story.

Almost 4 years ago I had a brain tumor removed from my front left lobe…

This part of your brain controls all movement on the right-hand side of the body and your speaking abilities.

I had the tumor removed.

When I woke up, I could not move ANYTHING on my right-hand side nor could I really talk…

I could only answer yes or no questions.

Then began my LONG process of relearning how to do everything it seemed like.

I discovered after my recovery that my language-learning ability that I had developed over time helped me in my journey of relearning things, including walking.

There was and is a hole in my brain.

My brain/mind had to work overtime to form new connections to perform basic functions like walking, going to the bathroom, writing, eating, and much, much more.

My persistence and dedication to learning a foreign language, forming new connections in my brain, conditioned my brain to be able to complete the relearning of those basic functions.

Learning, working with and speaking a foreign language is HEALTHY for your brain!

It keeps your brain active, alert and constantly creating new neurological connections.

What is amazing is that my knowledge of the Spanish language was not negatively affected.

To the frustration of my speech therapists…I would speak Spanish to them during some of our sessions. :)

They were fine with it though because I was speaking!

I am SO thankful to God for that!

Contact me if you would like to learn more about me, my story and how & what I tutor.

Gracias for taking the time to READ this very long excerpt!

**NOTE: This is NOT me in the picture (obviously), BUT the device that this man is using is what I started using when I first began my journey to being able to walk again!**

Photos from Danielle Arbo- Spanish Tutor's post 02/03/2023

DON’T MAKE THIS MISTAKE! (you probably will though, and that’s perfectly OKAY!)

Are you nervous about making a mistake while speaking the second language you have been learning?

I am still nervous and I have been studying the Spanish language for almost 20 years!

This nervousness originates from being self-conscious.

I get it. You want to say the correct thing…

But chances are very high that you will make a mistake at least once in your language-learning journey.

You need to simply acknowledge the mistake, learn from it and correct yourself and move on.

I will tell you my own embarrassing and now funny story.

I studied in Sevilla, Spain for a semester. In the program I was enrolled in we would go on various weekend trips throughout southern Spain.

One weekend we went to Granada, Spain (so beautiful!!). We visited and toured La Alhambra.

La Alhambra is a palace and fortress and is one of the most famous structures of Islamic architecture. It is also one of the best-preserved sites of the historic Islamic world.

I had a wonderful time there and wanted to express to my señora (the woman with whom I was living with in Spain) the beautiful designs that were carved into the ceilings of this magnificent palace.

Throughout my sharing of the ceilings, my señora kept trying not to smile…

Once I finished telling my tale, my señora informed me of a minor, but huge error I made.

I kept using the word, “pecho,” instead of the word, “techo.”

Pecho means, “chest,” and Techo means, “ceiling/roof.”

So I spent a good 10 minutes describing a very intricate and elaborate chest…no wonder she was trying not to smile.

It’s funny. I laugh every time I think of and/or share it with others. I am laughing right now actually.

Just one letter changed the whole meaning of the word.

My point is: Get comfortable with making mistakes. I have found people to be gracious and very helpful…

They are happy someone is taking the time and making the effort to learn their language.

Happy learning!

If you would like to know more about learning Spanish with me, leave a comment below!



Tired of wishing to be able to speak and understand Spanish?

I was too.

I was tired of not speaking the language I had studied for years.

I was tired of not understanding the language that I had studied for years.

Are you tired of this as well?

Do you wish you could speak Spanish with confidence?

Do you wish you could understand spoken Spanish?

By doing so, this opens up so many opportunities for you…

Career opportunities, travel opportunities, learning opportunities, and opportunities for potential future relationships.

All of this can happen for you if you simply let down your guard and not be afraid to be wrong.

If you would like to learn more, please DM me or set up a success-session via the link below.

¡Gracias por su atención!



So you want to learn a language…

It always seems so exciting in the beginning…

We sign up for a free app and/or purchase a language-learning program.

However, then you figure out that it takes work and time commitment to actually learn the language.

Even simply 10-30 minutes a day seems undoable with all that happens in our daily lives.

I get it. I have three young children, all under the age of 7. I also teach a full time job.

However, you need to keep the final goal in mind. What is your final goal in learning a language?

To travel?

To have a basic conversation?

To listen and determine if the person speaking that language is talking trash about you?

To simply be able to have the ability to be able to understand another language?

Whatever the reason is, you MUST put aside and schedule in 10-30 minutes a day to practice.

It is the only way you will learn a language

It is the only way you will learn any new skill.

To learn requires effort. No way around it.

You simply need to find something you want to learn and keep the end goal of why you want to learn that something in mind throughout the learning process.

It makes it easier to learn something new when you have someone to help you.

PM me if you would like to learn more about having someone to help you on your language-learning journey.


Getting over yourself.

Getting over your insecurities.

That’s what I had to learn how to do.

When one is in a foreign country where your native language is NOT spoken, you are forced to not focus on your weaknesses.

I had to do that while living in Spain.

I had studied Spanish intensively for 8 years…

When I got to Spain, I felt like I did know an ounce of what I had learned.

Spoken Spanish is WAY different from Academic Spanish.

I had to adapt to the locals’ dialect and accent.

In order to adapt I had to get over myself and the need to be right.

Once I learned to be comfortable with being wrong and making mistakes…

That’s when I truly began to learn Spanish.

Simply by overcoming my insecurities I was able to actually communicate with Spanish speakers.

Is that not the whole point of learning another language…to be able to communicate?

Respond to this post if you would like to know more of how to overcome this barrier.


Verb conjugation

I have had so many students have an EXTREMELY difficult time with verb conjugations, because…

In English, we do not really have verb conjugations like Spanish (and other languages).

I have seen students get SO frustrated that they give up, but…

I simply remind them that eventually their brain will understand it…

Our brains are all different and comprehend concepts at different moments in time in their learning process.

Once my students have not only mastered Spanish verb conjugations, but…

They also understand how those verb conjugations combine with vocabulary to form sentences.

The look of triumph and relief on their faces brings me such happiness…

They are successful…thus I am successful as a teacher.

Being successful is a wonderful feeling!

If you would like to learn more about myself and my methods, please comment below.



One thing I have discovered in my journey of leaning Spanish…

Languages represent a people and their culture.

That’s a truly beautiful thing.

Don’t just learn the language to learn a different way of communicating (which is a fantastic reason), but…

Learn a language to learn a different culture and how they live and view life.


Your greatest obstacle is your mind. You can overcome anything with the right mindset.


Painful self consciousness

Individuals are so painfully focused on their lack of abilities instead of their abilities…

In regards to language learning…

Instead of choosing to engage in conversation with someone who speaks the language you are studying…

You choose to walk away.

You need to flip your switch.

Choose to focus on what you DO know.

Choose to engage in conversation.

Get over yourself and your inefficiencies.

Talk and get to know someone else…

You will learn more aspects of the language, and…

You will get to know someone else in a different part of the world and from a different culture.

If you would like to know more, please place an X in the comments below, gracias!


If I were to create a FREE lesson on Spanish pronunciation, who would be interested?


Learning a new language is fun!

Think about all of the languages that there are in Star Wars!!

Now, I don’t teach languages found in the Star Wars series, but…

I can help build confidence in speaking Spanish.

DM me if you are interested in building your confidence in speaking Spanish!



If you could go to 1 Spanish-speaking country, which one would it be?


Foreign Language Dialogue

When opportunities to converse with someone who speaks the language you are studying presents itself…

Individuals tend to choose not to engage in conversation due to their own insecurities about their language abilities.

Insecurity is a very real and genuine emotion…

Insecurity is also very self-centered.

One needs to focus on the fact that the individual(s) they are going to speak with are not going to judge them for deficiencies…

They are going to appreciate your efforts to engage with them in their own native tongue, and…

They might even praise you for your knowledge of their language.

When learning a foreign language and beginning to speak with others of the language…

Focus more on what you do know instead of what you do not know.

When you choose to focus on what you know…

True communication and relationships develop.


Learning Mistake #3: Dialogue/Practice

When learning a second language…

One may get the vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation down, but…

They do not have the courage to practice and speak with others in that language.

They are too self-conscious of their weaknesses in the language they are learning.

The entire purpose of learning another language is to have the ability to communicate with those that speak that language.

One needs to transfer their focus on what they do know and not on what they do not know.

One needs to simply begin speaking with others.

There is no other way to get better at speaking another language than having dialogue and practicing.

Once one begins to do that, they are enjoying the fruits of their labor in learning that language.

They also will enjoy not only speaking with others, but also learning new vocabulary and another way of living.

Language is tied in with cultures.

Learning another language is not just about communicating, but also learning other cultures.

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